Chapter 9

The Story of Us

~Tae Eun's POV~

I soon found out that Myungsoo had transferred into my World History class just this morning, which made me feel relieve that I wasn't completely unobservant. All through class I wanted to ask him about the party, but since I really couldn't call him out infront of the class, I did the next best thing. I wrote him a note. "Myungsoo, why did you do that at the party? Why didn't you stand up for Jiyeon?!" I ripped out the note and folded it into half before I looked over at Myungsoo who was sitting a desk across from me. I looked over to make sure the teacher was still at his desk, then I asked the girl next to me to pass the note to Myungsoo. A few moments later, I got a note back. "Tae Eun, I didn't mean to stand there and do nothing. I was just shock to hear her confession, I guess." I scoffed and threw another note his way. "So, if you were shock to hear her confession, what do you think about it?" There was a pause before I got another note. "Well to tell you the truth, I like her as a friend, I don't see myself going out with her. Sorry!" He could only think of her as a friend? Why does everyone say that? Sure, Jiyeon isn't the iest girl in school, but she has a really pretty face and great personlaity, I don't see why people don't notice that. I angrily scribbled the paper and throw it back to him. "Well, she doesn't like you either!" A few more minutes later, Myungsoo wrote back. "Well, I guess that's fine. I understand if she doesn't anymore, but I was wondering where she was? She wasn't in my first period class this morning and she never misses school." So he notice she was gone. Well, let's see how he responds to this. "She dropped out of this school, didn't you hear? That's why I got trouble for punching Kris in the face this morning." Man, good times, I thought thinking back while laughing in my head. "Miss Lee, is there a reason why you're laughing instead of reading pages 201-210?" Mr. Byun asked. I guess that laugh wasn't on my head. "Um no, sorry I'll be quiet." I said. "Just don't let me catch you distrupting this class, again." he warned me, before returning back to his computer, typing away. I waited at the moment and opened the note that was craftily thrown onto my desk. "So, that's why Kris was bloody between classes. Is Jiyeon ever coming back?... And why are you laughing?" What should I write to that? I mean I don't know if Jiyeon wants him to know about her plans. I thought about it for a moment before responding back. "I can't tell you that, sorry. I was laughing because you brought up Kris and his broken nose, so it made me think about it again." I gave my note to the girl again and she gave it to Myungsoo. I was surprised at how she wasn't getting mad at all these note passing. I made a mental note not to be mean at this girl. His reply came faster so I opened it and read. Alright, I understand, well I better start actually reading, talk to you later or something." Wow, I can't believe I wastedhalf of class talking to people like Myungsoo. Well, I guess I better start reading these pages, I thought as I flipped my textbook to page 201.


~Jiyeon's POV~

I was lying on my bed watching TV or rather flipping through the channels on the cable. But since there was nothing interesting I left it on Spongebob. After an hour later I fell asleep watching it, and the next thing I knew I was woken up by the sound or knock rather coming from my door. I yawned, stretching my legs and arms, I stand up and opened the door as I open the door Tae Eun came in and give me a rib crushing hug. "Did you just wake up?" she asked, cheerfully. "Yeah, I fell asleep watching 'Spongebob'" I replied, yawning. "Ow, do you want to hear about my adventure at school today?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Sure," I said, moving over so she could sit. "Well, do you want to hear about me punching Kris in the face or talking with Myungsoo?" As much as I wanted to hear about Myungsoo, I wanted to hear why she punched Kris in the face. "Um... punching Kris." I answered, smiling. "I know you would pick that first." she said smiling back. "You would too, but anyway why did you do it?" I asked eager to know. "Well, I woke up late this morning so I end up sitting by Kris. He asked me where you are and started calling you names. Of course I got mad so I punched him in the face, I'm sure his nose is broken now. Haha. But I end up being send in the Principal's Office. -_-" 

"So, you were standing up for me?" I asked, feeling touched. "Of course :DD So, do you want to hear about Myungsoo now?" she asked grinning like a child.  "Yeah sure."

"Well, he was in my World History class and we were passing notes back and forth, and I asked him about the party." she said. "Y-you what?" I yelled, shock probably written on my face, my mouth hanging wide.  "Nothing bad." she said putting her hands up. "I just asked him why he didn't stand up for you in the party."

"And what did he say?" I asked, afraid of his answer. "He said he was shocked of your confession and he only think of you as a friend." she said, whispering the last part. I knew it! He didn't like me like that... and no one probably would. I mean boys like pretty and hot girl not an ugly girl like me... "Yeonnie, say something." she after I didn't respond for a while. "I guess that's it then, I should stop liking him." I finally said. 

"You're gonna stop liking him?" she asked, surprised.

I stood up and grinned. "I, Jiyeon Park will never like Kim Myungsoo ever again!" 




Sorry for not updating. I'm enjoying my vacation. LOL. XD


Thanks. Much love. ♥

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cvbnmx #1
Chapter 15: pls update
Chapter 15: Please update soon! I'll be waiting patiently!
sabrina08 #3
Please update soon author-nim
Chapter 15: please uuupppddaattee ~
anitamahaexo #5
Chapter 14: Lol np can u UPDATE I NEED TO READ LOL
mizzkpop96 #6
Chapter 15: Update ASAP please ,,
wolf88exo #7
Chapter 15: Update soon PLS!! :) I love your story!
Chapter 15: update soon author-nim, this is just so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!
PossesesYuri #9
Chapter 10: Oh my glob!!!! I thought you're really gonna delete this fic and it turn out to be prank:3 Well nevermind, Happy Belated April Fool>.<
Chapter 15: LMAO. Okay, kill me now. OTL.
I was just kidding. Belated Happy April Fools. XDD