Oh Bae.

Taming the bad boy within.

"Wakey wakey Sehun," Taeyeon calls loudly, jumping up and down on the bed with her knees. Sehun grumbles from all of the noise and jumps that he turned around onto the other side, grabs the pillow Taeyeon was sleeping on and covers his head with it. Taeyeon chuckles at Sehun's action and yanks the pillow out from his grasps. 

"Wake up!!!" Taeyeon shouts, leaning down closesly to his ear. Sehun's right arm shoots up, hooks its way around Taeyeon's neck and yanks her down. Taeyeon goes colliding right into Sehun's well built chest as he refuses to let her go, "Sehun! Let go of me!" she demands, struggling to get ouf his grasps. Sehun chuckles and continues to hold onto her tightly, "Tell me you won't scream into my ears and I'll let you go," he says. Taeyeon pouts and nods, "Fine, I won't scream into your ears."

With a satisfid smile, Sehun lets go of Taeyeon, lies on his back and lets out a loud  yawn. Taeyeon fixes her messy hair and pouts, "That was mean and heartless Sehun, I could have died by you grappling me like that." Sehun opens one his eyes to look at Taeyeon, "But you didn't," he says, closing his eye again, "and who told you to scream into my ears?"

"Well sorry sleepy head, that was the only way to wake you up from your deep slumber," Taeyeon responds and kicks Sehun on the leg, "now get your young lazy up and get dress, we're going to go to our destination." Sehun lets out another yawn before sitting up in bed and scratches his head, "Good morning Taeyeon," he greets her with a lazy smile. Taeyeon smiles back at Sehun and with another kick on the leg, she gets up from the bed and marches towards the door, "Come meet me downstairs in the lobby after you've freshen up," she says before leaving the room. 


"Where are we going?" Sehun asks, sitting in the passenger seat and looking out through the window as they pass nothing but trees and buildings. Taeyeon's grip on the steering wheel tightens as she stops at the red light, "Sehun ah," she calls softly. Sehun tears his attention away from the window and averts them to Taeyeon, "Yes?" he asks. The older of the two takes in a deep breath before letting it out, "I'm taking you to a place..."


The light turns green and she steps on the gas peddle, "It's a place where...," she bites her bottom lips as the car runs right along a cementary, "you'll need to be strong and have a strong will to face where I'm bringing you too," she says, turning to her right and enters the parking lot of the cementary. Sehun blinks a few times looking at the scenery before them, "What are we doing at a cementary Taeyeon? Did someone close to you died too?' he asks. Taeyeon simply ignored his question, unbuckles herself and exits the car, "Get out Sehun ah," she orders. Sehun slowly unbuckles himself as well and steps out of the car, "What are we doing here?" he asks again.

Taeyeon walks around the hood of her car and approaches Sehun's side. She grabs his right hand and clasps it within her hands, "Listen to me Sehun ah," she says, staring straight into his eyes, "I took you here because you need to get over your fear and guilt of your hyung," she tells him. The blood in Sehun's face flows away as his face turns pale. The color in his eyes washes away and he pulls his hand out of her grasps, "Why did you bring me here?" he asks in a deep serious tone of voice. Taeyeon takes in a deep breath and steps closer to him, "I know you don't want to be here Sehun but...but you'll have to face it one day."

"I'll face everything when I feel like it," he replies, turning back to enter the car but Taeyeon yanks him away from the car door and slams it shut, "You can't be running away forever Sehun," she says, her voice growing a bit louder than usual. Sehun rolls his eyes, stuffs his hands into his pockets and kicks a stone lying beside him, "I'm not running away," he answers her.

"You are...you may not think you are but to anyone who knows your story knows that you are. You're scared because you're still blaming yourself for Bae's death."

"Dont' say his name!" he shouts angrily, looking up to stare at Taeyeon with angry eyes and tears threatening to fall down. 

"You want to cry don't you?" she asks. Sehun sniffs and wipes away his tears, "Shut up," he mumbles, sniffling as well. Taeyeon sighs and leans onto the car door, "I'm sorry that I took you here even though you had refused to come when you were discussing it with your mom."

"My mom? Wait, how do you know that I was talking to my mom about this?" he asks.

"Your mother called me last week, she wants you to visit B...your hyung's grave, she thinks that it's time for you to visit your brother because he misses you a lot," she answers. Sehun gives a tsk sound and looks away into the distant, "How would you know," he mumbles.

"I may not have the ability to see ghosts or talk to them but Sehun ah, I'm sure your brother would like to see you, he hasn't seen you for years now."


"Listen Sehun," Taeyeon takes in a deep breath and swipes her bangs out from her face, "like I said earlier to you, you can't be running away from this forever. You say that you're not and that you're not ready yet and that's perfectly fine but when are you ready to face everything? When hm? When are you going to take a step forward and come visit your brother's grave? Are you going to wait another 5 to 10 years? Maybe even 20 years when you're already old old and can't even walk? Instead of shunning yourself away from the reality, why don't you face it with a strong will and take a step forward?"

Sehun looks up into the blue sky with white clouds and lets out a breath, "If you want to see hyung's grave then you go on ahead," he says, "I'm going in." Taeyeon frowns, walks up to Sehun and grabs his arm, "Hey," she calls, yanking him around so that he was forced to look at her.

"What?" he asks annoyed.

Taeyeon raises a hand and slaps Sehun across the right cheek, "Quit being such a wuss to visit your brother's grave. Do you expect your brother to be happy to see me standing there talking about your cowardness?" Sehun rubs his cheek and spits onto the ground, "Then don't go," he simply answers her, "because I'm not going in there no matter how much you force me to." Frowning even more, Taeyeon pushes Sehun away, "Fine, be a coward and run away from your problems forever. But remember Sehun ah, running away from your problems instead of facing it and coming up with a solution will only make you a weaker person in the future," with that Taeyeon turns her back onto Sehun and walks towards the gate of the cementary. 


Sehun walks down the empty road by himself while kicking random rocks lying here and there. He stops to stare at the quiet scenery in front of him. The cold lifeless trees stands next to each other in a row with no leaves onto the cold thin branches. The green grass lying beside the trunk of the trees stayed moist from the cold chilling morning mist. Once in a while a car would pass him by, causing a gush of cold wind to brush up against his body. Sehun shivers in his spot and cuddles closer to gain heat. He continues to walk down the sidewalk, lost in deep thoughts. After walking for another good 3 mintues, he then decides to take a rest on the curb of the street. He walks up to the curb and sits down on the cold gray sidewalk. Sehun picks up a rock lying beside his right shoe and plays with it in his hands. He stops to admire the dark gray stone as it warmed up in his hands from being tossed around in his hands for awhile now, "Maybe...," he says softly, staring deep down at the rock as if the rock is able to see him. He takes in a deep breath and chucks the rock across the street and looks up at the blue skies. The white puffs of clouds were slowly making their away across the blue sky as the light wind pushes them forward, "Time isn't waiting for me," he says, "just like how these clouds don't wait for anything," he stands up from his sitting are and dusts off his , "I guess it is time to face reality instead of shunning myself away from it..."


"Thank you," Taeyeon thanks the person who was working at the cementary and walks down a certain aisle looking for Bae's grave. Once she reaches the clean stone looking grave, she bends down and places a hand on the cold stone, "Hi there Bae shi," she begins with a smile, "I'm Kim Taeyeon, the person who is currently taking care of your younger brother while your guys parents are away on business trips on the weekdays." She lets out a breath of smoke and slowly runs her fingers down the grave stone, feeling every little rocky bumps on the grave stone and stopping right before the carvings of Bae's name, "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to convince Sehun to come see you. He's here around here somewhere, maybe still back at the car but...," she shuts her eyes, "he's still blaming himself for your death," and reopens them, "I'm sure you've forgiven him for not listening to you...or maybe you've never blamed him for your death."

From far away, Sehun stands there watching as Taeyeon talks to his brother's grave, "Why do you exists?" he asks himself, watching every move that Taeyeon takes. He takes in a deep breath and slowly makes his way over to Taeyeon.

"But you can't blame him though..."

"You sure know how to talk to a stone," Sehun says behind her. Taeyeon jumps from suprisement and turns around to face Sehun, "Sehun ah," she calls, "what are you doing here?" she asks, standing up. Sehun ignores her question and squats down to brush away dirt from his brother's grave, "Hey hyung," he says, voice cracking. Taeyeon smiles and places a hand on Sehun's shoulder then squeezes it, "I'm going to give you alone time with your brother, when you're done come and meet me at the car okay?" Taeyeon was about to lift her hand off of his shoulder when Sehun quickly grasps it, "Stay with me," he mutters.


"I said, stay with me," he repeats himself, turning to look at her, "be my strength while I'm here confessing..."

Taeyeon stands there blinking her eyes, a silence falling over the two for a second, "Please," he says. Taeyeon gulps and nods, "O...okay." Sehun then turns back around to stare at Bae's grave, "How long has it been hyung? I'm sorry for never visiting you...or attending your funeral," Sehun gulps a large bump in his throat and sniffs, "I know you don't want me to be blaming myself for the accident but...but only if I listened to you at that time...maybe you would be...," he lift his hand up and wipes his nose. Taeyeon squeezes his shoulder again, signaling for him to take in a deep breath before continuing and signaling him that she's here to be his strength. Sehun takes in a shakey breath, "Hyung...I..." he closes his mouth and his lips quivers as tears streams down his cheeks. Taeyeon squeezes his shoulder once more and when she does so, Sehun turns to her and wraps his arms around her waist, "I...I can't do it...I just can't...," he cries. Taeyeon hugs Sehun around the head tightly and softly pats him, "It's okay...take your time, take it slowly. What matters right now is that you were able to face your brother and I'm sure he's happy that you did that...just...just go slowly okay?" she cooes. Sehun continues to cry and nods as he hugs her tighter.

After 10 mintues or maybe even more, of silence, Sehun pulls away from Taeyeon and stands up, "Are you okay Sehun ah?" Taeyeon asks. Sehun nods and wipes away the remaining tears stained on his face. He turns around to look at his brother's grave and cracks a smile on his face, "Today...I wasn't able to say much to you hyung but...when the next time rolls by, I'll make sure to give you a longer message."

Taeyeon smiles as she listens to every words coming out from Sehun's mouth. She reaches out and rubs his back soothingly, "You did great Sehun ah," she tells him. Sehun turns to look at her, "You think so?" he asks.

She nods, "You were very brave to come after you refused it in the first place."

"Yeah...," he looks down at his shoes.

"Oh and Sehun?"

"Yeah?" he asks, looking up at her again.

"I...I'm sorry for taking you here without your consent...I..."

Sehun grabs Taeyeon by the arms and pulls her in for a hug, "No," he says, cutting her off, "Thank you...thank you for making me realize that I have been running away from reality the whole time." Taeyeon blushes from the hug but smiles, "You...you're welcome Sehun ah." Sehun pulls away from Taeyeon and touches her face, "Taeyeon..."

"Hm?" she asks, feeling like a puddle of goo as Sehun continues to caress her face and stare right into her eyes.

"I like you," he says. 

Taeyeon smiles warmly up at him, "I like you too."


Alright...done with this chapter...so what did you think?

OMFG!! Guys, I think I'm liking this story more than Step Brother. LOL. What do you think? Do you agree with me or not? LOL. >.<

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Fn-town #1
Chapter 21: Update soon please author-nim
Chapter 21: update soon . i will wait untill this story complete..^^
Chapter 20: i will wait for you to comeback...
Chapter 19: i really really like and really reallyy love this ff..
Chapter 18: seyeon moment in this chapter was amazing. so sweeeeetttt..
Chapter 17: nice chapter..
Chapter 16: i want taeyeon with sehun forever..
Chapter 15: im redy too. to read the next chapter.. hihi
Chapter 14: i read this while hear taeyeon song.. such a great time..
Chapter 13: omooooo