Part 1/2.

A single tear rolled down his cheek.


He didn't know why, but when he saw his best friend who was chatting happily with an other boy, when he saw his best friend, who had always been someone who wasn't really fond of skinship, hugging that boy, his heart stopped and without him noticing a tear rolled down on his cheek. An only one. A lonely one. But it was here. He felt it, rolling down slowly. It stopped under his chin. And he wiped it in a furious move.


For quite some time now, he had felt that his best friend was receding in the speed of light from him. They didn't chat as often as before, and even if they were still friends, still talking sometimes, HyukJae had felt that the gap between them was growing day by day. He wondered several times if it was his fault, or if his friend just had forgotten him, because of that guy ! And he came to hate that guy, that had stolen his friend from him.


After being alone for the 2 last weeks of the holidays, without his best friend, without talking to him, without aswering his calls and messages, he had to go back to social life, to his student life. There, he saw two of his friends. Both of them were really worried because they hadn't heard about HyukJae for a long time ! A little brown guy came running towards Hyukae, and hugged him tightly.


« Everything's okay RyeoWook, I'm still alive !  Replied HyukJae, while hugging him back. »


RyeoWook, hit him, because he was an idiot ! Because he had worried everyone ! His other friend, came and hugged him too. KyuHyun wasn't fond of skinship neither, but he had been really worried for HyukJae too.


The three friends went to their respectives classrooms. And once again the problem was coming back. HyukJae's seat was next to DongHae's. He would have to talk for sure.


The teacher came in, but DongHae was nowhere to be seen.


He entered, two minutes after the teacher did, in a complete mess, panting, unfixed hair , and above all, he was holding that guy's hand.


The new pupil, had to introduce himself, and HyukJae learnt that the guy's name was HeeChul. Now, he will have to compete against him. HeeChul.


Just after that, HeeChul and DongHae had to take a seat, and since there was only one seat next to HyukJae, they just sat in the raw before HyukJae's one. The latter glared at them, and bring his atteention back to the teacher who was presenting the programme for the year.


DongHae felt bad for his friend, for leaving him behind, but he had to help his cousin. HeeChul was korean, but he had grown in the USA and wasn't accostumed to the korean culture. He had no problem with talking or writing but he didn't have any manners.


He turned back to see his best friend, this one was trying to avoid his stare, by looking at the teacher. But even if HyukJae was trying to hold back the tear that wanted to escape his eyes, DongHae didn't miss the tear that, once more, rolled down on his best friend's cheek. There was just one tear, but he felt really bad, maybe he should have more time with him.


The rest of the lesson went by quickly. Everyone was taking notes as he wanted to. And then, when they finally took a break. HyukJae hurried, put his notebooks and his pencil case in his bag and went out of the classroom. Obviously avoiding DongHae and that HeeChul guy.


He directly went to KyuHyun's classroom. The younger one looked him with a curious look. Then he quickly saw the link. There were not a lot of people who were able to make HyukJae very happy or very sad. There were only one person. DongHae.


While HyukJae was going to the cafeteria, KyuHyun grabbed his hand, took him to a place where there was nobody and asked him :


« Hyuk, you have to tell me what's going on ? What happened to make you that sad ?! »


The latter, looked up, to find the other gaze. He wondered if he would feel better after telling KyuHyun the story. And after a while, he decided to do it.


« He … He's completely leaving me alone ! He doesn't care about me anymore ! He's always around that guy, that HeeChul guy ! He even sat next to him ! Come on we have always sat next to each other ! He's totally betraying the friendship we had, he's betraying me ! »


- Don't you think you're overreacting ? I'm sure he didn't mean this way !


- Do you think I am exaggerating ? Someone he doesn't even know break into the picture, and he totally forget me ! Do you think that's right ? Well, sorry for caring for my best friend then ! »


He looked once again into his friend's eyes, but KyuHyun lowered his gaze after the outburst of his friend. Quite frightening though ! HyukJae took his jacket and left. He regretted it – he didn't want to lose all of his friends but he couldn't help it – a drop of water ran down on his cheek. And he blamed himself for being that sensitive.




Part 2 is coming soon, I just wanted you to have the beginning quickly, since you can't really judge on a summary ^^ 

Thank you for reading ! :) 

Well I think I'll post part 2 tomorrow morning, I have already translated it, but I'd like one or two comments to know what you think ^^ 

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Chapter 2: This so totally cute. i have a soft spot for possessive hyukjae.
heechulzpetal #2
Chapter 2: Tsiyskhdkhdyditsy
That was so adorable!
heechulzpetal #3
Chapter 1: aigo poor hyukjae, maybe donghae should let him know that its actually his cousin haha love it! update soon! :D
heechulzpetal #4
Chapter 1: aigo poor hyukjae, maybe donghae should let him know that its actually his cousin haha love it! update soon! :D
moonlight_bat #5
Chapter 1: sad. hae at least has to explain why he behaved that way. bad hae