~ That Provocative Suit ~

When Kim Sunggyu Perform His 60Seconds


Woohyun eyes almost popped out from its socket when the smooth white skin of Sunggyu’s back flashed on the screen. It just showed in a brief time, even less than a second. But the effect of it, Woohyun almost couldn’t hear the sudden cheer sound from the audience in the studio, as the living room also full with a sudden hysteric scream. The Infinite member who decided to support their leader solo debut by watching his today Inkigayo performance together in their dorm couldn’t help but burst in their feeling as they saw the glimpse of their leader’s bare side.

“Omo, our leader is soooo y!” Sungyeol screamed on top of his lung.

“Aigomonina, my heart… I think I’ll severed a heart attack if Gyu-Hyung do it again,” Hoya placed his hand on his chest, rubbing it to ease the beat.

“Gyujiji, Gyujiji!” Dongwoo only could dino-roar the name like chanting a mantra.

Myungso mumbled something inaudible and Woohyun sure it’s not something intelligent.

“Nice shirt, Hyuuuung~” Sungjong shouted praised the outfit.

Woohyun pouted as the member still screamed and threw some comment on their leader. Sunggyu’s performance has been over already and now another singer danced on the television screen, but the members still haven’t changed their topic. And now they focused on the outfit that worn by their leader.

At first it looked just like a normal suit, a y black shirt and its black coat. But actually it’s more than just any normal shirt. There’s no garment on the backside, instead it just a thin band right under his rib circling his back. So when Sunggyu moved his hand a little bit too enthusiastic, the side of the coat swung away and revealed what the thin band couldn’t cover.

“It’s more shocking than Myungsoo’s outfit in Paradise era, you know,” Sungyeol stated. And everyone mind flew back to Myungsoo’s outfit, a normal looking shirt upfront, but only a series of band crossed on the back.

“Yeah, because we thought the suit should be just a normal formal looking suit, but it turned out to be a y suit.” Hoya nodded, agree with Sungyeol.

“You know, I think this suit is ier than Hyung’s outfit in Paradise era, too.” Sungjong made everyone remembered the crossed band along the arm that replaced one of the sleeves of Sunggyu’s outfit. “I know Sunggyu-Hyung had a y hand and all, but I don’t know that he also had a y waist.”

“I don’t know that Hyung had such a curve on that part, even ier than you, maknae,” Dongwoo said it playfully toward Sungjong.

“Well, we all know that Sunggyu-Hyung is not only has y hand and y side, but everything of him screamed y,” Myungsoo already threw his L-cosplay, so he could speak up whatever in his mind.

“His stare, his eyes, his voice, the way he opened his mouth before he started singing the next part, the way he hold the microphone… Kyaaa~” In an instant the members turned into fanboy-mode. They were listing the y part of their leader and squealing like there’s no tomorrow.

Woohyun bit his lower lips and chewed on it, didn’t participated in the fanboying activity. Why can’t this people stop saying thing about his Sunggyu. Yes, his. He and Sunggyu were dating for almost a year already, but the other member didn’t know about it yet.


Tonight, he will make the member understand whom Sunggyu belong to. So they won’t dare to make any comment, no, they won’t even dare to glance to his Sunggyu anymore.

Suddenly the front door opened and revealing their leader, “hi guys.” He greeted the member whose eyes turned darker as they saw their leader was still in his provocative suit. He hadn’t changed into his casual clothes. Some of the members grinned and the other their own lips.

“Hyung, welcome home, are you tired?” Suddenly Hoya already on Sunggyu’s side, one hand circling on his shoulder and the other on his side. People might see it as a friendly manner or brotherly manner. But Woohyun knew better, that naughty hand of Hoya was trying to sneak inside the coat, to the back part of the shirt that covering nothing.

But before Hoya could feel the smooth skin of the leader’s back, Woohyun dashed to Sunggyu’s other side and swatted Hoya’s hand away, hard. “Hands off.” Woohyun released his boyfriend from Hoya’s other hand that still circling the shoulder. “Hands off of my boyfriend.”

And everyone in the room gaped as Woohyun planted his lips on Sunggyu’s lips, kissing him hard. Sunggyu was too startled to do anything, so he just stood there letting Woohyun kissed him passionately.

Though it’s late already, Dongwoo hastily covering the maknae’s eyes with his hand. “Hyung, I’m not an underage anymore, if you forget.” Sungjong whined and swayed away the hands from his eyes.

Finally Woohyun stopped the kiss. Sunggyu had his face red and breathlessly asked, “w-what’s…”

But Woohyun cut him as he smiled and turned to , “Guys, Sunggyu is my boyfriend. So don’t you dare to lay your eyes on him and never ever talk about his iness again, okay?” It was so scary as he said the threat in a dangerous low tone, but smile still decorating his face.

Then Woohyun turned back to his embarrassed boyfriend, “now, that’s I already make everything clear for everyone, I had something to deal with you.” Woohyun then grabbed the still confused Sunggyu toward their shared room and slammed the door shut.

“What was that, Nam Woohyun?” Sunggyu snapped at his boyfriend who threw him into the room. “I remember that we already agree to tell the member about our relationship in a nicer way?”

“What was that?” Woohyun hissed in angry tone. “Then, what was this, Kim Sunggyu?” Woohyun grabbed the hem of Sunggyu’s coat and pushed it down pass his shoulders, made it caught up to his elbow. Exposing the bare shoulder and back, not that Woohyun could see the smooth white back of his lover from his current position. Then Woohyun leaned toward Sunggyu’s ear and whispered gently, “I though I already warned you to not wear this suit again after you filming your MV, Hyung.”

Sunggyu’s cheek turned red again. “I-It’s because the stylist Noona gave it to me and forced me to wear it.”

“Then, tomorrow you will tell that Noona, you won’t wear it again, okay baby? I don’t want people to see your y bare side whenever you swing your arm.” Woohyun pouted and whined at his boyfriend.

Sunggyu was amazed at his lover’s ability to change the expression and emotion in a very brief moment. He chuckled and nodded, so his boyfriend was just jealous.  “Okay. Now that we already finished, let me change my clothes.” Sunggyu tried to turn around, but Woohyun grabbed the coat that wrinkled in his elbow.

“Wait, who said that we already finished, Hyung?”

Uh oh, Sunggyu now felt scared as Woohyun’s lips curved up into a smirk. He gulped his saliva hard and shivered as Woohyun’s hand grazed at his exposed spine and the other hand slipped pass the coat crept on his bare-side. Woohyun leaned forward and whispered again in his ear. “I bet you will last less than sixty seconds when I do you, Hyung.”

That night, the other Infinite member couldn’t sleep at all as the voice of their leader Woohyun’s name echoed all night long. They felt sorry for their poor leader and never lay their eyes longer than needed to him again.

And for his next performance, Sunggyu never ever wore that suit anymore.





Nooooo, please don't stop wearing that suit, oppa~  /shameless fangirl,,>.<,,

Sunggyu and his red hair, was just sooo ashdfjkhjkdsf... /sorry for my rumble, just ignore it :p

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Chapter 1: Where did u find the gif?
Chapter 1: Whoaaa.. i once saw the clip of that gif, not really remember where tho, and was so surprised that the suit wasnt just a normal suit, lol.. and yes, i love him in red hair too =)
Chapter 1: I like Nam jealous...and I think that Kyu too...
kaziie #4
Chapter 1: omg....it was soo cute and funny..
naznew #5
Chapter 1: So fluffy...
-natsukim #6
Chapter 2: haha! this is cute!
Haha, I thought you already suggested me to read this one but I read it just now. LOL I saw the performance too. And kyaaaaaa, Gyu hidden iness XD I didn't think that he'd wear such a y outfit. Oh Gyu, he's so hot <3
And I love the sequel too... ^^
Please update it soon...
You are great bcoz you can update your stories while the exam period. I write some stories too but I can't continue yet bcoz I have many activities >.<
I died when i finished reading it.. lol
thanks for the sequel <3
Chapter 2: love this. it so nice written
good job:)
Chapter 1: sequel!!!