
The Fallen Angel

I slapped his hands away.

"Don't touch me!" I shouted at Jinyoung. He looked at me dumbfounded, not sure of what was happening.

I looked at him with fiery eyes and said, "Why do you guys like to follow me and ruin my peace? I just want to live a normal and happy life! Is that so hard? Stop following me every where and disturb me!"

I stared at Jinyoung straight in the eye. He looked back at me with questioning eyes.

"Wait, what are you talking about? I don't understand, Raphaelle." He tries to grab my hand again. I stepped back. His hand grab hold at nothing.

"Oh no, I think you know exactly what I mean. Don't you try to fool me." I said while turning my back against him.

"Please, wait Raphaelle! " Jinyoung's strong hand grabbed my shoulders and turned me back to face him. "Please, tell me. What's wrong?" Now his eyes becomes as innocent and as big as they can be, so this is what everybody calls the puppy eyes. But am I going to fall for that? Hell, no.

"Look, you better let go of me you mongrel, or I swear I'll use embalming fluid on you."

"Yeah right, as if you can get THAT fluid. The recipe for this fluid is already lost for hundreds of years."






Jinyoung put his hands over his face and wailed.

"What did I just say..."

I snorted. "Well I've never seen a fallen angel act like that before. Ridiculous."

Then I stomped away without looking back.

I can sense Jinyoung staring at my back after I left, but I don't think he will come after me anyway. I mean, if he does plan to kill me, I still have holy water in my bag, even though its not as effective as embalming fluid but it still does the trick. Actually, I bring holy water everywhere anytime, just in case.

But wrong.

"Euwah! Hey! What do you think you're doing you pea brain! Let me down, NOW! " Before I can react, the red-haired guy sprouted wings and scooped me up from the ground and head for the cherry blossom tree.

Well of course I wouldn't let him do what he wanted, so I kicked and punched and screamed at him.

"Ouch, stop moving! Or I'm gonna drop you! " He warned.

Did I mention that I'm afraid of heights? So I immediately settled down and pouted until he rested me on a tree branch. Then he perched in front of me like a bird.

"So, now what?" I crossed my arms and looked at  him.

Jinyoung fiddled with his fingers, as if not sure what to say next. The silence continued for some time, until Jinyoung cleared his throat.

"Um, Raphaelle?"

"Yes?" I rolled my eyes.

"Well, uh, can you, um, keep this a secret?" Now his eyes started to shine and he started moving towards me. I slowly backed up.

"Why should I help you anyway? There's nothing in for me, and I don't like to make a deal or something with other...ceatures." Jinyoung was still moving towards me.

"Hey, hey! Stop! Stop moving or I'll-I'll...." When I saw that he has no intention of stopping, I started to panic. Well, I've never been so close to a boy before, nevertheless a fallen. Even the holy water in my bag couldn't give me comfort anymore. But the boy ignored my words and continue to move towards me.


"OK OK! I'LL HELP YOU! SO JUST STOP WHERE YOU ARE!" I almost screamed in his ears, in fact, I think I did.

It was then only Jinyoung stopped and sat on the branch with a sly smile.

"So you promised to keep my identity a secret? Till death do you part?" He smiled at me wickedly, waiting for my answer.

I hesitated a while before answering him,"Yes...yes, I promise to keep it a secret until I die. Ya happy now?" After gaining control of myself, I stared at him with eyes of hatred. "Now can you put me down?"

Jinyoung let out a little laugh, laughs like bells tinkling and a smile so gorgeous that words can't describe.

'Well,' I thought, 'He's an angel, of course he should be above gorgeous, even though he's a fallen.'

Without any warning, Jinyoung just throw me over his back and flew into the sky, NOT TO THE GROUND.

"Hey! You said you would put me down!"

"Well I don't recall it at all, not even the slightest." Even though I can't see his face, I know that he must be smiling like an evil witch wanting to cook a child.

"You monster! I hate you! Put me down this instant!" I'm a born fighter, and I will never let anyone take me. So I scratched and howled and bit and clawed at his back, but still he refuses to fly down.

"Ouch! I didn't know you're a fighter, haha!" Jinyoung took no notice of my protestions and just continue to fly higher and higher. After some time I just had to stop, BECAUSE THE GROUND WAS SO FAR AWAY.

Jinyoung noticed my lack of reaction and slowed down, asking "Whoa whoa whoa, what's with our little fighter here? Lost her strength?"

I think my face must have paled because the sly smile on Jinyoung's face vanished after he turned and saw my face.

"Uh, Raphaelle? Do you feel ok?" He looked at me with worried eyes.

"Do I look ok?" I sounded like I was going to die.

"Ok ok, just hold on for a sec." Then Jinyoung flew slowly towards who-knows-where with me whining all the way.

Just when I thought I was going to faint, Jinyoung said to me, softly, "Hey, we're here.", and he put me down on something soft. I lied down for a while, closing my eyes and regaining my strength, only to find out what I was sitting on.

"AHHH!!" I screamed my lungs out. Jinyoung immediately put his hands over my mouth to stop me from screaming.

"Shush! You're gonna alert the angels!" He put a finger to his mouth, making a silent sign. I stifled my scream and looked at him with wide eyes that said 'Angels? Are you serious?'

"Yes, I am. We're on a cloud near the angels' castle." He then pointed to a cloud farther away.

I didn't scream this time when I saw what he was pointing, I just opened my mouth and looked in awe.

What was in the direction Jinyoung's hand was pointing was a magnificent tower.

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DeullieSa34 #1
Chapter 1: Oh~~~~ nice story:-* she can see so much things~~ I wish i can too~~good job authornim~~ update soon~~