A Pretty Little White Lie


From: Jingki

Wear something nice this evening. Seungho hyung will drive you somewhere.

02/08/12   09:45am

Eh ? What Gwiboon's cousin had to do with this ?
Kibum tsk-ed when he received the message the next noon. Jinki could be so weird sometimes.
What should he wear ? He thought, looking at his luggage. He had tidied almost of his belongings yesterday, finding that he had nothing to do -and nowhere to go- without Jinki. Okay. He knew that sounded pathetic.

But doubled it with the fact that he was kind of longing for his usual peanut bread and milk. Kibum glanced to his leftover omelette and orange juice at the table, wanted to punch himself. Why is he so fickle ?
Kibum sighed and decided to look inside his luggage, searching for something he hadn't wore before. Gwiboon didn't pack too much formal dress for him, it seemed.
He pulled out a sleeveless black sequin dress, then. He had never saw it before, as he thought and tried it on.
The dress fell a bit above his knee. It wasn't too tight to expose anything that shouldn't be exposed, but it hugged his curve just right.
Well, he could let Jinki had a good last impression about Gwiboon, right ?
He shrugged and took it off. Started to preparing himself for the last battle.
"Where Jinki told you to drop me, O.. Oppa ?" he said hesitantly.
Seungho smiled, glancing to the pretty figure beside him "Somewhere surprising.." he chuckled.
Kibum sighed as Seungho started to turn on his engine.
"You have to do something with that punk, Okay ?" Seungho scolded "Threatening me to drive you there or he would spill ... something."
Kibum laughed.
Seungho joined to laugh before seeing Kibum again "But really Gwiboon, Jinki had loved and still loves you that much. I know he liked to come to our house not just only to pay a visit for me. He always wanted to hear something from you too. Although, you barely contacted us."
Kibum lowered his head to stare at his finger.
"Are you that afraid of commitment ?" Seungho asked.
It's not that, Kibum sighed.
"Ah. We have arrived."
Kibum lifted up his face "Already ?" he asked dumbly to Seungho.
Seungho grinned, hitting his car horn "That idiot told me to drop you on his house. Well, you know his house is just some blocks away from here."
"What ?" Kibum frowned.
"Yeah and he told me to drive you with car." Seungho rolled his eyeballs.
"I'm not going in, okay ?" He said when the house gate was opened.
"Okay," Kibum nodded and stepped out from the car "Thanks, Oppa. See you."
"See you, Gwiboon. And consider about Jinki."
Kibum smiled weakly, waiting for the car to turn and waved goodbye before he took a deep breath and entered the house.
"Master Jinki is upstairs,"
And the upstairs was big enough to make him lost. Kibum cursed, seeing the nice American style interior on the residence's second floor. Where is that guy ..
"Gwiboon, here."
Kibum turned his body, frowning before walking closer to an open pantry where Jinki was.
"Wow," he said, peeking from the counter. "You cooked ?"
"Not really," Jinki smirked "Instant pasta shouldn't be considered as cooking."
Kibum chuckled "Then what should be considered as cooking ? Peanut buttered bread?"
Jinki flushed. The first time Kibum saw he flushed, he wanted to squeeze the older into a hug. Ey. What am i even thinking.
"You know about it ?"
Kibum shrugged.
Jinki scratched his head and continued to pay attention to his pasta. He cleared his throat nervously when he reached for the jar of basil powder, and it looked overly cute for Kibum, who just watching from the counter. It seemed that Jinki wasn’t used of people staring at him while he was doing something alone.
"Nah,” he said after adding some sprinkle of basil on the top of the pasta “I’m done. Let's go eat it on the couch." he said, referring to a small living room nearby.
Kibum frowned as he saw Jinki went out from the pantry and brought the both plates. Jinki just wore a pullover and acid-washed jeans. He still looked painfully handsome, of course but it didn't really match with Kibum's outfit.
"You tell me to wear something nice," he accused when Jinki placed the plates on the table "Now i'm thinking i'm overdressed."
"No." Jinki said, reaching for the younger's hand and pulling him to sit beside him. Looking at how the black dress made Kibum's pale skin glowing "You're not overdressed." he smiled.
"But i can make you less-dressed if you want." Jinki whispered, earning a loud slaps from Kibum.
"Stop it." Kibum said with reddened cheeks, while Jinki groaned about how painful his arm was.
"Your fault,"
Jinki chuckled "I'm kidding. Want to watch some movies ?" he bent down to pull out the drawer beneath the table. There's a lot of dvds inside.
"Hmm," Kibum said as he scrutinized the titles. He didn't want to watch something sweet or romantic and made some unhelpful ambience "This ?"
"Mulan ?" Jinki widened his eyes in disbelief.
"Why ?" Kibum snapped back.
"A cartoon, Gwiboon. Really ?"
"Then why do you have it in your collection ?" He scolded.
"Aish, It's my mum's." Jinki said, before stood up and put the disc inside the player.
"I love Mulan," Kibum said "Of all the Disney princesses, she was the only fighter. Not only being a pretty ladies waiting for the prince to slay the dragon for them."
"Sure, sure." Jinki said. He didn't really understand about this fairytale matter.
"Anyway, Your parents aren't home ?" Kibum asked when the older sat beside him again.
"They're still in the province." Jinki said, concentrating on his remote "I went home first."
"You went home first ?"
Kibum didn't even need to ask why Jinki did it. He took a soundless breath and reached for the plate, started digging in.
Some minutes after, their pastas were no longer exist for the world to see. Eyes still glued to the screen and mouth mint candy, they laughed at Mushu's -the small dragon- antics.
Kibum crossed his arm on his chest. A bit tensed when Mulan was preparing for her undercover as a man. Jinki always laughed everytime Mulan was about to be exposed later.
"It'd be a big problem if Li Shang found out, right ?" Jinki commented.
"Hmm." Kibum answered. "But Li Shang shouldn't be too mad.. Mulan had her reason for lying."
"I object," Jinki said, smiling to Kibum who sent a questioning look "Lying is lying, no matter what."
Suddenly, his head throbbed so much. And Mulan wasn't appealing anymore.
"Do you still want to watch ?" Jinki asked, as if he could read the younger's mind.
Kibum shook his head.
Jinki nodded. "Okay, I'll bring the plates to the dishwasher first."
Kibum nodded back. Not asking why Jinki didn't wait for his maid or something.
Needing fresh air, Kibum decided to stood up and walked through a glass door that led to balcony at the side.
Let's just live the minutes, Kibum thought as he closed his eyes and put his hand on the railing, make a good memory just to be remembered, not to be craved for more.
All of a sudden, Kibum felt a weight fell on one of his shoulder. He opened his lids, finding Jinki rested his chin on his shoulder, while the older's hands placed on the outer side of his palms on the railing, trapping him.
"Hmm." He mumbled, shuddered when Jinki's breath brushed his shoulder.
"Don't go," Jinki whispered, slowly planting a kiss on Kibum's neck.
"No," Kibum said, turning his body and facing Jinki. He didn't know whether the no was for the kiss or for Jinki's wish.
Jinki pulled his hands from the railing, moved them to embrace Kibum. "Please ?" he pleaded to Kibum’s hair.
Kibum sighed on Jinki's shoulder. "I can't," I wish I could.
Jinki drew away from the younger's body for a while, gulping and staring to the lovely figure in front of him, he said slowly "Gwiboon, Do you .." he took a deep breath "Do you want to marry me ?"
"Gwiboon .."
"Oh hi Kibum ! A second," Gwiboon was screaming to someone "Caleb ! Please hold Hazel for a while ! Or He's going to scratch your sofa again."
"Yeah cherie, wait." Someone's behind was yelling back, followed by a loud meow.
"Thanks, baby." She's back to the line. "Yeah Kibum what's wrong ?"
Kibum sighed. Feeling the world where the real Gwiboon was like really faraway from him.
"Jinki was proposing m- you,"
Gwiboon kept silence for a while "How could he propose me all of a sudden ?"
"How could i know what's in his head, Gwiboon," he answered exasperatedly.
"Mmm ...” Gwiboon thought, Jinki wouldn’t propose her if there’s nothing that trigger him to do it. “I don't think i could accept it ?"
Kibum sighed heavily "Okay."
"Kibum," Gwiboon said slowly "You know I love you, right? As a big brother i never had?"
"Yeah, Gwiboon. I love you too, I think.."
"So, would you forgive me if I say I'm sorry ?" Gwiboon asked weakly.
"For what ?"
"For letting you fall in love with Lee Jinki."
Was he that obvious ? Even another person knew that he would lost in this lone battle.
"Could you please hang on there until tomorrow ? I'm sorry, Kibum."
Kibum sighed "Don't worry, Gwiboon. I'm not going to do anything that could ruin this."
"Thanks, Kibum. I really am sorry,"
"Yeah. Bye."
"See you later ?"
"See you."

Kibum took a deep and long breath before coming out from the bathroom.
"You're done ?"
"Oh," Kibum jumped again when he saw Jinki already sat on the edge of the bed, half-cursing why did the male like to startle him so much.
Because he couldn't waste the time to go to the outer bathroom downstairs to discuss the proposing matter. He was borrowing the bathroom inside the guest room to call Gwiboon, because the choice was only it or Jinki's room which was in the same floor.
"Yeah," he said, clearing his throat nervously.
Jinki smiled a little "Don't be that anxious, Gwiboon. I'm not going to shove a gun inside your throat to answer what i've asked you,"
"I'm sorry," Kibum said.
"It's okay," Jinki replied then patted the space beside him, inviting the younger to sit.
Kibum scratched the back of his head, slowly walked closer and finally flopped himself down on the matress.
"Was it too shocking for you ?" Jinki asked, which replied by nod from Kibum.
"Well, we're already engaged, right ?" The older laughed on his own joke.
Kibum just smiled again.
"But, you know," Jinki stared to the brunette's orbs, sighing "I don't want to force you to be with me by the fact that our parents betrothed us.... I want you to see me as I am."
"Because I'm just a boy," He recited, slowly outstretched and moved his palm to brush Kibum's cheek "standing in front of a girl.. Asking her to love him,"
Kibum sighed. He's not even a girl. "Reversal of Nothing Hill ?"
Jinki grinned as he pulled his hand from Kibum's face "You got me.."
They shared another awkward chuckle.

“You should know something, Gwiboon.” Jinki said slowly “My mom never told me to accompany you during your stay. I’m not even sure my parents remember about our childish engagement thing. I just use that reason to get closer to you.”

I know, Kibum answered for himself.
"But, I guess i fail to make you stay here, then ?" Jinki stared to the carpet.
"Yeah, maybe." Kibum said.
Jinki sighed "So it's time to bid you farewell ?" and let me drown into another pool of longing ?
Kibum turned his head, bit his lip when he saw the pure sadness on the older's face. "Yeah," he said breathlessly, savoring the stunning profile by his eyes like it was their last. "Yeah," Kibum gulped "It's been .. nice to meet you .."
Then the next second Jinki was already pulled him into his chest, chewing on his lips roughly like there would be no tomorrow.
But maybe, it was right. There would be no tomorrow for them.
So could he be selfish for this time ? Could he lose to himself and taste Jinki for their end this once ?
And Kibum let himself to.
It was the first time he kissed Jinki back. Hungrily, as he let his only instinct took over. He moved his arm to grab and pull the older's hair, making Jinki mewled in surprise at it.
With racing heartbeat and more aggresive , Jinki ran his hand down to Kibum's waist, gropping and pulling the younger's to straddle his lap.
Kibum moaned when Jinki's finger sneaked under his dress, rubbing his thighs eagerly.
He pressed his arousal with his inner thighs, still had a bit of his rational mind to not exposing himself.
However, Jinki deciphered the rubbing body on his lap as a bigger turn on.
He gently tucked Kibum's brown long hair behind the younger's ear while his mouth went down slowly to ravaging the other's neck. Marking the creamy expanse with more red, with more color of his heart.
Kibum panted for air as he threw his head to the side, his own hands running down to caress Jinki’s toned back. The alarm was shrieking too loud for him to hear as Jinki reached and pulled down the zipper on his back.
"N-no," Kibum said, as he felt Jinki's digit brushing down dangerously from his bare spine to the line of his hole. But the older was too deaf to hear anything beside the wanton sound the other's made.
"Nggg," more mindblowing kiss shut what he wanted to say. Kibum curled his finger’s on the older's chest when Jinki was working with his bra.
Once he undid it, Jinki frowned for a while when he touched another hook beneath the brassiere. Is Gwiboon wearing two ?
He drew away instantly, too fast for Kibum to realize or do anything.
Jinki widened his eyes, dumbstruck as he saw what unfolded before him. An expanse of milky skin under a mess of black sequin, brassiere and flat s.

He left his mouth hung open, trying to rationalize thing, but he couldn’t.
"You're not Gwiboon ?" Jinki asked in horror. Questioning the devastated feline in front of him. "You're .. a male ?"
Kibum trembled, seeing Jinki's face flashing tons of expression. He decoded them as shock, confused, panic, questioning, mad, accusing, disgusted.
He tried to speak but he couldn't gather the words. Restraining back the droplets that started to b on his eyes as he tried to wear his outfits back and pulled himself from Jinki’s lap, he said slowly "I'm sorry."
Jinki was still frozen in time. Staring into the messy brown long hairs, to the rosy cheeks, to the reddened and swollen lips that still tempting him, He couldn't believe the pretty face in front of him was a guy. His head was throbbing so much.

"Wait.." Jinki said, closing his eyelids and taking a deep breath, trying to think again.
"You're not Gwiboon .." He repeated it. "I can't. Even... Who are you ?"
Kibum was in the verge of breakdown hearing Jinki tried to convince himself. He sounded hurted.
"You've been lying to me all along ?" Jinki asked, narrowing his eyes. With every kiss, every touch, every fuzzy feeling he had inside everytime he saw who he thought as Gwiboon. "And i believe you .."
Looking at the sudden coldness that turned Jinki's sunny face into a lifeless statue, Kibum just couldn't stand it anymore. The older was plainly disappointed. Disappointed of finding he wasn't Gwiboon, he wasn’t even a girl.
What he had been expecting after all ?
"I'm sorry," Kibum said with voice faded away in the end of the phrase and stood up slowly. "I'll just go .."
And with the lack of response, Kibum knew that, in the end, he would just have this as their finale.
God, he can't breathe. Kibum panted as he tried to fill his lungs with air.
God .. It hurts .. So much.
Kibum blindly went out from the residence, earning questioning eyes from the workers he passed. But he could care less.Because nothing mattered anymore. Nothing was more significant than the stab on his heart or the blurry sight in his eyes.
He patted his suffocated chest harshly, as if he could end the pain that way. Just stop beating already. Just stop.

He didn't know that Jinki was already rooted too deep inside him, to became a part of his existence. He didn't know it would be this painful.
And for letting the male rotten in his system, Kibum was accusing no more than himself.
He’s been deceiving himself all along, assuring himself that he would not fall, but he fell, fell to freely until he’s crashing hard to the ground and now he battered like a thug.
Kibum bit his lip until it’s bleeding.  Tasting the bitter saltiness of his blood, he thought that even the physical pain wouldn’t ever be able to defeat the wound he felt inside.
Then, He let himself cry for the first time. For the break of a heart. For the end of a tale. For the beginning of a past.
If only.. If only he had never complied to Gwiboon's wish. ..
Kibum hailed a cab that passing before him without thinking, couldn't stop to sob even when he had sat and closed the door. "Ms ?"
"Please just .. drive somewhere, ahjussi.." he said, barely audible.
His eyeliner smudged, his shoulder shaking so hard, he couldn't do anything rather than crying his heart out. Unrequited love, how dramatic as it's heard Kibum had never been expected he would suffer from it.
The kind driver lent him a box of tissue, and slowly, when his sobs started to decrease, he realized the car was only going around the blocks, as if the driver was giving him the time to calm himself.
Maybe this ahjussi had been dealing with several heartbreak case in his cab. Kibum dabbed his cheeks with the ball of tissue on his hand.
"Is this your house, Ms ? Am I right ?"
Kibum frowned and narrowed his eyes to see the outside, his head hurting so much from crying. But, Yes. It's Gwiboon's aunt mansion. How could the driver know ? He couldn't even think anymore.
When he was about to go out, he just remembered something "I didn't bring my wallet, could you wait for a while ?"
"It's okay, Ms. The spare change you gave me last time was more than enough to cover the fare."
Kibum frowned and lifted his head, finally realized the ahjussi was the same person that drove him from the airport on his first day. "Thankyou, ahjussi." He said weakly.
The driver beamed.

And It's time for leaving. Kibum took a deep breath as he pulled his luggage and stopped for a while in front of the door the following day.
He swept his gaze across the room, couldn’t find nothing beside the memory of Jinki floated in every inch of it. Remembering the first time Jinki came to his room with the bread and milk, the second time Jinki kissed him gently against the headboard. Sighing, he whispered slowly to the whirl of dust "Goodbye."
Then Kibum shoved his hand to his pocket for his phone. He searched through the contact number and tapped Jingki's name.
He selected the text message option and started to type.
But I'm just a boy, standing in front of another boy. Not even asking him to love him, because he know he would never feel the same.’
Kibum sighed after he sent it and deleted Jingki's number. He would remain nameless for Jinki and he shouldn’t care.
Then he turned his phone off, opened the case and pulled out his Korea simcard from it’s plate, throwing it to the dustbin.
He just wanted Jinki to know, of all lies, his feeling wasn't included. And Kibum was too afraid to see the feedback. To imagine how disgusted Jinki would be receiving the text from him.
But, Jinki just didn't know how for the first time that morning, Kibum felt disgusted of himself when he stared into the mirror.
Paris gave him back the feeling of safety home, because he had no threats there, because he was himself again. He wore his pants back and he almost cried in relief when the hair dresser carefully took his extention off.
It felt like everything that would remind him of Jinki had peeled off one by one.
After coming back, He took job for gigs and spreads a lot more than anyone, to busied himself. He's back to the world of fabrics, skins and artificial colors, but he's not complaining.
Gwiboon was wise enough not to ask him too much, tho she was worried to hear that Jinki found out about the disguise. Kibum, strangely, was sure that Jinki would not tell about it  to Gwiboon's family and he guaranteed it for her.
But one could tell how depressed Kibum when he had nothing to do. How he would become sleepless at night. How he lost his shopping appetite when Gwiboon fulfill her promise to the Lanvin spree -and to ignore a brand new scarf from the recent F/W season collection was definitely indicating a big problem, coming from Kibum.-
"Where is my baby .." Kibum pacing around on his room, searching for his Canon.
He was going to do a photoshoot, and to match the theme he preferred his baby than Nikon, his lion.
"There it is .." Kibum said, finding it beneath the pile of clothes.
He looked to the space of the installed memory, there’s not much left. He clicked his tongue, he's currently running out of memory card stock and he had no time to transfer the pictures inside to his pc.
He should delete some of it, then. Kibum scanned through the image library, quickly deleting some random photos while he walked to the door. He usually used his Canon for leisure activity only, honestly.
Then his finger stopped dead when he found a familiar picture of the backside of an old couple sitting on the bench, knowing what would come up next.
He gulped, and pressed the right arrow button shakily. And there he was, smiling behind bubbles. Lee Jinki.
Kibum took a deep breath before choosing a dustbin icon.
'Are you sure to delete the picture ?' the pop-up asked.
He sighed and clicked cancel.
"Good Afternoon, Jean." Kibum smiled, greeted Gwiboon's secretary "Is Gwiboon inside?"
"Yes, She's been waiting for you."
Kibum nodded at the words and walked closer to the wood door. Then he knocked and went in.
"Hi Kibum !" Gwiboon waved after lifted her head from some papers. "Sit,"
Kibum stepped closer to the only desk there and sat across the girl "What's up ?"
"Uh," Gwiboon frowned for a while staring at her paper, before looking back to Kibum "I assign you for the fashion week next month. Is that okay ? I know you had Givenchy show also around the time, but .."
"I'll take it," Kibum nodded quickly.
"Why are you forcing yourself too much these days ?" Gwiboon pursed her lips "It's not .. really good .."
Kibum chuckled "What do you mean .."
"A second," Gwiboon said when his phone rang "Yes, Jean ? Hmm ?"
Kibum raised his eyebrows and shrugged, decided to grab an exemplar of the magazine newest issue from the desk while waiting for Gwiboon.
"Yes, Okay. Let him in."
Gwiboon put the phone back, waiting for the knock and glancing to Kibum who was still absorbed on the magazine.
It always makes him happy to see his work featured on the cover. Kibum thought, not hearing the faint knock and the door click behind him.
Kibum froze on the spot upon hearing the voice, his fingers were numb all of a sudden and the words on the page he was reading were suddenly blurry, losing their meaning.
He stared blankly into a certain white spot on the magazine. Was it his only imagination ? Or was it really the same voice that crept him up every night ? The same voice that once shushed his fearful tear and talked sweet nothings to his ear ?
Kibum glanced to Gwiboon, seeing the girl smiled and greeted "Oppa," to the door direction, then all that he knew was he lost a beat of his heart.
Kibum gulped and bit his lip, taking a deep breath before blindly putting the magazine back to Gwiboon's desk, he dared himself to speak "Do you still have something to tell me, Gwiboon ?"
"Umm," Gwiboon looked to Kibum "Yeah, but it could wait i think."
"Okay," Kibum said "I'll go first, then"
Kibum stiffly stood up with a mess of mind. Focusing his sight to the door, he slowly walked to the exit, trying to ignore the glimpse of the fine black suits, or a slight scent of musk when he passed by.
He was gasping for air when he finally closed the door behind him. Oh God. He just lost ten years of his life.
"Jean," He called for the secretary, weakly "I'm not feeling well. Could you tell Gwiboon I'm going home first ?"
Seeing how pale the male was, Jean just nodded.
From: Gwiboon

Kibum, Where are you ?
12/08/12 04:45pm

From: Gwiboon

Kibummie~ Didn't you receive my text yesterday ?
13/08/12 09:20am

From : Gwiboon 

Kibum, Kibum, Kibum. Why are you not replying~ 
13/08/12 06:07pm

To: Gwiboon

Ya, Gwiboon. Do you forget i'm taking shoots in Brussels until tomorrow ?
13/08/12 08:30pm

From : Gwiboon 

13/08/12 08:36pm

From: Gwiboon

I need to talk to you. Contact me when you're back okay~ 
13/08/12 08:37pm


To: Gwiboon

If that has something to do with Lee Jinki, i don't t....
[Draft saved]
13/08/12 08:39pm

To: Gwiboon

Yeah, i'll call you if i rememb..
[Draft saved]
13/08/12 08:41pm

To: Gwiboon

13/08/12 08:45pm

"Garrett ?"
"Hi, Gwiboon. Good morning."
Gwiboon smiled and nodded to the guy that had been waiting in front of her office door "You arrive early. Come in," she said and walked in first to her room.
"When did you arrive from Brussels ?" She asked after taking off her coat and walking toward her chair to put it there.
"Last night," Garrett said, then handed Gwiboon his flashdisk "Those are our photoworks,"
Gwiboon nodded as she received it then frowned to her employee "You're going back with Kibum, right?"
"Yeah," Garrett said "I took the last 
Thalys train with him from Belgium yesterday."
"Oh, really?" then why Kibum didn't contact me, tsk "Okay, Garrett. Thanks."
"Yes ?"
"Maybe you should tell Kibum to take a rest or something? He looked so drained.."
"Ah," Gwiboon nodded "Alright."
"I'll take my leave, then."
Gwiboon sighed when Garrett left her office "Tsk. Those two dumb and dumber,"
"Kibuuuuum.. Ah.. You finally answer my call,"
"What's up Gwiboon ? I'm sure i don't have any works left to be reported to you.." Kibum said flatly, holding the phone with one hand while the other was busy clicking tv remote control. “And my next gig is two days again..”
"Where do you put my sequin dress ?"
"What ?"
"You put all my clothes in their place, right ? But I can't find that one .. My black sequin .."
"Have you searched thoroughly all over your closet ?"
"Yeaaaa~h" Gwiboon started to whine "I want to wear it for my dinner with Caleb toniiii~ght."
She huffed "Can you come to my flat and find it for me, please ? I have an important meeting with Karl Lagerfeld one hour again. I should get going now."
"Tsk this kid," Kibum sighed "Do you still hide the spare key beneath the pot ?"

"I'm positive I put it here .." Kibum mumbled to himself after opening one of the sliding door on Gwiboon's walk-in closet.
Behind that particular door was dresses, that's why Kibum was so sure he put what Gwiboon’s been searching for at that place after he unpacked his luggage from Korea.
"Did i put it in wrong place .."
He slid close the door and moved to open another drawer.
After two minutes, he straightened himself and sighed. He couldn't find it either. Tsk. That annoying little black sequin.
Drrt.. Drrt..
Kibum pulled his phone from his pocket, frowning when he saw an unknown number as the caller id.
"Hello ?" he greeted.
No response.
"Hello, who is this ?" he asked again.
"Hello ?"
Kibum held his breath as he heard the voice. That was .. unmistakenly Lee Jinki.
"C-can i help you ?" he asked, changing the language he used to Korean doubtfully.
But the next sounds he caught were a vague click and a dull connecting tone that indicating the person in the another side had ended the call.
Kibum sighed, didn't understand. What did he have to call if h....
He was almost fell when two strong arms snatched his waist, pulling him in an back hug and forcing his spine to rest against a solid chest.
The need of air was abandoned, the ability to move a muscle was forgotten.
"I miss you," said a whisper on his ear.
Kibum blinked and held his breath.
"I miss you, Kibum."


And Jinki saw it. How the back of the guy who sat across Gwiboon's desk tensed up at his voice.
He had seen that body tensed up several times, so he could not be mistaken.
Jinki breathed deeply, staring at the brunette's short hair. I'm here, look at me, he shouted inside his mind.

"Do you still have something to tell me, Gwiboon ?"
And that was the same voice crept him up every night. The same voice that once told him indirectly to always be near and laughed heartily to his ear.
Then the male was standing up, excusing himself to go out, before Jinki could think to do anything.
Jinki stood numbly, trying to restrained himself from the overflowing longing, to not just run approach the male that just passed him and pull him into the tightest hug senselessly.
Oh God. He breathed hard.
"Oppa ? You can sit.."
Gwiboon's soft voice pulled him out from his frozen state.
Jinki just realized how different the male’s and Gwiboon's voice were. Gwiboon’s was softer, while the male’s was rather raspy, tho both of them shared a whiny feel everytime they talk.
"Does he always look that similar to you ?" Jinki asked, walking closer.
Ah. Gwiboon thought. So Jinki recognized Kibum.
"Does he always look that pretty .." Jinki said to himself, but clear enough for Gwiboon to hear.
Gwiboon smiled a little as she saw the clouds of confusion and anxiety on the older's face spoke about something else. Aw, Is he falling in love ?
Jinki took a deep breath and looked at Gwiboon again "I want to ask why did you not want to go back to Korea last time ? And sent him instead ?"
Gwiboon pouted "Are you trying to sue me rightaway when we first meet each other after a dozen years, Oppa ?"
Jinki loosened himself up and chuckled "I'm sorry, Gwiboon. I just..."
"Yeah, I understand." Gwiboon smiled sweetly and Jinki, in the other hand, was merely surprised when he realized he didn't feel any tickling or fuzzy sensation from the endearing girl before him.
"You know how I am, Oppa." Gwiboon started "I don't want to go back before I could prove myself, that I'm not a little girl anymore, to them. I don't want to hear them coaxing me to live back in Korea again or something because they think I'm not capable of earning for myself,"
"But they didn't say something like that when sh- he's there." Jinki said "They're already proud of you."
Gwiboon pursed her lips, shrugging "How could I know they were going to say that ? I'm coward enough to just expect the bad. Kibum looks ... stronger to show them. That's why .."
Jinki nodded "Yeah. He's .. Impressive."
"I don't believe you're coming out, oppa." Gwiboon giggled.
"Coming out ?"
"That's the way to call when someone openly claim themselves as a ... uh gay."
Jinki groaned. "You make me this way." he sighed "I wasn’t even that disappointed by the fact he’s a guy when I found out. I was more surprised because he's not you and because.. he lied to me. And before I could do or speak anything, he was already gone."

"So you come here to chase him ?" Gwiboon asked.
"Kind of ..."
 Gwiboon squealed and laughed, then she frowned to Jinki not long after "Anyway, how did you find out he was a guy ?"
"Uh.. It's a little.." Jinki refused to continue.
"Tsk, Why does anyone not want to tell me ?!" she sighed "Was it that embarassing ? Like you accidentaly went into the bathroom when he's there first ?"
"No.." Jinki denied.
"Or maybe ..." Gwiboon widened her eyes "Wow, it must be something related to moans and groans and stuffs ?"
Seeing how red Jinki was, Gwiboon laughed wholeheartedly to know she's right.
"I will forever blame you, Gwiboon." he gritted his teeth.
"You should thank me." She stuck his tongue out.
"Thankyou." Jinki said nonchalantly "Anyway, I still want to ask for helps."
"What kind of helps ?"
"First one, what's his name ?"

(SFX: Connecting tone, slowly fades away)
Gwiboon           : Gwiboon's speaking ..
Kibum               : Gwiboon..
Gwiboon           : Oh, hi Kibum ! What's.. up ?
Kibum               : Are you setting me up to meet Lee Jinki in your flat, Jung Gwiboon ?
Gwiboon           : Uh .. Yes ?
Kibum               : *sighs* Thankyou, Gwiboon. Remind me to whack your head later when I come to your office.
Gwiboon           : *giggles* Have you uhm.. settled things with Jinki oppa ?
Kibum               : Sort of… He's right next to me.
Gwiboon           : *nods* That's good. Uh, You both are still in my flat ?
Kibum               : Yeah..
Gwiboon           : *another giggles*
Kibum               : Tell me what's the joke ?
Gwiboon           : Just tidy up my bed later when you're done ..
Kibum               : Done what ?
Gwiboon           : Uh... Getting know each other.. More ?
Kibum               : *groans*
Gwiboon           : *laughs* I’m hanging up now. Bye. I love you, Sister~
Kibum               : Yeah. I love you too, Gwiboon.
Jinki                 : *leans-in* *pulls Kibum's jaw with his finger* Don't say love to another person beside me.
Kibum               : Mmm~
Gwiboon           : Kibum ?
Gwiboon           : ...
Gwiboon           : Kibum, still there ? I'm hanging up now ?
(SFX: lips- sounds)
Gwiboon           : Ew. Whatever. *click*



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Should i make some extras from this ?


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Purplejaybird #1
Chapter 2: Just love everything about this fanfic!
Its so well written and just so much love for this fanfic!
Keep up the great work!
Chapter 2: Yes, extra chapter please.
Chapter 2: Omg why is this so ing nice I love this fic soo much!!! The moment when Gwiboon said 'let him in' my heart goes thump thump so fast bcuz I know who's coming and this story just gives me the butterfly feels in my stomach <3 So nice sweet romantic and ugh Jinki is so hot and I just can imagine how pretty my Kibum is as Gwiboon!! OnKey ftw!! Runs to the sequel
LoveYou12345678 #4
Chapter 2: author, jjang!
VIPrimShAplus #5
Chapter 2: awwww it's so cuteeeee <3
i don't know how to say.. but yeah i'm really like this.. it's makes me smile kkkk

aahhh really love this authornim jkk
Chapter 2: GOD! I'm so touched!
Jinki's just ... so manly and loving and ... Kibum's so delicate and ... and ... just everything is in the right places!
I just can't stop shipping OnKey!
and I'll be hopelessly in love with Lee Jinki!
btw, I really enjoyed that phone conversation in the end... it's so adorable!>///<
noriko24 #7
Chapter 2: Waaaa, great job! This story just successed make me soooo curious untill the end of chapter.
The feeling also, my heart beating so fast when they started making out in jinki's room and suddenly he recognized that kibum isn't gwiboon.
Wohoooo, it's soooo nice story.
Anyway, you make the sequel rite? I'm gonna read them then
froyolovers #8
Chapter 2: wow this is a awesome..^^
I love all the scene in this story. Especially the scene in jinki's home. When he knows gwiboon in front of him is kibum.. T.T
Always love your stories.. U always make a awesome onkey Sorry for rarely comment..
Chapter 1: I can't believe you made me cry ...... *wipe tears*
this story is soo touching , this should be published