Just Another Ordinary Morning

Identity Switch

"No, no, no, No Mercy!!!" You reach over to the table beside your desk and grab your phone. It's 6:30 in the morning and someone is calling you. You check the caller I'D and notice its your best friend.


You answer your phone with a groggy "Hello". Then as a response your friend screams happily into her phone. You quickly cover it and listen to see if your parents heard. Once you know that they are still asleep you pull the phone back to your ear.


"Do you mind!" You angrily whisper to your friend. "Do you know what time it is? It's 6:30 in the morning! This must have been important!" "It is, I swear!" She cries. "Shhhhh!" You yell back at her. Your parents are still asleep.


"So what's this important news?" "My favourite rookie group is coming to our school today!" She squeals. You start racking your brain trying to remember what that group is. You finally give up and ask "Who?"


"It's SNSD!"

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Chapter 2: Update soon ^^
koolkat99 #2
Chapter 2: Sorry I havn't updated in a long time. Hope you enjoy!
mondaycoupleRM #3
Chapter 1: Please update soon...
koolkat99 #4
Chapter 1: This is my first story. I will try to add some every night. ^~^ thanx!!