

"It's like I don't even know you anymore." Yesung declared loudly, stepping over the still twitching body parts. Kyuhyun sheeted his sword and wiped the blood off his cheek.


Yesung let out a dry chuckle. "Kyuhyun-ah, what has happened?" He asked softly, sliding his small fingers down the blood covered arm, to meet his bandmate's much longer ones.

"What happened? This happened."

Yesung sighed, knowing his dongsaeng felt guilt, guilt to kill these...things that were once human.

"I'm sorry, it's just you have this look in your eyes when you kill and it scares me." He confessed.

"What look do you want me to have? To be happy? To be sad? To just stand by the sidelines and watch you get killed? Someone has to do it, I'd rather it be me than you." He replied on a flat tone.

Yesung finally snapped. He couldn't take it. A week ago, his beloved maknae was killed virtual zombies, used aegyo to not do his chores and played pranks on his hyungs when bored. Everything had changed; he barely slept, he barely ate, barely smiled, barely talked, overall he acted like a cold blooded killer, having this look of death in eyes. Yesung didn't like that. Yesung wanted that childish little glow in his eyes to return, he wanted his silly little smile to appear, he wanted his evil little laugh to come back.

"I want you back."

"I can't be back. Who will protect you?"

Kyuhyun was worried. His only hyung at the moment, froze when he saw those /things/. Kyuhyun couldn't allow that. He sacrificed his innocence to save his hyung. He was as scared as him, but when he felt that small hand grip his forearm, and heard the panicked whispers, he had this urge to protect his hyung. Whenever he hesitated, he heard this small voice at the back of his head pushing him to act. At the time, they were for a reason or another, in a karate club. Kyuhyun ripped a katana off the wall and just began slashing their heads off, almost mechanically. It was only after the last of them fell he began feeling sick, but he couldn't. He had a glance at hyung's face and immediately decided he would protect him. He had to act strong, to show he could protect him, to give him perhaps a tiny ray of light to believe for them to survive.

He spent many-too many- sleepless nights, feeling the guilt of having killed. It was in that instant a week ago, he gave up his innocence and his right to sleep soundly, by killing. He would have flashes of those things crying for help as he brutally exterminated them.

He had built a wall; those things didn't affect anymore and in a way, he had become a cold blooded killer.

"I can take care of myself."

"No. It's no use for both of us to get our hands dirty." Kyuhyun replied coldly.

"I don't care. You're not the same anymore."

Kyuhyun sighed, his hyung really didn't seem to get his mentality. "I'll return, but we need to find everyone else, hyung."
Yesung squeezed his hand. "Why don't you sleep tonight and-"

Kyuhyun tugged him abruptly and the petite man ended up wrapped up in his dongsaeng's arms, with a finger brought up to his lips to silence him.

"Don't worry about me."

Yesung was flustered. The maknae had leaned in so close, with the effect of the sudden embrace, and the low whisper all made Yesung blush to unnatural color. His heart suddenly began beating faster, so fast he could hear it thumping in his ears. Judging by the shadow of a smirk on Kyuhyun's face, Yesung guessed he could hear it too.

"Careful with that heartbeat, you might attract some more zombies." Kyuhyun teased, releasing his hyung's thin waist but still clutching that small hand.

When Yesung managed to return to a somewhat normal color, and get his heart down, yet still under the effect of Kyuhyun's charm by their linked hands, he decided to object.

"I think you should sleep." Yesung declared.

Kyuhyun turned to him, and Yesung swore he saw that amused glint in his eyes. "Shall I repeat the experience?" He replied simply. "Hyung, it's not that I don't want sleep, it's just that I can't exactly sleep. The images are burned in my mind and replay over and over when I try to sleep."

It was Yesung's turn to pull his taller dongsaeng in his arms. Kyuhyun, who hadn't been expecting it at all, stumbled right in his protective embrace. Kyuhyun's body stiffened. The soothing hug tore down the wall he had created. How would he be expected to protect his hyung if he had nothing but a fragile soul and a blunt sword?


"Just one night."


"Kyuhyun-ah, please. Just tonight. Let me see my maknae just tonight."

As if the quiet pleading voice wasn't enough, Yesung reached up and gently ran his hand down Kyuhyun's blood stained cheeks.


The wall shattered. The wall that took days to create shattered in seconds.

"Hyung don't do this to me..."

"Just tonight."

"I can't-"

"Please, let me protect you just tonight."

They found an empty coffee shop on the second floor of a building. Yesung blocked the door with large pieces of wood and metal he found, while Kyuhyun scanned the area. Luckily enough for them, there were still supplies in the shop. They had a small meal of cupcakes and tea before Yesung announced it was time for Kyuhyun to sleep.

"Hyung, don't be stupid. I can't sleep."

Yesung sighed and patted the floor beside where he was sitting. Kyuhyun gave up and went to lay down, with his head on Yesung's lap. He began playing in the maknae's messy hair, clotted with blood and dirt. Slowly the warmth of the petite man's small fingers got to Kyuhyun.

"Sing me a lullaby." He whispered.

Yesung indulged and began singing 'It Has To Be You' softly. He continued until he judged Kyuhyun was asleep. Glancing outside, he came to realize why the maknae had behaved that way. He finally understood the magnitude of the destruction and chaos ruling the once beautiful city. He felt foolish to not have realized it earlier. They were at war, at war against things that were no longer human and could not die.

He glanced down at the sleeping maknae and felt shame. Kyuhyun had sacrificed everything, throwing away his innocence without hesitation and protected him. He had managed to keep his head above the water and fought where so many had succumbed. All for his turtle loving hyung. But it wasn't right. He was the hyung. He should be the one protecting the maknae.

Yesung heard a low moan, similar to the ones he had heard during the day. Those things had found them. It must've been him, when he sang to Kyuhyun. He carefully placed the maknae's head on the small bag they had and grabbed the weapon.

He walked around the shattered glass, not making a sound before slipping in the darkness.



Ah! I'm sorry! I killed Yesung again (or did I? *insert suspense music*) Maybe, maybe not, this is the start of a series of random oneshots in the zombie-apocalyptic time with Kyusung looking for everyone. It depends if Yesung died or not (kekekeke). I must confess, that two of my favorite things with writing fics are: 1. Torturing Kyuhyun (maybe that one isn't that obvious yet, but then again, Kyuhyun was turned into a girl in Abracadabra, had to deal with troublesome puppets in The Puppet Master and a bunch of angst and mental trauma in the last one with the long title, that can all be counted as torture, right?) 2. Killing Yesung (well, there was the puppet story and now this) Kekeke.

Please comment and subscribe, it creates fluffy clouds and sunshine inside me~

I apologize for any grammatical mistakes, English isn't my first language so if something doesn't make sense tell me~

(My author's note is kinda long... I shouldn't post stuff when I'm on ranting mode...)


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naye8134 #2
Chapter 1: I love your stories... even if yesung dies and kyuhyun suffers a lot~~~

That sounds like I'm a masochist but really your stories, in one way, are romantic and beautiful <3
lahdeedah000 #3
Chapter 1: Ditto to everything Midnight said down there. Word for word. :P

But seriously, love your stories. ;)
midnight #4
Chapter 1: You really need to stop killing Yesung !!! I am just going to assume that he went out there, kicked zombie with his awesomeness [the guy can really pack a punch...ask Kangin] and returned, wiped his hands on a dish cloth and snuggled into Kyuhyun, wrapping his hands around him, Kyuhyun's head on his chest.....that is my version of the ending and I am sticking with it!

Great story. Keep up the good work!
LalaLucky #5
My poor Kyusung feels...T^T
Once again they're split up. Oh but I love these sudden feels! I'm so indecisive .__.
You're doing a great job in writing! Keep up the good work!