Byeontae Academy



 chapter three:     Byeontae Academy   


WANTED; find the person.



Name:              -Park_Jiho
Searching:       Minho-is-the-name
Roleplay:         Byeonte Academy.
Timezone:       June till August 2012
Summary:        I loved the way he talked and I enjoyed talking to him. he was gone because of stress.
Facts I know:  She's from the USA, student. She talked like Shakespeare







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Name: Kodakumi but I was Kahi on the rp

Searching: Joon

Roleplay: Lights Go On Again Roleplay

Timezone: I honestly have no idea...but the last time I talked to him was March 3rd :/

Summary: He was my best friend for so long but he had health issues and had to quit. I just want to know if he's back and okay. My love ran deep for that man.

Facts I know: He was also on that one rp...I forgot the name. BDM? ? something like that. He was Zico there and he joined as Yubin on Into The New World once. LOL he was crazy. His aff is perfection- but I want to know if he changed it or something since then :'/
Chapter 1: Name: I switched from Asra13, to 5hawol during the time period.

Searching: Sandara-ti

Roleplay: twinkleidols-rp /tumblr

Timezone: May/June till August/September 2012

Summary: She and I were great friends, but she left cause of school and stuff. I think she said she'd comeback, but I don't know if she will or if she did.

Facts I know: She loves maths. She and I were 'Chai Gods'.
Chapter 1: What kind of roleplays does this work for?
Like aff only or other ones too? (Like tumblr, twitter etc)
Chapter 1: Name: Laylicious
Searching: -chanyeol-
Roleplay: Redlight destrict.
Timezone: April till september 2012
Summary: She moved into another city cause she went to university. Suddenly she was gone. I wanna tell her a proper goodbye cause I feel bad now.. Aish this woman!!
Facts I know: She's from indonesia, 18 years old now, I know her name and her looks but i won't tell.
nathrakh #5
This is interesting but... How does it works? o.O