Brother's little advice

Rose Among Thorns [Hiatus]




It has been days, or rather months, since that fight between the two lovebirds, namely my sister and Donghae, but it seems that both are taking their time. Neither one of them is taking the initiative to talk and it bothers me. No screw that. It kills me to see my sister depressed like that. She's a mess, alright.



I remember Taemin saying that Heera was rather silent all the time, not that she's the one to talk like me but now is something different, more unusual of her to not speak at all. She never cried and that's what I'm worried about. She's keeping it all to herself.



Heechul hyung!” Taemin called, breathing for air.



Oh! Taemin-ah, waeyo?” I asked, curious as to what he would say that made him ran all the way here.



Hyung, Heera noona... she's different than usual. I'm worried about her... “He said in between pants. I know, for a fact, that Taemin is deeply attached to Heera, not that Donghae minded. And Taemin is the first one who would always deliver news to me if there is something wrong with their noona.



Seems like your having a secret little crush on her, aren't you?” I teased. This boy sure is an easy one!



Hyung!” Taemin cooed. It's obvious, boy! Haha!



Well, your Fishy hyung seems to be barking up the wrong side of the tree, making your Heera noona crumble up out of distress. I mean, look at her, look at those hideous bags under her pretty eyes. She's obviously having sleepless nights because of one stupid guy who have misinterpreted her thoughts!...” I sighed. “ Taeminnie, when that guy comes back, remind me to knock some sense into him, will you.”



I see.. Noona must be in awful pain.” He mumbled, but that didn't escape my sharp ears.



That goes without saying... Now, now, let's end the little talk. You don't want to get into another serving of sermon for slacking off, do you?” And Taemin ran back, afraid of making Onew fume in anger.



It's not really a serious fight, in my opinion. It's kind of a misunderstanding in Donghae's part since he's got so little understanding of what's really going on inside my little sister's head, which is, I don't really even know. You know my sister is.



You know how a big brother feels when his beloved sister is in too much distress? That's exactly what I'm feeling right now. Worried to the extent that I'm loosing my image. That's how deeply affected I am. I feel really bad for her and for myself. Why? 'Coz I can't even do a thing to cheer her up.



My trail of thoughts were interrupted when the door to her pad suddenly opened.



“Heechul... “ She nonchalantly said.



“Aren't you going to let me in?” I asked , raising my left brow.



“Oh.. sorry. Come in.” And she nudged me inside her apartment.



As I came inside, my eyes roamed around. I could only describe it in one adjective: Gloomy. It's dark, with the television giving off little light. Then as I moved around, I caught sight of the food on the table. A bowl of instant ramen, which is unhealthy. Though I understand how busy she is not to be able to cook anything.



“What are you watching?” I asked.



“Confessions of an Idol having a sister complex.” It sounded more of a question rather than an answer to me. Curious, I turned my gaze to the television and that's when I saw myself speaking enthusiastically as ever, about how deeply attached I am to my sisters especially Heera.



“That?” I chuckled, then I took a seat beside her on the couch joining her in her leisure time, watching.



“I hope you didn't mind me revealing you to the public.” I suddenly said causing her to turn her gaze at me.



“It's fine. I guess... whats done is done.“ A short reply came out from followed by an awkward silence. A frown forming on her brows.



“ Penny for your thoughts?” I asked, breaking the silence. It wasn't totally a deafening silence as the television kept on blabbering things that doesn't really matter as of right now. The atmosphere between us became serious as soon as I raised that question.



A deep and frustrated sigh escaped her lips. That's when I knew she really need some comforting.



“You see... “ Her voice was so small, the sound coming from the television almost made it impossible to hear. “I'm feeling awfully guilty of my decision. I just made Donghae so upset.”



“ Didn't you said that you've thought of it carefully? So why feel guilty? I don't think there is a reason for you to be guilty.” Comforting words, which is unusual of me, left my very mouth as I caressed her hair.



“But the thing is, I made that decision so we could both be happy, not to make him upset.”



“Let me ask you, why did you decided to take that offer?” I asked. I know that it's the main reason that both ended up this way.



Her face turned a shade of red as she answered. “Well, I maybe thinking way too far ahead and he's the one who said he wants to have a family. So I thought, I could do something to prepare for that matter.”



Her answer left me speechless. She's thinking far ahead already. Unknowingly, a smile formed upon my lips.



Then, my smile broke when I heard soft sobs coming from her and instinctively, I folded her in my arms. “Shush... now, there's nothing to cry about.”



“Heck, I don't even know why I'm tearing up. Maybe the feeling's just so foreign. I'm clueless.” She said as she quietly sobbed.



“I know it's a whole new thing for you. My advice is that you strengthen yourself. But Heera, I do think that you should talk it out with him. It'll solve everything.”



“How can we possibly talk when he's ignoring me?”



“You'll get to talk to him when he comes home. Now's not the right time, I think. But I'm sure he'll understand. ” I gently patted her head and she nodded. Now, this reminds me of the old times. Little Heera would always come home in tears and would always ask for bear hug from me.



“I miss the old times.” I suddenly blurted out, revealing my thoughts. She stayed there, and stopped crying. “Do you still remember? That time when your classmate bullied you? And you came home from school teary eyed?” She nodded in response.



“I remember that. I went directly to your room and asked for a hug.” She said. We both chuckled at the memory.



“How I wish I could turn back time. We grew distant the time I auditioned.” I sighed. “I want to make up for the time we've lost.”



“Let me remind you, you're doing it already.” She said. “Though I know your arms isn't anything like Donghae's , since it's warm and fuzzy, I guess I would like to have more bear hugs, oppa.”



The word 'oppa' rang into my ears. She never called me that like before. “Weird, you never called me that when I ask you to before.” I said, chuckling.



“Savor the word. I won't be calling you that again. And thanks for your advice. Didn't think I needed some.”



“You're welcome.” I said as I her long, ebony hair. “You must be tired. Sleep.” And not a moment after, she grew silent and fell asleep.



I sighed, not a problematic one though. “Really, you obviously can't be left alone.” I mumbled to no one in particular. “Sweet dreams.”




Finally, I got back the inspiration to write this one again.... I guess, Immorality would be the one on hiatus for now. Hehe... Anyways, it's almost halloween here, which means SEMBREAK! And, SS3 3D... Can't wait...

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chapter 6: aegyo king + 4D king = epic plans!
chapter 2 LOL donghae expected too much from a man hater :D
MrsPenguin #3
don't worry.. i'll wait.. good luck for your studies! :))
please update! poor hae. :(
MrsPenguin #5
poor hae
MrsPenguin #6
please update soon.
<br />
MrsPenguin #8
please update soon
MrsPenguin #9
hahaha poor hae :DD
so sweet <3