A Thanksgiving Night

What a Day (Part. 2)


Laying across your bed and hugging the pillow in the dim light of the moon, you were immersed in the memories of the past hours. Without letting any detail slip, you were remembering Minho’s kiss and the sweetness in it, when suddenly; a noise popped your bubble making you crawl back to the present. Ignoring it, you started to get comfortable again but then the noise grew louder making your heart race in fear.

‘What the hell is that noise?’ you thought unable to move from the bed.

It almost sounded like someone was opening and closing the cupboard.

A thief?’ 

You slowly got up from the bed and eyed your guitar leaning against the wall.

‘Seems legit.’ You thought grabbing it and carefully opened the door so it won’t creak.

Walking down the hallway you saw a flickering light. Stopping on your tracks, your eyes widened as you swore you saw a shadow moving towards the kitchen.

, there’s a thief in my house!’ you cursed in your mind. It wasn’t your thing but since you were so scared you didn’t even mind.

Adrenaline running through your body, you started walking again. The closer you got, the more you were scared less. You reached the end of the corridor and not wanting to face the kitchen, you pressed your back to the wall breathing deeply while firmly grabbing the guitar in your hands like a baseball bat.

‘Ok _______, on three. You can do this.’

After a few deep breaths, you jumped in the kitchen without thinking it twice. Guitar held high ready to hit kill someone and holding your breath for no reason.

“YAH! What are you doing?!” someone yelled.

Your heart was still beating hard and fast with adrenaline that made your ears pump. You tried hard to process that voice and when you finally did, you gasped in shock letting the guitar drop hard on the floor.

“K-Key?!” you almost shouted in shock.

“No, a ghost… Of course it’s me!” he yelled sarcastically.

You couldn’t see his face clearly because of the dim light you now recognized as a candle.

“W-why are you here? And why did you light up a candle?” you asked confused.

“Wow, power goes out in her own house and she doesn’t even notice it. What were you doing in that room of yours?” he smirked.

“YAH! N-nothing.” You stuttered feeling nervous.

It wasn’t until now that you realized something you wish you hadn’t. Key was sitting on top of the table casually eating an apple. To top it off, he was wearing nothing but a towel that was hanging dangerously low on his hips.

“W-why are you practically on my table?” you gulped.

“I’m the main dish of the night.” He winked making you blush.

“YAH!” you quickly shouted.

“I was just taking a bath when the power went out leaving me in the dark. I came out to look for a flashlight but then I got hungry.” He said showing you the apple in his hand and biting it.

“W-what are you doing here anyways?” you stuttered AGAIN, making your way to the kitchen and far from Key. That’s the effect he had on you. You hated the way he made you feel like you were boiling on the inside. But what you hated the most was that you liked it. No, you loved it. You loved feeling needed by him. The way he made you feel confident… y. But he still managed to be sweet and make you feel important at the same time.

“Well, since I barely had some time with you earlier during the day…” he drifted off.

You were waiting for him to finish the sentence but all you heard was the silence of the night. So curious to know what he was going to say, you turned around to look at him but ended facing his perfect bare chest.

“…I wanted to spend some alone time with you tonight.” He finished in a whisper.

Your knees felt week and you felt like dropping to the floor. If it weren’t for Key’s firm grip around your waist, you would’ve fallen flat against the ground.

“Uhm K-Key, you’re too close.” You said feeling shivers all over your body.

“No, I’m not.” He said as he closed the tiny existing space between you.

He caressed your face and traced down your arm leaving goose bumps all over.

Without even knowing you were already leaning forward to kiss him. He smirked at the responses your body was giving him and did the same, but decided to torture you a little bit. Stopping halfway, he looked at you with loving eyes that suddenly turned lustful.

Feeling nervous you wanted to back away but he held you tighter making you gasp. You were now pressed to his bare upper body feeling his warmth all over.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He whispered and his lips in a very seductive way.

‘God, I hate him so much!’ you mentally yelled feeling tortured. His plan was working.

Given that he was way too close and his breath was teasing you, you wrapped your hands around his neck and pulled him so you could connect your lips with his. He deepened the kiss by gently holding the back of your neck and pressing you even closer to his body.

You needed air but didn’t mind. His lips were so familiar to you, which was weird considering the fact that you haven’t kissed him before. Or have you?

You’ve wanted to kiss him so bad and now it was really happening. Overwhelmed by this, you let your body react the way it wanted. Your hands traveled to his hair giving it a slight pull making him grunt. That did it. He lifted you up still concentrating on your lips and took you to the table. He sat you on top of it and wrapped your legs around his waist. Even though you lacked experience, you knew enough to realize it was going too far.

 ‘Key.” You wanted to call out to make him stop but your body didn’t obey.

Instead, you let your hands roam free and caressed his body. He broke the kiss only to make his way to your neck.

‘Omg, omg, omg, omg! What is he doing?!’ your conscience thought.

‘Oh, shut up and enjoy the ride.’ Your body said.

You bit your lips to fight back a ‘filthy moan’ as your conscience liked to call it. But the more you felt Key’s perfect lips running up and down your neck, the more impossible it was to fight it. Next thing you knew, you caught yourself letting out a soft moan.

It felt like music to Key’s ears. It only made him want you more. It drove him crazy. Crazy for you and only you. His emotions were too much for him to handle. He felt ready to say the words, but felt scared at the same time.

What if she thinks I’m lying? What if she thinks I’m saying in it in the heat of the moment?’

With this in mind, his heart ached a bit. He knew you felt the same way but he just didn’t know how much. Suddenly, he didn’t feel as ready as he thought he was.

He kissed your lips again, but this time he gave you a very sweet soft kiss. You felt the kindness and care in it and when you broke the kiss to get some air, you noticed something shiny running down his cheek.

‘Was that a tear?’ You weren’t sure because of the dim candle light.

“Key…are you ok?” you softly asked feeling worried.

“Never been better.” He smirked.

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Chapter 2: tienes que seguir *O* <33 ahiii padree!! Key que es esoo?!?!...no pares xD