Sungmin's persuasion

Rose Among Thorns [Hiatus]


"Hyung! What happened to Hae?" Eunhyuk sat beside me while sipping through the straw of his strawberry milk.

"You go ask him, Hyukkie. I don't want to be the one to tell."  He just shrugged his shoulders and I sighed. 

"Hyuukie!" Just then, Donghae came out of his room and called to Eunhyuk. He saw me sitting on the couch with Eunhyuk and then, went back inside. He must be planning on talking to Eunhyuk and left when he saw me with him. That only means he's avoiding me,too.

"What's his problem?" Eunhyuks wondered out loud. 

"Lovers' quarrel." I finally answered him, relieving him from his curiosity and his mouth agaped as he got what I said.

"So what did those two fought about? They rarely have arguments.Maybe I can help." Another question came again from Eunhyuk's mouth and I told him the whole story.

"Donghae really need to cool it off. " Eunhyuk said as he took another drink of his strawberry milk. 

"Sometimes, I'm the one who gets really worried with those two. If I got the chance, I would really bump their heads together so that they would snap out of it. " I told him and let out a sigh. 

"What can we do? They're both naive. At this point, they might end breaking up."  I nodded in agreement.

"Donghae doesn't know everything yet. He just got a glimpse of what we were talking. But he assumed that she would really leave which is indeed true."

"That so?.. then, I probably guess why Donghae's a bit down about it. Of course, he'd be most sad with parting but I doubt it's not fully the reason why." 

I sighed again. " You're right about that. Hey, can I have some of you're strawberry milk in the fridge? I'll buy another one for you next time."

"Sure." He replied without a glance at me, his attention occupied with the tv.

"Do you really need to let everyone know about it?" I heard someone from the back as I grabbed the strawberry milk in the fridge. 

"So you finally came out of your hiding place and talked to me. " I turned and saw the person whom I expected to own that very familiar voice.

"It's annoying that you keep on blabbering about it to everyone. Sungmin hyung, can't you just keep it a secret? " Donghae said with a tinge of annoyance in his voice.

"So you heard? Eunhyuk wanted to help you. What's wrong with that?"

"This is my business. I'm glad with their offer of help but I can solve this myself." He retorted.

"Really? Then what's taking you so long? You're just prolonging your argument."

"You don't understand, Sungmin hyung. You don't understand how hurt I was." He turned his head sidewards.

"It's you who don't understand, Donghae. You're upset about her decision but did you ever wonder how hard on her part it is to have come to that?" With that, I noticed his eyes widen a bit.

"I know you're hurt not because of something simple as you two are gonna part ways. I know there's more to it than that. But don't you think you should atleast understand her too?"

"How can I understand her when she never told me anything? And,I was hoping that I would be the first one to know of any decision she'd make but, I feel as if I wasn't trusted." 

"You're wrong about that, Donghae. She trusts you more than you could imagine. She knows that it might affect your relationship but she still took the risk. You might feel like that but it's the exact opposite."

"Donghae, you haven't fully grasped the situation yet, have you? You'll understand more if you didn't tried to seclude yourself from her." He gave me a look of confusion.

"My emotions got the best of me, that's why." He said.

"I thought so." I chuckled. " You're too emotional anyway." 

"I'm not the one to talk to you about this. Ask her.But I advise you to cool you head first. It might end up in another fight between you two. " I smiled warmly hoping he would give it a try.

"Sungmin hyung, I still don't want to talk to her. And I still don't understand everything yet." He said.

"Take your time. I'm not rushing you or anything. Just wanna clear your head with your wrong thoughts." I smiled again. "Anyway, I'm going back." And with that, I left him there standing and went back to watch with Eunhyuk.

"So what happened? I heard most of it." Eunhyuk asked as soon as I sat on the couch.

"Still stubborn. But, I managed it. Although, I didn't told everything. I want Heera to tell him herself."

"I see. When will she leave anyway?"

"Don't have a clue on that but I assume it's this year."

"That's too soon. I can already picture Donghae's crying face." I laughed at his remark. "Donghae should talk it with her already. He's just wasting every moment left with their meaningless fight."

"You got that right.. " I nodded.


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chapter 6: aegyo king + 4D king = epic plans!
chapter 2 LOL donghae expected too much from a man hater :D
MrsPenguin #3
don't worry.. i'll wait.. good luck for your studies! :))
please update! poor hae. :(
MrsPenguin #5
poor hae
MrsPenguin #6
please update soon.
<br />
MrsPenguin #8
please update soon
MrsPenguin #9
hahaha poor hae :DD
so sweet <3