
A Waste of My Time...Right?


“Aren’t they just the most perfect thing you’ve ever seen?” Sunhee sighed dreamily as she and Kira sat on a table in YG’s cafeteria. “They’re just dazzling.”


The object of her adoration was, of course, ‘The Idols’. From where Kira was sitting she could see only a small handful of them: 2NE1’s CL and Minzy, Gummy, and Big Bang’s G-Dragon, Daesung, T.O.P., and Seungri. Kira hadn’t seen them in the cafeteria once since she joined YG. In fact, aside from Seungri, she had never seen them in person before. When she was accepted in the company, Kira thought that walking past the idols in the hallways would be an everyday thing. In reality, they never even spend much time in the actual building and if they do they lock themselves up in the practice rooms or in the recording booths. The models, which had no business with anything music related, barely got to see them.


“If you like them so much why don’t you go and talk to them?” Kira asked naively.


“ARE YOU CRAZY?!” Sunhee literally spit a mouthful of her salad on Kira’s face.


“Okay, ew.” Kira said as she brushed pieces of green off her hair.


“Didn’t I told you already?” Sunhee hissed at Kira. “Rookies don’t mix with the celebrities! Especially the models.”


“You make it sound as if we were at the bottom of the company’s food chain.” Kiro joked.


“Uh, maybe because we are?” Sunhee scowled. “Unless you’re a big shot model you’re just basically a pretty girl that gets her picture taken a lot. Honestly, I think we are pretty expendable for YG.”


“You can’t be serious.” Kira dropped her fork on the table. “And everyone thinks that way?”


“Yup.” Sunhee nodded firmly, as if she was proud of her position. “So you better start acting accordingly.”


“Really…” Kira chuckled, almost amused by the hierarchy system that she had just found out about. Once again she turned to look at ‘The Idols’. Sunhee was right: they were on a league of their own. The way they dressed, spoke, and even walked gave them an air of royalty. If Kira hadn’t gone through a bad break up and a failed casting she would probably be drooling over those unbelievably hot guys, just like every other female soul in the building. She just wasn’t in fangirl mood.


But I kinda want to talk to them, Kira thought.




T.O.P. looks like a thousand times hotter in person. I wonder if GD has a girlfriend…


“Kira!” Sunhee snapped her fingers in front of her friend’s face.


“W-What?” Kira asked, startled.


“You fell under their spell, didn’t you?” Sunhee smiled slyly. “It was just a matter of time.”


“I’m not under any spell.” Kira denied. “Observing hot guys is nothing if not natural.”


“Yeah you just keep telling yourself that.” Sunhee teased.


“If you eat that much you will get fat, Kira.” Someone sat in the empty spot next to her. It was no one else than Seungri.


“Oh, hey.” Kira said without taking her eyes off her lunch. On the other hand, Sunhee looked like she was about to have an aneurism.


“I’ve never seen you eating here before.” Seungri said as he snatched one kimbap form Kira’s tray.


“That’s cause you never come here, Seungri.” Kira remarked.


“Good point.”


“By the way,” Kira remembered about her friend that was sitting across the table. “She is Sunhee, a friend of mine. Sunhee, this is Seungri.”


“What’s up.” Seungri smiled politely.


“U-Um, yeah, I-“ Sunhee struggled to remember how to talk like a normal person. “H-Hi.”


“Is she okay?” Seungri whispered to Kira.


“She’s fine. Just a little surprised.”


“Oh, right!” Seungri suddenly recalled. “Tomorrow is your big day, remember?” He winked.


“Seungri, you text me every ten minutes to remind me about it. I don’t think I would be able to forget even I wanted to, which I do.”


“I promise that after the date you will be kissing my feet and shouting to the skies how awesome I am.” Seungri wrapped his arm around Kira’s shoulder. “I can already picture it.”


“Don’t get your hopes high, sweetie. I’m just going because of our agreement.” Kira said, taking a sip of her coke.


“Stop drinking that stuff!” Seungri practically shoved Kira off her seat.


“What are you doing?!”


“Sorry, I just want you to look perfect for tomorrow’s date.” Seungri smiled innocently.

“Yo, Seungri!” G-Dragon shouted from the other side of the cafeteria trying to find the maknae. “Where are you?!”


“My work is calling.” Seungri said as he slipped his dark shades on and smirked arrogantly.


“Seungri, move it! You have a dentist appointment in twenty minutes!” GD shouted again.


“Aren’t you so cool.” Kira couldn’t help but friend. “I bet your dentist thinks so, too.”


“Shut up, kid.” Seungri flicked her forehead. “I gotta run. Bye Kira, bye…um…Minhee?”


Sunhee.”  Kira corrected.


“I just said that!” Seungri said as he went back to his group.


“Wow.” Sunhee gulped. “Just…wow.”


“So you can talk now?”


“How can you talk to him like that?” Sunhee leaned closer to Kira, as if the girl was about to tell her a secret so huge that people might want to steal it.


“What do you mean?” Kira tilted her head, not quite understanding the question.


“How do you act so normal in front of Seungri?!” Sunhee slammed a hand against the table making Kira give a startled jump. “He’s one of them! You’ve got to share your secret with me!”


“I don’t know what image of Seungri you have in your head,” Kira grasped Sunhee’s hands firmly. “But get rid of it. He is childish, spoiled, and self-centered to the core. Believe me, I’ve known him for a decade now.”


“He is not!” Sunhee said, utterly offended. “He is a kind, honest, and very spiritual man.”


Spiritual?” Kira couldn’t hold her laughter. “Unless Playboy suddenly became a religion, he is as spiritual as a rock.”


“And what date was he talking about? Don’t tell me your going out with him!” Sunhee covered with both hands. “YOU ARE!”


“Oh,” Kira’s smile faded. “You heard that…”


“I may have acted like a complete retard, but I was still sitting here. Of course I heard it.”

“I’m not going out with him.” Kira said, to Sunhee’s relief. “He decided to set me up on some blind date with a friend of he’s. He probably did it to benefit himself in some way but I still promised I’d be going.”


“A friend of his, huh…” Sunhee frowned, thinking about who this friend could be. “Did he say a friend from the company?”


“Nope. Just a friend.”


“What if he sets you up with another idol?! Or even better, ONE OF S?!” Sunhee squealed as if she was the one going to the date tomorrow. “I’m SO jealous right now!”


“I’m sure it’s not an idol.” Kira shook her head. I mean, Seungri knows what I just went through. He wouldn’t set me up with yet another idol, would he? She added in her head.


“Oh, shoot!” Sunhee looked at her watch. “We’re late for our appointment at the salon.”


“I can’t believe they’re making me die my hair.” Kira played twisted around her finger one of her dare brown strands of hair. “And I really like my natural hair color, too.”


“Changes are a good thing, Kira.” Sunhee ruffled the girl’s hair playfully. “Maybe you’ll look even better. Who wants common brown hair, anyways?”


“I do!” Kira pouted.


“You already heard the President’s orders. We are all having our image changed.” Sunhee got on her feet and dragged Kira out of her seat. “We can’t do anything about it so lets just have fun!”



“Kira, Kira!” Sunhee ran through the hair salon, eager to show her the new hairstyle she had gotten.


“Over here!” Kira replied from the last station of the salon, where the hair stylist was giving her the final touches.


“Kira, you won’t believe it! I did my bangs! And also-“ But Sunhee froze on her tracks when Kira turned around with a completely different hair style. “Oh God. They really went all out on you, didn’t they?”


“Is it to weird?” Kira’s long and voluminous hair had been chopped off into a short bob with a straight fringe. The color had also been changed radically. Kira was no longer a brunette, but a platinum blond.


“It’s…different.” Sunhee laughed nervously.


“You hate it, don’t you?!” Kira cupped her face in her hands, close to tears. “I knew it!”


“N-No!” Sunhee patted Kira’s back. “It looks amazing, really! I was just taken back for a moment.”


“Really?” Kira sniffed.


“I promise.” Sunhee winked. “Now you’ll really leave an impression on that guy you’re meeting tomorrow. It will be great!”


“I don’t know anymore.” Kira blew on her brand new fringe. “I just want to get this over with.”



“You’re going on a date?!” CL and Dara barged into Big Bang’s practice room, where Taeyang was practicing diligently.


“Who told you about it?” Taeyang sighed, pausing the music and wiping his face with his white tank top.


“The other boys, of course.” Dara giggled. “Tell us about it!”


“Which group is she in?” CL questioned.


“Or is she an actress?”


“Do we know her?”


“Woah!” Taeyang took several steps back. “Did you came all this way to ambush me with questions?”


“The faster you answer the less pain we will cause you.” CL threatened. “One way or another you will tell us.”


“C’mon, Tae! We’re dying to know!” Dara gripped Taeyang’s wrist and bounced excitedly on her feet.


“She’s some model, I think.” Taeyang said vaguely.


“A model? What’s her name?” CL pushed the topic even further.


“She’s not famous or anything. Seungri said she’s a rookie in this same company.”




“A rookie?” Dara frowned. “That’s…unusual.”


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you guys ever talking with the rookies, much less dating them.” CL scratched her hair. “How does Seungri knows her?”


“How am I supposed to know?!” Taeyang snapped. “Look, I’m being literally forced into this date, alright? I don’t care if she’s a model, actress, fangirl, or even the ing queen of England cause I won’t ever go out with her again!”


“Isn’t the queen of England about 200 years old? Why would you date her, silly?” Dara threw a feeble punch at Taeyang’s toned arm.


“Just get out!” Taeyang pointed at the door with exasperation. “Jesus, this place is more like a real-life gossip magazine than an entertainment company.”


“Relax, playboy.” CL stuck her tongue at him. “You don’t have to be nervous.”


“Yeah, she will like you for sure!” Dara flashed a smiled. “Omo, are you blushing?”



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Chapter 3: Yep. I love this. update soon please!! XD
Chapter 2: Haha! This is so much fun! I love this and the characters!! XD
poweroftwo #3
waiting for the next update!