"The Idols"

A Waste of My Time...Right?


“I. HATE. HIM.” Kira bawled inconsolably on Seungri’s arms. The idol, and also best friend, patted her arm lovingly, trying to offer some sort of comfort. 


“There, there,” He cooed in her ear. “He was a pig. You’re better off without him.”


“I thought there really was something special between us,” She said as she wiped the smudged mascara off her cheeks. “HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO ME?!”


“Kira, he-“


“I mean, what kind of human being cheats on his girlfriend?!”




“Do you even understand how I feel, Seungri?!”


“I do, but-“


“ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! You’re a freaking idol! How could you possibly understand my feelings?!” She blew her nose on Seungri’s expensive cashmere sweater. He made a disgusted face but tried to dissimulate it for his own safety.


“He’s a guy, Kira,” Seungri explained. “Guys make stupid mistakes sometimes.”


That is your explanation for this?!” Kira shoved him away. “Just because you guys have a doesn’t mean you have to THINK with it!”


“Okay, now you’re being borderline psychotic…” Seungri scooted away from his hysterical friend.


“So what?! You’re gonna leave me, too?! Like that ex-boyfriend of mine?!”


“First of all, you wipe that makeup off your face cause you’re starting to look like the Joker and it’s freaking me out. Second of all, and I’m saying this cause you’re my best friend, men will ALWAYS be idiots. You just have to find to the one that is, well, less idiotic than the rest.” Seungri patted Kira’s head. “It’s actually very simple.”




“Um, excuse me.” One of YG’s staff members cautiously peeked into the practice room that Kira was using for her private therapy session. “Seungri, you have a photo shoot in thirty minutes. Your van is leaving in five.”


“Thank God!” Seungri combed his hair with his fingers. Then he caught Kira’s death glare. “What? Do you think I enjoy sitting here and listening to your girl problems just because you don’t have an actual girl best friend? F that. I’m leaving.” Seungri got on his feet and slipped into his coat.


“Don’t leave me!” Kira grabbed onto Seungri’s leg, preventing him from taking another step forward.


“Let go, you crazy person!” He tried to shake Kira off. “Besides, don’t you have a screen test for that CF you have been talking about this past week?”


“! That is today?!” Kira pulled her phone from her jacket and checked the time on the screen. “It’s in fifteen minutes! Where the hell is that piece of crap manager of mine?!”


“For a rookie model, you’re being quite careless about your career, aren’t you?” Seungri scoffed.


“Don’t go all high and mighty on me, Mr. -Scandal.” Kira retorted as she crawled around the floor picking the belongings she had flung across the room during her emotional breakdown.


“You did NOT just pulled the ‘S’ card on me.” Seungri’s jaw dropped.


“What does the ‘S’ stands for? or scandal?” Kira retouched her make up at lightning speed. “Well, I guess it doesn’t really matter since I used both of them.”


“Hey! Where is all that hostility coming from?”


“Can’t talk right now! I have work to do!” Kira rushed to the door. “Oh, you should probably do the same and focus a little more on your schedule.” Then she disappeared into the hallway, leaving Seungri standing by himself in an empty room.


“Un-freaking-believable,” He mumbled. “Next time I’ll just let her drown in her problems.”



“Where the heck were you?!” One of the other models, that showed up at the screen test hissed at Kira. “You’re practically the last one!”


“At least the PD will have a lasting impression of me, right?” Kira winked at her friend and took a seat.


“You’re crazy.”


“Just breath, Sunhee.” Kira applied another layer of lip-gloss on her already colored lips. “I was talking to Seungri. Apparently, his girlfriend just dumped him. Unbelievable, right?” She lied.


“Seungri? Again?!” Yunhe pouted. “You’re so lucky…”


“Lucky?” Kira raised an eyebrow. “Please do explain your way of thinking.”


“C’mon! Don’t act innocent.” Sunhee giggled. “You’re, like, the only rookie model in the company that gets to talk to The Idols!”


“What are The Idols, some sort of mafia within YG? Cause I wouldn’t have any trouble believing that Seungri is actually some sort of mobster.” Kira snorted.


“Aw Kira. You’re so new in here that it’s cute.” Sunhee pinched Kira’s cheek. “The Idols are literally the idols of YG. You know, the biggest earners and stuff. Which makes them the President’s favorites.”


“You don’t say…”


“I know, right?!” Sunhee squealed. “And most importantly, rookies do not hang out with them ever. It’s like they live in their own atmosphere.”


“Their own atmosphere? Seriously?” Kira dumped her lip-gloss back into her purse. “Aren’t you guys exaggerating a bit? Besides, I only talk to Seungri. The immature, hyperactive, and fairly dumb Seungri.”


“We are SO not exaggerating!” Sunhee gasped, offended. “Isn’t Taeyang and G-Dragon just to die for? And I would kill for some of Bom’s curves!”




“Baek Kira!” The director’s assistance called through his megaphone.


“Here!” Kira practically jumped from her seat.


“The director is ready for you!” He announced.


“Yes, thank you very much!” Kira bowed her head and then turned to Sunhee. “Man I need this job so badly. Wish me luck!”


“Good luck!” Sunhee waved at Kira, who turned around and skipped toward’s the casting room.



“Late.” T.O.P. said as soon as Seungri climbed into the van. “Again.”


“Sorry, hyungs~” Seungri used his hidden aegyo to placate the other members' anger. “I was caught up in something.”


“Are you having girl issues?” Daesung elbowed Seungri in the ribs. “C’mon, share the story with us!”


“There is no story.” Seungri chuckled.


“You can date whoever you want as long as you don’t throw away your schedule. That’s the rule.” GD reminded the maknae.


“Yeah, take it from Jiyoung. He is the expert in juggling his multiple love affairs and his job at the same time.” Daesung teased.


“What multiple affairs?!” Jiyoung asked defensively.


“You flirt with everything that moves, hyung.” Seungri rolled his eyes. “It’s common knowledge.”


“I do not! I’m just nice to girls that’s all.” GD said before putting his headphones on and sinking into his seat.


“Guys, do you mind keeping it down?” Taeyang said from the back seat. “I’m trying to work here.” He held up his lyrics notebook to prove his point.


“Why are you working?” T.O.P. snatched the notebook from Taeyang’s hands. “This is due for what- two, three months from now?”


“I have like a billion things the next months.” Taeyang retrieved the notebook from his hyung’s grasp. “I need to finish this right now.”


“What you really need to do is remove the stick shoved up your and relax a bit,” T.O.P. said. “When was the last time you even dated someone?”


“How is my love life relevant to you?” Taeyang scoffed.


“Just answer the damn question.” GD, who had taken sudden interest in the conversation, spoke.


“How stupid.” Taeyang shook his head, trying to avoid the question. But when he felt eight pair of eyes on him he felt like he had no escape. “About…24 months?”


“Two years?! Jesus man, how are you alive right now?” Daesung patted Taeyang’s back sympathetically.


“Whatever. I’m too busy for girls.” Taeyang shrugged.


“You’re a healthy man in the prime of his life, bro.” Seungri said. “You must be in some need of female warmth.”


“I am not, you idiot!”


“Yes you are. You're just in denial.” GD smacked Taeyang in the back of his head. “We need to do a serious intervention, guys.”


“Agreed.” The other members replied. Suddenly, everyone took their phones and started scrolling down their contact list.


“Hold it!” Taeyang tossed the notebook aside. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”


“I’ve got an actress and a bathing suit model,” T.O.P. reported. “How about you?”


“I’ve got a real hot stylist and that one chic from that idol group…how was it calles? AOA? Fiestar?” G-Dragon read off his phone screen.


“Wait…you are not trying to set me on a date, are you?” Taeyang stood from his seat, banging his head with the roof of the car.


“Of course we are!” Daesung smiled. “We need to end this dry season of yours already.”


“Stop it!” Taeyang protested.


As everyone kept looking for possible candidates for Taeyang, an idea suddenly popped up in Seungri’s mind.


“I’ve got the perfect girl!” He announced.


“You do?” GD asked. “Who?”


“A rookie model! From our same company!” Seungri beamed excitedly.


The whole car fell quiet.


“What?” Seungri frowned. “Why aren’t you saying anything?”


“A rookie model?” T.O.P. repeated. “I don’t know man. We don’t really hang out with the rookies from our company.”


“He’s right.” Daesung nodded. “Isn’t it a little troublesome? What if she turns out to be a crazy fan girl? It has happened before. ”


“Hey! There is nothing wrong with her!” Seungri got a tiny bit angry at Daesung's remark.


The guys exchanged worried glances but finally gave in.


“Fine. We’ll trust you with this one, kid.” GD sighed. “Don’t screw up.”


“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Taeyang said. “I won’t go. Too busy for crap like that.”


“YAH! She is not crap!” Seungri flung his backpack at Taeyang’s face.


“I don’t give a ! I’m still not going!” Taeyang threw the bag back at Seungri.


“Just give it a try!” Daesung encouraged. “If you do it we won’t force you again. Just this once.”


Taeyang hesitated for a moment.


“Okay, okay! But this is the LAST time. Got it?!”


The other’s exchanged high fives and triumphant smirks while Seungri dialed his friend’s number.


“She will be so thrilled!” Seungri smiled with anticipation.

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Chapter 3: Yep. I love this. update soon please!! XD
Chapter 2: Haha! This is so much fun! I love this and the characters!! XD
poweroftwo #3
waiting for the next update!