
Among the Sea of People


“Let’s welcome SJ-M with a round of applause! They will be performing ‘Perfection’!” The host shouted and the fans all started screaming crazily. Then, the stage lit up with bright lights and the silhouette of the SJ-M members could be seen from afar. They then turned their bodies to face the audience before walking nearer to the audience charismatically. The fans screamed louder for every step they take. The music blasted from the huge speakers and the SJ-M started singing and dancing to their hit song ‘Perfection’.

When the song was ending, the members suddenly split up and jumped around the big place. The fans screamed when the members passed them and they quickly snapped pictures when the security guards weren’t around.

Kyuhyun smiled at all the fans and waved, while he scanned all the faces in the crowd. Just then, Zhou Mi came to his side.

“Hey Kyu, why are you always like this? Like always looking through the crowd of fans like you are looking for someone?” Zhou Mi asked softly and he casted a curious glance in Kyuhyun’s direction.

“I want to find the one person whom I can love in this world. I want to find my true love and find out what it is like to have my heart beating for that certain someone.” Kyuhyun replied, still looking at the sea of fans.

“Alrighty, Kyu~ Good luck then!” Zhou Mi patted Kyuhyun on his back and skipped off but Kyuhyun didn’t reply. He already had his gaze fixated on a certain guy in the mosh pit. He was standing at the very front, his small fingers holding on to the railing. The guy had messy black hair, his eyes lined with eyeliner and he was wearing a simple t-shirt that complimented his figure. And the next thing that happened almost made Kyuhyun stop breathing. The beautiful guy lifted his head and caught Kyuhyun’s gaze just at that moment. They lock eyes, both of them mesmerized by each other, until Kyuhyun got dragged away by Ryeowook backstage. Kyuhyun cast a glance at the guy again before turning away and smiling, his hand placed above his chest. His heart, for the first time in his life, was beating so fast…

Because of love…




Jongwoon smiled happily as he walked out of the concert venue. It was always his dream to attend at least one SJ-M concert and he had succeeded in getting his brother Heechul to agree this time. He fished out his hand phone and glances at the screen. Oh no. Heechul had called him for at least twenty times and sent him five messages, of which all contained cussing. He quickly dialed Heechul’s number and laughed awkwardly when his brother picked up.

“Uhaha, Hyung, what do you want?”

“Get your back home right home now!!!!!!! Hannie’s sick and you needa cook him something if you don’t want me to burn down the whole kitchen!!!” Heechul screeched and Jongwoon let out a sigh of relief.

“Oh, so that’s why… I am going back now, so be patient!” Jongwoon answered as he hurriedly hailed a cab and got onto it, unaware that a figure was struggling to go after him.




“Hey Kyuhyun, where are you going? Our schedule just finished, you know?” Eunhyuk asked as he eyed the Maknae who was currently opening the door.

“I am going to find someone.” Kyuhyun replied simply and rushed out of the small and cramped dressing room. He pulled on his sunglasses and a hoodie to avoid being recognized. Smirking, he pulled one other thing that no one had noticed was gone.

His manager’s staff name tag…

He clipped it on and started walking out from the back door. The fans waiting for SJ-M suddenly turned to look at him but were disappointed when they saw the ‘staff’ name tag. Kyuhyun cheered in his mind and hurried off to search for that guy he had saw during the concert. His gaze landed on a figure with the same little fingers which was now holding on to a phone and the same black hair. He hurried over, trying to squeeze through the large crowd but when he finally got to the spot which the man had stood at just now, he noticed that the man had gotten into a cab. His mind went blank for a moment before he decided to hail another cab to follow the man.




“Hyung! I am back!” Jongwoon announced happily as he stepped into the apartment.

“Why are you even smiling like that?! Hannie’s sick and you still can smile?” Heechul snapped angrily and Jongwoon’s smile immediately dropped.

“Oh Jongwoonie, don’t mind your hyung. You know he is always like this…” Hannie interrupted but erupted into a few coughs after that.

“Hannie hyung, you sound very sick! I better make some porridge for you. Heechul hyung, why don’t you get him to bed first and give him some water? He needs rest.” Jongwoon advised.

“I know, rabid dog… So go and cook now!” Heechul ordered and Jongwoon complied. He threw on an apron and set about cooking some porridge in the kitchen, while his mind was on SJ-M.

He finished cooking about half an hour and he carefully placed the food onto a tray before carrying it to Heechul’s and Hankyung’s room.

“Hyung, here’s the porridge. Is Hankyung hyung feeling better?” Jongwoon asked concernedly as he looked at the sleeping figure.

“I don’t know. I guess I will have to ask him when I wake him up. Aren’t you getting out of our room or something?” Heechul quirked an eyebrow and asked.

“Oh, I am going now” Jongwoon answered and closed the door behind him when he left. He glanced at the clock which announced dinner time but he wasn’t hungry yet so he made his way to his room and got his notebook out. He then started scribbling some things on his journal.


My SJ-M Bias List

1. Donghae (He’s sooo cute during the concert!!! Exactly like a fish, with his pout and all!)

2. Zhou Mi (He has y long legs XD)

3. Kyuhyun(?) (He has a charming smile?/ Maybe he looked at me during the concert, I am not too sure…)

4. Ryeowook (He can cook better than me)

5. Sungmin (His aegyo :P)

6. Henry (Mochi cheeks!!!)

7. Eunhyuk (DancingMachine)

8. Siwon (Handsome?)


Jongwoon smiled contentedly and closed his notebook when a knock on his bedroom window frightened him. Who will even knock from outside the window?!

He turned to the window and whoever the person was made him fall from his chair. He blushed bright red while the figure outside the window chuckled. Jongwoon stood up hesitantly and opened the window and tried rubbing his eyes to see whether he was dreaming or not.

“You are not dreaming, so don’t worry.” Kyuhyun smirked and commented while Jongwoon took a step back.

“Then why are you here? I have never heard of stars visiting a fan’s house or something…” Jongwoon asked warily.

“Will you like to go out with me?” Kyuhyun asked, a blush tainting his cheeks when Jongwoon widens his eyes. For a moment, Jongwoon couldn’t answer, but he broke into a dazzling smile after that.

“You are going to mess up my bias list, you know?”

“That means…you agreed?” Kyuhyun asked, his eyes full of hope.

“It’s dinner time now, I am hungry so let’s go eat!” Jongwoon smiled and said. Kyuhyun grinned when he heard that and an idea popped into his head. He leaned in and gave Jongwoon a peck on his lips before running off.

“YAH! CHO KYUHYUN! YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW MY NAME!!!” Jongwoon blushed a deep red and shouted, trying to catch the younger, but he couldn't just climb out of the window, right?



A/N: Short, very short… Haha but I tried my best in doing this with cheeky!Kyu and shy!Yesung/ fanboy!Yesung….. XD

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this and once again, I thank all the subscribers for subbing :D

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oh, and this story is inspired by 'way', a jap song by SuJu


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kattyy #1
Chapter 1: Oh yesung fanboy >.< kawaii
Chapter 1: Aww Yesung being a fanboy<3 Cute~I'd like to read more^^
Chapter 1: ^o^ this was just Sikkim cute and wah. I love it!!!^__^ omigosh, I'm jealous!!!!!!xD why can't I meet them too!!!:3 lol This was good!!:)
pleaseman #4
siana-chan #5
Chapter 1: so cuuuuuuuuuuute
carolina #6
Chapter 1: cute.. :) amaing
midnight #7
Chapter 1: Cute Kyusung is
Chapter 1: I am squealing so much right now and I am suppose to be sleeping for school ;A;
This was just amazing <3
Goemas12 #9
Chapter 1: awwww it was sos cute and adorable i really really there was more like more romance and stuff but still like it
Love this, it is sooo cute and fluffy!!~
And evil kyu... XD
Always sneaking in kisses at these type of times...