
When Nam Woohyun strikes

“Hyung!” Sunggyu did not even budge and continued reading his book.


“Hyuuuung~” the younger started using aegyo, to no avail. Sunggyu knew what the younger wanted. Attention, that’s all. There were only two of them in the dorm while the others went for their dates or personal schedule.


“It’s so cold today. I’m freezing!” Sunggyu could almost feel the younger pouting, with sparkling puppy eyes, begging for his attention.


“Hyung! Hyung! Hyung!” he pulled the older’s arm, desperately trying to make him shift his eyes from his book. Honestly, Sunggyu wasn’t even concentrating on his book and he was hiding a smirk. But no, Kim Sunggyu was not one who gave in easily, not even to his boyfriend, Nam Woohyun.


“Hyungggg how could you do this to me. I thought you said you loved me.” Woohyun faked sobs while pretending to wipe imaginary tears from his eyes. Sunggyu rolled his eyes in annoyance, though secretly glad that the younger was trying to get his attention. Kim Sunggyu loved attention, especially since it’s from Nam Woohyun.


“Ouch!” he heard Woohyun cry. Startled, he looked up to see the younger holding his chest. He panicked, thinking that something happened to the younger. As soon as he looked up, Woohyun immediately broke into a huge grin, “Hyung! You finally care about me!” he cried.


‘Oh my god how could I fall for his trick?! He’s the prankster of all time!’ Sunggyu mentally screamed at himself, annoyed that he fell for Woohyun’s  trick so easily. He continued looking at his book, before deciding that he was bored of the book and climbed into bed to sleep.


“Lazy grandpa~! Wake up!” Sunggyu rolled over to the other side to face the wall and smirked. Seriously, sometimes he can’t even understand the younger. One minute he’s so dominate and all, and the next minute, he’s doing aegyo and being cute. And Kim Sunggyu definitely has a soft spot for Woohyun’s aegyo. Not that he would ever admit that.


“I’m gonna call Dongwoo hyung and tell him what a meanie you are.” Seeing that Sunggyu did not even lift a finger, he sighed and sat on the floor, flailing his arms around. “Stupid hyung is so mean!”


Sunggyu chuckled softly, figuring that Woohyun was just bored and decided to use Sunggyu to cure his boredom. ‘That selfish idiot.’ Sunggyu thought as he pulled his blanket over his head to block out Woohyun’s whine.


“Gyugyu~ namu is coldddd~,” Woohyun whined as he snuggled into Sunggyu’s bed and pulled the blanket to his side. Just like that, they had a stupid little blanket fight for awhile before Woohyun spoke.


 “How can you leave your darling boyfriend here while everyone else is on a date? I shall just go and find Key. At least he cares about me.”


‘Key? Seriously?’ A jealous hamster is not to be trifled with. And obviously Woohyun knew that Sunggyu would get jealous. Suddenly, Sunggyu turned to face Woohyun and crashed their lips together. Woohyun smirked against the kiss, finally getting the attention he craved for.


“You’re really that bored huh.” Sunggyu panted, lips red and swollen now. Woohyun nodded before wrapping his arms around Sunggyu and snuggled close to him.


“Alright, you’ve got my attention now. What do you want?”


 “I LOVE YOU HYUNG!” Woohyun shouted as he pecked Sunggyu’s cheek and ran out of the room, giggling, as Sunggyu groaned and ruffled his hair in frustration.





Omg what am I writing... Sorry reader-nims!

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Chapter 1: Greasy tree :)
Chapter 1: ajajaja.... Sunggyu is so weak.... only Nam can do that
Chapter 1: Aw... That is so cute!! If I had a boyfriend as cute as Woohyun I would definitely act like Sunggyu just so I could see that side of him! So totally cute XD
infinitedongwoo #4
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwww
ForeverChoding #5
Chapter 1: This is so cute ;w; you gotta write more of these fluffy woogyu fics!
Chapter 1: Phaha adorable!!!
Chapter 1: it was cute <3
aw, woogyu fluff /dies
wyvernmaster #8
Chapter 1: Did I just laugh out really loud while reading this? I should be glad that no one else is around. Nice! ^^
Chapter 1: OMG SO CUTE!
"IT'S SO FLUFFY IM GONNA DIE!!!!" -Despicable Me
Jkjk XD