The Unmarried Daughter


"Just because I'm not married, doesnt mean I'm a lesbian"


The Unmarried Daughter
LJaylee 2011. All right reserved. Distribution of any kind is prohibited.

Date Posted:04-01-11
Date Completion:
Genre: Romance & Comedy  

Author’s Note
Hello! This is JayLee and this is my first story and I’m learning how to speak, read and write
in English, so excuse the errors in my story. I'm also new to Soompi and learning how to
post, edit and ect !

What is love?
I often ask myself that question.

When do you know that it's love?
How do you know its love?
Why does it have to be love?

 “Love has nothing to do with it. Love can come after you find your ideal man.”
 My oldest sister, Choi Min Ji said painting her finger nails.

“And when you find your ideal man, you have to catch him.”
My second oldest sister, So Young added painting her toe nails.
 “It’s like catching the right fish in the ocean.” 
Min Ji said noticing my puzzled face, as I sat across from them in the living room.


“There’s a lot of fish, but when you find that perfect fish. You have to catch it,
then when you catch it, you have to hold onto it and when you hold onto it,
it'll become yours. That's how you find yourself a husband or a boyfriend in your case.” 
So young said as I scratch my head in confusion.

What does catching a fish have to do with finding a boyfriend / husband?


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