The Infinite Project - The Chaser


Oh boy, it's been a while, but I'm finally updating this fanfic ! :D


I don't even think anyone is excited to read it ;u; but thanks for those who actually are ! eue


This fanfic is about Infinite (obviously), but I followed along with their Chaser storyline and tried to make it my own by adding superpowers to them. After Destiny came out, I was completely ruined because they all had received new powers that I hadnot given them -_-

But this is why I'm finishing the Chaser now. I want them to originally have the superpowers I gave to them before Destiny! Justice shall be served for this fanfic!


Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy! :D




The characters in this story all have unique superpowers that they can use either bad or good. With the powers they have now, they must save the world. Every one of them, given the power of different Gods, must somehow accept each other and unite to stop the destruction of the world. Our world is coming to an end and so will theirs if they don't fight it.

The Pandora's box that is hidden away from the eye can only be found by one person and one person only - Pandora herself. The Prophet, who plans to use the powers locked away in the box against the world, wants to destroy Pandora and take the key. With this power, she can conquer the world. But will she be powerful enough to handle it?



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