Childhood Memories

Smash Into You

Adult Life: Year 2014, Age 20

These yellow tainted four walls that blankly stared back at me; they haunted me, and sniggered at me, in my moments of trepidation. They reminded me of him, our reminiscences we once shared, and the memories that were so restraint and distance now. I hanged my head low blinking down on the floor, hoping that it would at least not twine up a moment in my existence with him in it. The emotional spiral that harbored inside me hasn’t released yet. I wanted to scream, but when I did attempt to, nothing would come out, not even a squeak would be heard from my mouth.  I wanted to cry out my feelings, allow all the unwanted feelings that lingered inside my body to release, but no tears emerge to fall. And as gravely as I wanted to wreck everything in my home that reminded me of him, I didn’t have the energy to do so. So, here I was lying on my floor, as my mind mimicked me, teased me, and laughed at me in my era of agony.  Taunts of how foolish I was echoed through my ears, loud and clear. I learned my lesson, the hard core truth; ‘Never fall in love with someone who doesn’t love you back’.  


Grade School: Year 1999-2000, Age 5-6

I gripped onto my mother’s hand firmly, frightened that the slightest loss of touch and I would lose her. We crossed the streets, as I observed my surroundings. There were hordes of people in front of the school, mothers and fathers holding onto their children dear lives. I was terrified as a five year old, I’ve never witness these mass amounts of people, they all moved in a swift motion toward the entrance of the building.

I stopped shortly, terrified. I wasn’t ready yet, I didn’t want to face this world alone without my mother. Tears started swelling inside my eyes, as I tried my hardest to take steady breaths. I couldn’t go out to this new domain, not yet at least; I wanted to turned my heels around and run back inside the car, safe and sound near my family, but my mother’s grasp on my hand disappear. I snapped my head up, facing her; she gradually kneeled down in front of me, wiping the tears that were unceasingly drenching down face.

She held a sorrow facial expression, biting into her lips tightly, “Oh, Minzy what are we going to do with you?” Her hands now placed on my shoulder, massaging it while I cried.

“I-I d-dd-on’t w-want to g-go t-t-to school.” I croaked out, sobbing hardly. I felt my mother pull me in closer to her, as she my hair continuously, whispering comforting words in my ears.

As my moans became short lived, she freed me, smiling the well-known smile she always gave me to ensure me that everything will go seamlessly well. “Honey, you’ll love it here, I promise. Remember what I said in the car?”

I bobbed my head knowingly. How could I forget? She promised me a bash of sweets if I did well in school today.

My mom lightly kissed my cheeks,” That’s my girl”; she stood up holding onto my hand once again. “Now, Minzy I want you to become an independent young woman when you grow old. So, I want you to go to the front of the gates of the school and the lady in the red shirt well led you to your classroom.” I look up at my mother distraughtly, as she pointed towards the lady in a black hat, and short sleeveless red shirt near the entrance gate of the school.

“I love you; I’ll come back, and pick you up at 2:00pm, okay?” My mother bent down planting another one of her soft kisses on my forehead.

I nodded, and bid my goodbyes, it hurt me deep down that I was isolated from the people I knew; and now here I was standing foot in an area that I had no clue existed.


I walked inside the classroom; my ear immediately perking up, from corner to corner, the classroom was occupied by kids my age babbling about god knows what. I drag my feet across the room only to see a tall old woman with round glasses approaching me, I automatically assume it was the teacher she lead me through a group of kids and introduced me to all of them. I didn’t quite remember their names or faces, but that’s when I grasp the idea that kindergarten was amazing. Throughout the entire day, there wasn’t a moment were I wasn’t smiling. My mother words of wisdom were corrected, like always. School was the definition of a playground, I met new people who became my friends instantly, but there was only one classmate of mines that caught my undivided attention. I was literally memorized by him. His smile made me smile and when he would announce a joke, I would catch myself tittering over it. Soon enough, did I realize that I wasn’t the only one captivated by him or enamored by him; every single soul plus the teacher was enthralled by his charm. I felt insecure and cautious for the first time; my legs wouldn’t allow me to approach him. So, instead of being like everybody else who talked, and dangled around with him. I would watch him from a far distant.


First Grade: Year 2000-2001, Age 6-7

It’s been a full year since kindergarten, and I was eagerly excited for the new year. I walked inside my first grade classroom, scanning every single face of my peers, only looking for a particular face. I took a seat at a table filled with a few students, as my eyes still roamed around the room looking for him.

“Who are you looking for?”

I turned my gaze upon seeing a girl seating right next to me. She wriggled her nose, as one of her scrawny fingers touched the bridge of her nose to pull back her round enormous spectacles that were draping down her face. She smiled politely at me, engrossed in what I was looking for. I smiled back awkwardly fidgeting in my seat, “No one, really”. I shrugged my shoulders to indicating that her curiosity wasn’t going to be answered.

She nodded unfazed. Tangling one out of two of her ponytails with her fingers, “Oh, Well I’m Lee Chaerin”. She formed a crooked smile, holding out one of her free arms for a handshake.

I shook her hand, and smiled back, “Nice to meet you Chaerin, My name is Gong Minzy.”

That’s how I meet my long time best friend.


Second Grade: Year 2001-2002, Age 7-8

I was highly thwarted that he wasn’t in my class last year. It left a salty taste in my mouth, and I desperately hoped, wished, and prayed that he would be in my class this year. Seems as though God has answered my prayers, because here I was in the same class as him, but better yet he was seated in the same table as me. I couldn’t hide my happiness; I was basically beaming from ear to ear. I still haven’t found out his name, but I was determine that at least this year I would find out what this enchanted face of his, name was.  I sat in a table of four, across from me was Jung Krystal a beauty in every boys eyes and seating next to her was mystery boy, and across form him was Chaerin. God was truly on my side this year.

Throughout the months of second grade, I stalked him; everywhere he went I would follow him from a distant. Even though I hardly exchanged words with him, something inside me triggered whenever he was near. I felt my face flush when he uttered out single words, I felt chills run down my spine whenever he laughed, and I felt my heart skip a beat whenever he made direct eye contact with me. I asked my mother one day what these feelings I was getting meant and her and was simple and short…Love.

So does that mean, I fell for a guy that I barely know of?



A/N: First chapter! What do you guys think about it so far? I’ll continue the rest of the grade school in the second chapter. I’m not making any promises that this story will have a happy ending…(truthfully I’m not sure, Actually never mind I do know, Ha, I’ll just let you guys guess) Until next time…

Thank you guys for subscribing and commenting!

P.S. I got inspired to write this short story because of Beyonce song ‘Smash Into You’


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Chapter 3: Oh goddddddd!!! Your story are so mee~ Ah, this story is so sad.. Just like my crush life.. I wanna screammmmm!!
jiwonku #2
Chapter 3: Please update authornim... your story is good....
Chapter 3: please update this ;______________;
Chapter 3: Will Jay come to Minzy's rescue? Or Will Kai Fall for her OTL all thisss built up curiosity. Minzy dun be saddd T_T
Chapter 2: Oooh this is interesting ^^
Chapter 2: Aww this is such a sad chapter. It's really sad to see how Minzy how her first heartbreak and stuff. ):
Chapter 2: Waahh you updated!!! YYYYIIIPPPPEEEE. kekkee. Hope you update more ! :D the story kind of a "real" story to me. since half of the story was exactly the same I had experienced/felt. heh.

Chapter 2: kyaaa! I love this. though it is heartbreaking to see Minzy hurt like that with Kai being together with Krystal. Then again, I understand her situation well considering I've been there countless times. sigh.

can't wait for next chapter.
Chapter 1: finally a fic with kaiminzy as a main couple! Thank you.