School's hell

Taemin's torture

Taemin walked down the hallway, his head ducked down. People were bumping him left and right,some cursing him,some throwing him usless excuses for apologies. Taemin hated school more than anything, he hated sitting around watching people with their friends when he didn't have a single compainion. Then  he stepped up and patted him on the back. 

Taemin thought ' would he EVER go away!?' 

It was a boy by the name of Ae Sook. Ae Sook was Taemin's ''Friend'' Even in Taemin's head he couldn't help but say ''Riiight....'' Ae Sook only came around when things were good, whenever things were depressing and sad Ae Sook was never around. Ae sook had a best friend named Sun min, she also called Taemin her friend but, Taemin was always excluded from their parties and get togethers.

Taemin felt the most alone when he hung out with these people. He felt even more lonely than before. Sun Min had stopped him from commiting suicide once but other than that Taemin knew she didn't give a rat's about him. She just didn't want to live with the guilt if he died. Ae Sook didn't even bother speaking to him during his suicidal times. Some times Taemin wanted to murder his friends. Taemin found him very jealous of people with real friends, he found himself wishing that he could have a friend like some of the people he knew.

''What's wrong Taemin ah?'' Ae Sook said grinning his fake smile. 

Taemin only sneered and looked away,''Nothin.'' he then walked on to class. Ae Sook and Sun mIn went to class behind him and sat in there little coner far from Taemin chatting away. Taemin didn't even bother to join in the converstaions anymore, He always got left out and forgotten. 

Taemin stared out the window trying to wish his constant lonliness away. It's not a pretty feeling to be lonely day and night, Taemin hated it so much. 

''Hey move!'' Chae rin yelled bumping Taemin on the head and a few of her friends laughed. Taemin only sighed and laid his head down. 

School went by as slowly and depressingly as always. When he was walking from school he saw a group of teens around his age playing and dancing. Taemin huffed he felt tears cloud his eyes and jealously tugg at his heart. He quickly dashed away towards his home. 

His parents weren't there as always. Taemin let his teas fall and sunk to the floor to sob. He had no one in this world he was utterly lost and lonely. Everyday was the same old depressing thing. He could never escape it.

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