

The wide opened window resembled a scrutinizing gaze over the gray, tormenting city. Its gaze was blinded, though; there was no light coming from the chamber which it belonged to, even at that late hour of the night. The young girl staying by the window sill, enveloped in pitch darkness, have been at war with herself for too many years now, more precisely since the day she was born. The cold late November wind stung her tear stained checks and made goose bumps appear on her pale skin. One shaky hand clenched desperately at the crimson bed sheet, wrapped around her shape, while the other reached for the handle of the window and pulled herself up so she could sit on the edge. Dangling between life and death above the deserted street, she severely longed for the eternal peace…but she, herself, could not die, without killing the other.

“D., I found it, it was under the back sit of your car”

The panting girl who had been running up the stairs in a hurry, panicked as soon as she saw her friend dangling her feet over the margin of the huge window without even acknowledging her presence.

“D. ...didn’t you hear me? I brought it to you…y-you don’t have to worry…it’s fine!”

The girl called D. turned her head and starred at the redhead in silence before forming her answer.

“Yes, Ellie, thank you. You can leave it on the nightstand and go home. You must be tired.” a small sympathetic smile playing on her lips. Ellie chuckled.

“Nonsense, look at you, I’m gone for 10 minutes and you turn the whole bedroom into an actual north pole.” 

Ellie was making a joke…it was in her nature to do so, but under her cool surface she was frightened. What would have happened if she wouldn’t have gotten back on time? It was a scary thought that she could have lost her…both of them.



One body. Two different beings. They call it double personality, but is it really?

A twisted story about the perception of reality.


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