

“Forever can never be long enough for me
To feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do”
Marry MeTrain

He feels like he’s career is already at its peak. Anything he release, endorses or does will just make it the news. His popularity is soaring just like that and it’s not like he is bragging about it but that’s what anyone can see. Amongst his group, he often has scandals following him that he’s already numb from it. Truthfully, scandals that happened to him made him learn and realize that he didn’t care what other people think about him. People like his songs whether they like him personally or not. He writes songs that people can relate and that’s what he wants to think. 

If anything, he doesn’t even care whether media feasts on his life and if their current hobby is to pick on everything he does. Seriously, he doesn’t give a damn but someone close to him does. 

“Frowning like that would get you wrinkles in an early age, Jiyong.” Dara as she gave him a cup of hot milk. “Drink this.” 

“A milk?” Jiyong asked with a raised eyebrow but accepted what she offered. If he didn’t, he’ll see disappointment and embarrassment in her eyes and he can’t have that. If anything, it’s her she never wants to disappoint. “I’m not a baby, Dy.” 

She scoffed at him as she drinks her own and smiled, “Milk is not just for babies.” He was about to protest when she added, “But you’re sounding like one for even whining about it.” She pouted, “If you don’t like it… I guess I can give it to Ri instead.” 

“Yah! Don’t even think about it.” Jiyong exclaimed and drank his milk a little bit faster than he planned to, making him choke a bit. She laughed as she caressed his back to help him and whispered, “Such a baby.” 

For the life of him, he feels his cheeks reddened at her words and made her laugh more. At least one of them enjoys this, he smilingly thought. He looked at her and saw the dark circles surrounding her eyes. She looks so tired from the series of their concert and she looks a little thinner. But that’s just him. If he told her about it, she’ll deny it and defends herself saying she gained a pound or two. Then she’ll pout some more and making her look so adorable in his eyes. 

Her eyes look exhausted and he can’t help but be amaze on how she can still look so beautiful and fresh at the same time. Rarely does she sport any heavy makeup. Often times, he about how Minzy looks more like a lady than her nowadays and she just laughed it off telling him that if she starts putting on some makeup, he’ll be like a madman following her all around and threatening people to stay away from her. Of course, he’ll deny it but he can see it happening to him. 

She’s a bundle of happiness to him and he can never thank god enough for giving her to him. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve someone like her but he’s blessed to have her. Unlike what his fans think of, he feels that he can never be the man enough for her but he wanted to be. Words against him can never hurt him that much but words against her because of her close association with him hurts the most. 

This girl who is so pure and kind receiving every kind of hate because of her close relationship with him and his group and it’s just the reason why he hates it when they’re in front of the camera. People judge them when they’re in it. The heavy price of fame is an image they certainly need to keep up.

Maybe he remained too silent that a frown slowly formed on her face as she asked, “Are you okay? Did your tummy hurt from the milk?” She cups his face and placed her forehead on his trying to gauge his temperature, “You don’t have a fever or such…” Worriedly, Dara asked, “What’s the problem? Is it another headache again?” 

Jiyong catches her hand and holds it tightly before he bends down to kiss them. 

Looking straight on her eyes, he whispered, “Did I tell you how much I’m blessed to have you in my life?” 

She smiled like an angel sent from heaven as she shook her head. 

“Then I’m telling you now. I am blessed to have you and even my family thinks so too.” He said as he guides her hand on his face and rubs his cheeks on her hands. “I don’t even know why you choose to be with me when I’m not the easiest person to be with.” 

She let out a few chuckles and answered teasingly, “It’s not like you’ve given me a lot of choices.” 

And that made him remember how he protected her against other guys. He defended himself, “But they’re not good enough for you.” 

“Are you?” Dara asked with her hopeful eyes. He closed his before he stared at her again and answered, “I hope so.” She freed her hands and flicked her on his forehead as she said, “Of course you are, idiot. If not, I wouldn’t have chosen you, right?” 

He smiled and planted a light kiss on her lips. 

“You do know that I’m not planning on letting you go, right?” Jiyong smirked as he caught one of her hands again. 

She laughed nervously, “I hope so.” 

Hearing her sounded so unsure about this made him frown. With a smile, “You’ll marry me, right?” 

Thinking that it was just a joke, she replied, “Sure, anytime, Jiyong.” 

“I can't help that I like to be kissed
And I wouldn't mind if my name changed to Mrs.
This is one side, my conventional side”
Marry MeNo Doubt

She stretched out her hands as she looked around and found no one. She never realized that she had fallen asleep after their practice. Even if their comeback is not yet scheduled, she and the girls were practicing their dance and recording songs that they never knew when it will be released. Now this is unusual as most of the time, Bom or Minzy would wait for her until she wakes up or wakes her up so they can return back home. But now, it’s just empty. 

She checked her phone and found no messages that made her frown. This is really weird but she guessed that the girls are just too tired that they forget about her. Now that made her a little bit sad and disappointed even if she shouldn’t be. It’s just her being sensitive. Shaking her head, she grabs her things and that’s when she saw the note fall out. 

“Eh, what’s this?” She asked herself as she bends down to pick it up. Then she smiled as she read Bom’s neat handwriting, “Dara-yah, I was supposed to wake you up so we can eat ddukboki but your jerk of a boyfriend told me you got plans so I left. Oh and don’t try to call me because I may pick up some boy toys along the way. Hoho. Love, Bommie.” 

That made her laugh. Yes, the note is definitely from her friend but the most puzzling thing is that she didn’t remember any plans with Jiyong or did she just forget about it? Is she getting senile or Bom has just used Jiyong to excuse herself? There’s only one way to find out and that’s to find Jiyong.

Looking at the time, she guessed that maybe he is at the recording studio so she went there only to find a smiling Teddy waiting for her. 

“Oppa, have you seen Jiyong?” Dara asked. 

Teddy shrugged his shoulders and said, “Not here, Dara. Try the gym.” 

“Thank you oppa.” Dara said and excused herself to go to the gym. 

Upon arriving at the gym, she sees Master Hwang looking like he was waiting for her too. Is there something going on here? But she shook her head and scolds herself that maybe it’s all just a coincidence. 

“Is Jiyong here, Ssabunim?” She asked into which their gym instructor shook his head.

“Why don’t you try the practice room?” 

“Oh okay. Thank you, Ssabunim.” She said and walked to the practice only to find out the hitech and crazies waiting for her with all big smiles on their faces. Instead of asking, she said, “I know Jiyong is not here so where are you going to tell me to go next?”

Ji Hye laughed as she hugged her boyfriend and told her, “Why don’t you go to the president’s room?” 

Dara rolled her eyes and excused herself. Her strength is slowly fading as she’s been going from room to room trying to find her boyfriend. Upon arriving at the president’s office, she knocked and opened the door to be welcomed by Eunjoo and Yang Hyunsuk.

“Sajangnim, don’t tell me.” Dara said as she stopped the president and tried to catch her breath. “Jiyong’s not here, not in the recording studio, not in the practice room and not in the gym. So where the heck is he?” 

Eunjoo laughed at her outburst and told her, “Why don’t you try the rooftop? He may have gone there for fresh air.” 

She bites her lower lip to control her snarl. Going around after a day’s practice without any clue on what’s happening is irritating her. She said a murmur of thanks and excused herself to go to the rooftop. If he isn’t there, I’ll surely kick his tomorrow. 

He’ll see. She thought as she walked towards the staircase and climbed it. She opened the door to the rooftop and saw no one. She was about to turn her back and grumble when music started to play. Her jaw dropped as she recognized the song.

“Will you marry me? Will you live forever with me? For loving each other, I want to have children, the one looks like me, another one looks like you and live together happily for a hundred or a thousand years…” Youngbae’s voice sounds like heaven as he sings Lee Seunggi’s song. 

Then she saw Jiyong in a three piece suit looking like a handsome dashing man he is and bowed as he said, “May I have this dance?” 

She nodded as she accepted his hand and they danced to the sound of Youngbae’s song. She can’t say anything as she cherishes the time she has together with him. She doesn’t know until when they will be together of if he ever finds someone else but right now, he’s all hers as she’s his. 

Without her noticing it, the song has reached to its end and instead of Youngbae, it is Jiyong who is singing the last lines, “I’ll love you forever, I’ll protect you forever. I want to love only you everyday. I’m thankful that I’ve met someone like you Will you marry me?” 

Just when she thought it’s the end of the surprise, Jiyong got down on his knees and produced a simple diamond ring. Then he asked, “Will you?”

Tears flowing down her cheeks as she nodded, “Yes”

He slipped the ring on her finger and she heard clapping around her to see her friends and precious YG family members congratulating them. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her head as he whispered, “I love you.” 

“I do too.” She murmured.

Note: It has been such a long time since I wrote a mushy daragon oneshot. Forgive me. :) Because I'm writing more of another Dara pairing. Anyways, I am just inspired with the news of Sunye getting married and Jiyong liking things in Instagram that is connected with wedding and stuff. Oh yes, I remember Cris (@iamrealcm) to whom I promised a mushy oneshot. Here you go. 

Oh comments are love. 

Berrie. :) ^^

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Chapter 1: I always love when Ji said ‘what I did in the past to deserve someone like her’... ack! 😭
bienbonita #3
Chapter 1: Jiyong proposing to Dara is always a joy to read. All together now... *awwwww* I agree with a sequel about married life while being idols! :)
mydtze #4
Chapter 1: bells..
trinity66 #5
Chapter 1: super nice......... sequelllllll........ married life
Chapter 1: too bad.. too fast to reach the end~
but.. love all those sweet moments though..
ckenzieal #7
Chapter 1: oh! I just love this kind of fic. So sweet!
Chapter 1: Sooo sweet! I hope this is true ><
redstilleto #9
Chapter 1: Yah! Your story is so....., yes, I can see it coming soon !
Chapter 1: So cheeesy haha. Ji is so sweet ^.^