
Birthday Wishes

       "Hyung! What did you wish for?" Byunghun asked his older brother with bright eyes.

       "You idiot. If I tell you, it won't come true " Jonghwan said before flicking his younger brother's head and getting up from his spot in the grass. He started to walk in the other direction, making Byunghun confused.

       "Hyung, where are you going?" He asked in confusion. Jonghwan however just ignored the younger's question and continued to walk in the other direction.

       "Hyung! Don't leave me!" Byunghun exclaimed as he lifted himself off of the ground and proceeded to run after his older brother. Jonghwan looked  behind him and saw that his younger brother had started to chase him. A wide smile spread across his face as he saw his brother's failed attempt of trying to catch up to him. Jonghwan decided to stop walking and stay still in his spot. As soon as his brother almost got close enough to touch him however, he started to dash off in a random direction.

       "Catch me if you can, chicken legs!" Jonghwan shouted into the wind as he ran as fast as his legs would let him. L.Joe looked at his brother who was speeding away in the other direction.

        "H-hey! That's not fair!" He screamed before he started to chase his brother again.

         "I'm not a chicken!" He screamed as he continued to chase his brother.

         The two boys ran under the dim moonlight in the cool November air, smiling and screaming, laughing like always.





        Jonghwan woke up with a groan. Today was his and Byunghun's birthday. They weren't twins, Jonghwan was actually a year older than Byunghun. They just happened to have the same birthday. They also had another sibling who was a year younger than Byunghun. Her name is Kira.  Today, Jonghwan is turning twenty while Byunghun is nineteen.

     The loud sound of his cell phone ringing woke him from his deep and peaceful slumber. He was about to yell at the person who decided to call him so early in the morning. That was until he read the caller ID. A large grin spread across his face as he pressed the talk button, and then put the call on speaker.

       "Hello?" He asked into the phone, awaiting the reply of the caller.



Saeng il chukka hamnida~!

Saeng il chukka hamnida~!

Saranghae Jonghwan oppa!

Saeng il chukka hamnida~!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   


      Byunghun who was sleeping on the other bed that was beside Jonghwan's, woke up to the singing voice. He smiled as he recognized the voice and then pouted as he heard the third line.   

     "What about me?" Byunghun asked with his arms crossed, a frown still apparent on his face.

     "Oh! Byunghun oppa! I didn't know you were there! I was planning to call you later. I love both of my oppas!" She said before giggling.

     "We love you too!" Jonghwan shouted into the phone, causing Byunghun to laugh.

      "Don't laugh at me, you chicken!" Jonghwan shouted, causing their dongsaeng to laugh. Just as Byunghun was about to argue back, his phone started to ring. He picked up the ringing phone in confusion and read the caller ID. Just great... he thought as he pressed the answer button.

      Jonghwan was talking animatedly with their dongsaeng on the other side of the room while Byunghun was having a quick conversation with Teen Top and 100%'s manager. Byunghun soon hung up and gave Jonghwan a signal. Jonghwan's smile turned into a frown as he interrupted his conversation with his dongsaeng.

     "Kira-ah. We have to get ready for our schedule. Thank you for calling. Goodbye." He said while frowning. He was really upset that he had to hang up when he hasn't talked to Kira in such a long time. Kira on the other hand was also upset, but she had gotten used to it. Ever since Jonghwan and Byunghun started to train to become idols, she hasn't been able to talk to them as much. She hasn't even seen them since they debuted, and she rarely talked on the phone with them. It was either they had to hang up because they had a schedule, or she had to hang up because she had to continue her work. It never worked out for them, they never had time for each other. Each sibling strongly wished that they could see the other, that one day they would be able to meet again.

      "Come on. Let's get ready." Byunghun called his brother as he lifted himself out of his bed.





       She let out let out a long sigh as she placed her phone back into her pants pocket. 

       "What's wrong with you?" Her co-worker asked her.

       "The usual. They had to go to one of their schedules." Kira said while puffing her cheeks.

       "Oh...It's okay. At least you got to talk to them." She reassured the upset Kira. Kira smiled in her direction.

       "Thanks." She muttered softly as she started to stare in a random direction.

       "Kira! We  got a group of people coming!" Her boss yelled from the bottom of the staircase. Kira ran as fast as she could towards the entrance and greeted everyone softly. Kira works as a tour guide at Namsan Tower. Visitors are allowed to walk freely by themselves, and enjoy all of the wonderful sights at Namsan Tower. First time visitors however are allowed the option of a tour around Namsan Tower. This was Kira's job, to show all of the new visitors around the large structure. She loved her job, it was fun getting to show people around such an amazing place and to see their reactions. Although Kira enjoys working here, the work can get tiring sometimes. This is why she only works part-time here. She only needs enough to pay for her college tuition. The rest of the time she usually uses to study and focus on school.

        Kira showed the group of people around the place and watched as their face lit up in joy and happiness. Seeing sights such as these always made her smile, even if she isn't feeling her best. Soon enough, the tour was over and she bid farewell to all of the visitors.

       "Goodbye! I hope you had a great time today at Namsan Tower!" She said while waving at the visitors. One of the visitors, a little girl, ran back up to Kira and hugged her.

      "Thank you~" She sang cutely as she wrapped her arms around her legs. The mother called the little girl back to her and the little girl ran towards her mother. Kira waved happily at the mother and daughter and then turned to go back inside of the building. 

      "Kira, you can go now." Her boss notified her. Kira looked at him in confusion.

      "What? Really?" She asked.

      "Yeah, your shift is over..." He said.

      "Oh! It's 1:00 already? Ok, goodbye!" She said. She ran up to the employees only room and grabbed her things. She happily left the building, thinking abut the little girl she encountered earlier.

      "How many times do I have to tell you to wait for me?" Her co-worker, Suzy, called out from behind her. Suzy was around the same age as Kira, and they had the same hours for their shift. Suzy started to run towards Kira who was way in front of her.

     "Goodness! You always leave me!" She exclaimed as she stepped up next to Kira.         

     "I'm so sorry!" Kira said while reaching over to hug Suzy.

     "It's okay." Suzy sang while smiling softly."Did you print your business cards?" Suzy asked Kira.

     "Yup! I did it yesterday.They're right in here!" Kira said while patting her purse that was slung over her shoulder. Suzy smiled at Kira's behavior and continued to talk and laugh with her like usual.

     "Oh!" Kira said, remembering something.

     "What is it?" Suzy asked.

     "Jonghwannie and Byunghunnie have a concert today! We need to go see it!" Kira shouted before grabbing Suzy's hand and pulling her in a random direction. They both ran towards the MNet brocasting building where Teen Top and 100%'s concert would be held. It wasn't too far, so it didn't take too long to reach the building. Kira ran inside, dragging Suzy with her, and abruptly stopped in front of where the concert would be held. They slowly walked into the large room which was booming with loud music and filled with screaming fans. As soon as they took their second step, a lady next to the door stopped them. 

      "Excuse me. Would you like to enter a raffle? We will announce the winner after the concert. Whoever wins will receive backstage passes to meet Teen Top and 100%." She explained. Kira and Suzy smiled in excitement as they heard this news. Kira was especially excited about this news. If she won the raffle, she could see her brothers on their birthday. They quickly grabbed the pen on the table and wrote their names on small slips of paper. They placed the paper inside of the plastic barrel and walked to find some seats.

      Once Kira and Suzy sat down, the concert started. Loud music started to fill their ears as six familiar figures stepped onto the stage. The fan's screams started to get louder as the familiar tune of Be Ma Girl started to play. Kira smiled as she saw her brother dancing on stage and rapping. She hasn't seen him in such a long time, he looks so different now to her. Soon, the song was over and the spotlight was transferred over to Teen Top's label mate, 100%. Their song Bad Boy started to play and all of the members started to dance to the beat of the music. Kira' s smile got even wider when she saw her eldest brother, Jonghwan on the stage. Both of her brothers had changed so much since she had last seen them. A couple of more songs were played until lastly, all of the members of both groups stepped onto the stage.

      "Now, we are going to do the raffle!" Minwoo announced excitedly. Chunji took the plastic barrel into his hands and reached inside of it. The audience hushed in anxiousness, quietly waiting to see who won the raffle.

      "And the winner is..." CAP said in his deep voice that boomed in the silent room.

      "Kim Miyeon!" Rokhyun announced, a wide smile on his face. Kira however frowned as she saw that she wasn't picked. Suzy saw Kira's disappointment and comforted her. 

      "It's okay! You'll get to see them soon!" She reassured her as she rubbed her hand on Kira's back. Both girls got up and left the room, Kira still upset that she didn't get to see her brothers. As they went to leave the building, Kira's purse got stuck on a door. She tried to walk forward, but her purse restricted her from doing so. She yanked her purse from the door, making her purse zipper break, her purse wide open. She didn't notice this however, and continued to walk. Every time she took a step, one of her business cards fell out of her purse. The two girls slowly walked out of the building. 

      "Kira! I have an idea!" Suzy exclaimed. "We should set up a surprise at Namsan Tower for your brothers!" She announced excitedly. Kira's face lit up in happiness as she heard her friends suggestion.

     "Yes! That's perfect! We should do it!" Kira said and grabbed Suzy's hand. The two started to run again in the direction of Namsan Tower. Once got there, They walked around and looked for the electrician. Once they found him they were going to get him to make a really bright light display on the tower, wishing Byunghun and Jonghwan a happy birthday. Kira suddenly stopped in her tracks and looked behind her. Suzy went back to where she was, wondering what was wrong.

     "My business cards!" Kira cried out as she saw the large trail that she left behind.

     "Don't worry about it! We don't have enough time!" Suzy said before grabbing Kira's hand and pulling her to the tower.




     "That was so tiring! That Miyeon girl wouldn't stop screaming!" Byunghun whined as he walked out of the backstage area.

     "I know, right? I'm glad it's over. I want to go home." Jonghwan said while stretching out his arms and yawning.

     "What's that?" Byunghun asked, running ahead and then kneeling down to the floor. Jonghwan ran up to his younger sibling, curious as to what he was looking at.

     "Is this Kira dongsaeng's?" Byunghun asked, holding the card up to Jonghwan. Jonghwan took the card from Byunghun's hands and observed it.

     "It looks like it..." Jonghwan said, still looking at the card.

    "There's another one! And another one!" Byunghun said, picking up the cards as he kept on walking. Jonghwan simply followed his younger sibling, who was continuously picking up the cards that had earlier fallen on the ground. Both brothers followed the trail of cards, that led out into the streets . They kept on following them until eventually they ended up at Namsan Tower. 

     "Whoa..." Byunghun said, looking up at the tower. Jonghwan also looked up at the tower where Byunghun was looking and saw what he was looking at.


'Happy Birthday Jonghwan and Byunghun!' 


      The sign read.

     "Who did this?" Jonghwan asked, surprised.

     "Surprise...?" Said a familiar voice from behind the boys. Both boys turned around to see the person they hadn't seen in such a long time, the person that they had both wished to see on this special day.

     "Kira~!" Byunghun screamed as he ran towards her, scooping her up in his hands and spinning her around. when Byunghun was done, Jonghwan then proceeded to pick her up and spin her around.

     "This is officially the best day ever"




Dedicated to L.Joe and Jonghwan on their birthday. Happy Birthday~!^^


(Here's your happy ending, unni :D)

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Chapter 1: this story is very touching me :')
Chapter 1: Awwww I really liked this ;) I just knew someone was going to make a birthday fic about L. Joe and Jonghwan ^^ I liked it it was super cute :)
Raina-ssi #3
Chapter 1: LOLOLOLOLOL SAENG!! YOU USED YOUR NAME!! AKGDKSHDKAJDKSGSJSGDMSGDJSHD YOU'RE SO CUTE. :33 awwww, their suprise at the end!!! soo cuuute! lol, l.joe and jonghwan love their little sister a lot, which happens to be you. BAHAHAHAHAH. xD awesome one shot saeng. c;
Raina-ssi #4
ohmaigawd. foreword and i'm already going crazy. now i'll be quiet and read the rest^^