
Saving Grace

Again? Why does it keep raining? He thought to himself. It's not the first time it happened. He sighed, looking around the room. It wasn't infatuation, he insisted. It's love. He wished he didn't love her. If he didn't, it wouldn't have happened. Feelings were stirring up inside of him as he fought the urge to let those silver droplets leak from his eyes. He wanted to scream, shout, and rant. His heart was slowly tearing as each rainy day passed. Each day brought him both into hysterics and euphoria.

Shouldn't tears be of pain? The hurt would kill wouldn't it? He managed to survive for these past few months, thanks to the moments that made him smile despite the tears. What moments? Their first meeting, their first official talk, and them becoming friends officially, becoming best friends and what tore him the most; the day he thought he would finally have a chance with her. He recalled them every rainy day, each one giving him both pain yet pleasure.

He smirked, thinking about what he had done to his competition, the one who his girl loved. Who was he? What did he do? What happened? Why? Each question was slowly answered as he thought about the man he had taken down. That was the politest way to phrase it.

He didn't just take him down; he did a sinful deed that would haunt him for the rest of his life. After the incident, he was hated. Hated by his family, the media, the fans, famous idols, and worst of all; his beloved girl.

It was an idol. His competition was an idol. He got agitated after seeing him for the first time. Technically speaking, not the first time. He had seen him many times before. He was his best friend in fact, his trusted friend who he had gotten into so many arguments with before.

Yes, the very man who was haunted by guilt, whose heart was broken every rainy day, who was hated on, is, or was, an idol. A famous idol, from a popular group named Infinite. He was once known as the tree, greasy, cute and known for his powerful voice. Yeah, you're right. He's Nam Woohyun aka Namstar.

Woohyun was about to take a jump, a jump that would kill himself and end the pain once and for all.

The pressure from his parents to do well in school, combined with bullying incidents and the worst pain of all, the death of his sister.

She stopped it.

Park Mihyun.

She was his reason to live, but even she was taken from him.

He transformed into a happy-go-lucky guy who just debuted with his group of new friends. The previous day, the girl he loved said that she loved him, making him happy. He didn't know it was sibling like love. He had planned an exciting evening out with her and was going to ask her out. He was floating on cloud nine and didn't see the sad reality happening right in front of his face.

That same day, he was waiting at a café for his one and only. She had called him, excited, and wanted to tell him a fantastic piece of news. He was hoping that she had realised his love for her and had wanted to tell him. Alas, he was deluding himself. Rain was splashing down, and he thought of his first meeting with her. The second he heard her tinkling laugh was the second his heart was broken. He felt his heart smash onto the floor and into a million pieces.

She was with him. The person she least expected, his very own group mate. Kim Sunggyu. He almost stormed out of the café, if not for the fact that she wanted to see him. "Woohyun oppa," the girl smiled, "I want you to meet my boyfriend, Kim Sunggyu!" The way her face lit up when she spoke his name almost killed him. He couldn't stand the pain he was feeling. "I'm sorry, I have to go now, I have something to do." He ran out without a second glance at the couple.

-in the present-

He ran out into the rain, letting it soak himself, letting it mix with his tears. He ran towards the Han River, which had been a source of his sadness before he met her. He almost jumped in, not caring about anything anymore. Before he could, he felt a petite hand grab his shoulder. He turned around, thinking it was her. It turned out to be a young girl, who looked just like her, younger by a few years, but the looks were almost the same. "Please don't go. I need you." He reached out to her face, but she dissipated. I'm dreaming, he thought. I'm so stupid; I fell for someone who would never like me back. He wanted to end his life for real, when a pair of arms circled his waist. He gritted his teeth, thinking that it was another illusion. "Please! I don't know you, but don't end your life just like that!" The voice of the girl was completely different from his beloveds. He turned around to see a beautiful young girl staring at him, big brown eyes full of worry. He was taken aback at her beauty.

"Hello Woohyun, I'm your guardian angel from Heaven, assigned to protect you since birth," she smiled at him sweetly. "What could you do for me? I lost the person I care about the most! You can't help me. I'm useless without her..." he broke down and fell to his knees. She grabbed him firmly before dragging him back to his apartment. "I can help you, Woohyun, only if you want me to." Firm eyes stared back into broken, dead ones.

He pulled her into his arms, and without hesitation she relaxed. He cried into her shoulder, as she soothed him the best she could. "Don't go, don't leave me, please. I need you." His broken heart seemed to heal the second she hugged him back, assuring him that she would never leave him. It was not only her duty, but she had been allowed to do so after falling for him while she watched over him, also seeing as she could heal his heart.

He couldn't control himself. "I have to tell you. I have to talk about this," he spoke softly. "I killed him. Her. Myself."


He had just exited the club, drunk and half conscious. The second he spotted Sunggyu walking near him, he gripped the beer bottle in his hand tightly, and smashed it on Sunggyu's head. He dropped to the floor, unconscious, head coloured with green and red. Walking away as if nothing had happened, he walked back to his apartment, before passing out on the floor.

The next morning, he woke up on the floor, memories rushing back into his brain. "What have I done?" He ran to his room and packed his things, leaving a picture of him and his beloved behind, with a note next to it.

A few hours later, she ran into his apartment after finding out that both Woohyun and Sunggyu were missing, only to find it almost empty. She ran to the table, picked up the note and read silently. She screamed in horror and shock as she tumbled to the floor in a series of hysterics.

My beloved,

I never had the courage to tell you this and I never will. I love you. I can never face you after what I have done, I had to run away. I'm so sorry. I was drunk, it was an accident. My pent-up feelings to him could not be controlled. You will get a call soon, and everything will be explained. I cannot express my sorrow at what I have done. If you never want to see me again, your wish has come true. I have left, for good, and will never be back again. I just want you to know that I have always loved you.

Goodbye forever,

Nam Woohyun

She picked up her phone, hands shaking at realization of what he did. Once he was confirmed dead, she threw herself against the wall, shrieking in hate. "Nam Woohyun! I will never forgive you!" She didn't know that the killer himself was standing right outside his own apartment. He left, disappearing to the place that he had to call home now.

-3 days later after the incident-

It has been reported that Miss Park Mihyun has killed herself due to her own boyfriend being murdered. The reporters say that they had seen her throw herself out the window, committing suicide. She wrote a note expressing how she felt and she mentioned-

Woohyun turned the TV off. He didn't want to hear anymore. He screamed in frustration, once, expressing his feelings.

-back to the present-

"I have been through the same as you, actually. Can I explain?" she asked before gesturing to the young man to answer.

"My name is Grace. I used to live in Korea before I passed on from this world. My twin sister died at birth since I was birthed first and we were overly premature. They couldn't save her." she paused and took a deep breath before continuing.

"My parents hated me for it and i was constantly abused by them. Since they were my parents, I never told on them or hurt them. And just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, my friends in school turned against me and got people to pitch into bullying me and I kept everything a secret, since I thought no one cared. Then a light suddenly came into my life.

That light was an old guy friend of mine, and he said he liked me and we got together. A month later, he called his girlfriend over, and yes, I didn't know about her. So she thought I seduced him and she beat me up with his help. I was bruised, bloodied and left to die. But I was optimistic, and I moved out of my house and transfered schools. I never got together with anyone out of fear because of the previous incident, but I was fairly happy.

Now, the reason why I was assigned to you was because you and me are alike. We both suffered alot while we were still young, but you can be saved like how I was saved. You need to pick yourself up again and look at the brighter side of life. It's hard, because of the deaths you caused, but you must look up and keep moving forward. I can help you, which is why I'm here.

I can grant you this much; I can change your life around a bit. I can make sure you became too scared to kill yourself, remove her from your life and you can still debut successfully. This chance has a consequence though, you will forget everything you have learned about me today, and forget that I gave you this talk. Do you want to take this chance?" she asked, a large smile on her face.

"Yes." he said without hesitation.

She chuckled at his enthusiam and commented, "You'll see me again soon."

As Woohyun pondered over her words, she snapped her fingers once, and time was reversed, lives changed.

-one week later-

He was transfered into a new school by his parents once they found out about the bullying and he was to start school today.

Just as the principal was about to usher him into the hall, he thought about a beautiful girl in a long white dress. He had been doing so for the past week after giving up on his suicide attempt.

When he returned back to his senses, he saw a petite girl in front of him. He gaped at the resemblence between her and his angel.

With a sparkling smile, she introduced herself. "Hello Woohyun, I'm the school's Student Council President, Grace."

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Chocolatemushrooms #1
Chapter 1: Hehehe, I'm going back to your older stories XD
Anyway, I really like this one. It was a sad story but it was also sort of realistic. I can't imagine myself committing suicide, but the part when Woohyun killed Sunggyu was understandable. It must have been too much for him to handle. OMG YOU SHOULD WRITE A SEQUEL where you focus on Woohyun getting over his past love for Grace ^^
OTL Mieun and Isabel xD
Chapter 1: ;~; SO AWESOME OMFG
Sounds awesome. Lemme help you promote your storehh xD