Labels and Love

Labels and Love


For as long as he can remember he had been waiting for this day. The day to prove he was good enough, to prove that all his hard work would be paid off. He walked in front of the judges and introduced himself, "My name is Kim Jonghyun." He bowed and started singing his song.


As he finished his song, the judges turned and whispered to each other. One of them cleared his throat and spoke up. "You have an amazing voice there Mr. Kim Jonghyun. We would love you have you at SM Entertainment."



It was a regular day for Kim Jonghyun, get up, get ready, preform. It was about 10am and he was sitting in a chair back stage, waiting for his stylist to arrive. The door to his room suddenly flew open and his stylist Kim Kibum had ran through it, slamming it behind him.


“Sorry I’m late Jjong, there was a traffic jam,” said the man standing in front of him.


Jonghyun laughed at him, “Kibum, we all know that was a lie. You spent too much time on your hair this morning and that’s why you’re late.”


“Well excuse me for wanting perfect hair in the morning, unlike you who just leaves it a huge mess for me to clean up!” he sighed and put his bag on the counter in front of Jonghyun, emptying its contents. Kibum’s bag was full of different types of cosmetics. He had loads of different shades of eye shadow, foundation, eyeliner and a bunch of things Jonghyun didn’t know what was for.


Jonghyun looked at himself in the mirror and smirked. Kibum was right, his hair was definitely a mess. Strands of hair were everywhere and nothing wanted to stay down, but that was something the younger could fix easily.


“Okay, let’s fix you up and make you look presentable” Kibum purred as he started combing Jonghyun’s hair.


Jonghyun closed his eyes like he always does when Kibum starts working. It’s peaceful when Kibum does his makeup, and Jonghyun loves it. He loves a lot of things about the younger man but he will never admit it. The way he moves, his voice, his beauty, he loves it all, but he just wishes he could get over the fact that they’re both male.


As Jonghyun was deep in thought, Kibum had finished his makeup and picked out his outfit for today. “Jjong I’m done. Get this outfit on quickly, there isn’t much time left before you have to go on stage.” He said as he sat in the chair beside Jonghyun.


Jonghyun opened his eyes and was speechless. He knew Kibum was good, but was different. It had been better than most of the other times. “Wow Kibum, you work really good when your late and in a rush.” He said as he started poking at his face where the makeup was.


“Yah! Don’t smudge my beautiful work!” he said as he smacked the elders arm away from his face. “Now get your clothes off.”


Jonghyun lightly blushed at the comment but knew what Kibum was talking about. “Y-yeah, ok, will do” he said as he started taking his clothes off.


Once he had fully changed into the clothes Kibum had picked out, he walked over to the mirror to examine himself. The younger stood behind him and fixed the clothing, pinning it in some places.


“You look great Jjong,” said Kibum as he patted Jonghyun’s shoulders.


“Thanks Kibummie,” he smiled at the younger until he noticed the time, “, I have to go. I’ll see you later!” He rushed out the door and onto the stage. As he started to sing, the only thing he could think of was Kibum. His cat-like eyes, his styled hair, his perfect fashion sense, all of his features were burned into Jonghyuns brain, and he loved it.




As Jonghyun came off the stage Kibum jumped at him giving him a big hug. “you were great Jjong!” Said the younger jumping in excitement.


“Awe Kibum, well all i brought was the voice, the look was all you.” Jonghyun said smiling at his stylist. He was surprised Kibum could make him look like this in such little time. It made him wonder what Kibum looked like without the makeup and hair products. It is something he thought he would like to see. Thinking things like that upset him though, what will people think when they find out he has shown interest in other boys.


Kibum smiled at him and wished him luck for his final song but he had to go. “Bye Kibum, I’ll see you tomorrow” Jonghyun said unable to stop himself from returning the younger's smile. Jonghyun watched him leave before returning to stage. He wished he had the courage to be with him.



The next day Jonghyun only had a signing to do. Kibum went to the dorm to get Jonghyun ready, but he was still sleeping. Kibum decided he was going to wake him up, so he went into Jonghyun's room and shook him awake. Jonghyun woke up in a fright. “Oh Kibum its you, you scared me.” He said, still groggy from sleep.


“Awe I'm sorry Jjong, if it makes you feel any better you are adorable when you sleep.” Kibum said winking at him. Jonghyun blushed, this made Kibum giggle. “Come on, you have a short day today, lets get you ready.” Kibum said as he grabbed Jonghyun's hand and pulled him to the living room. When they got there neither of them let go at first. They stopped and looked at each other, blushing before continuing on with their activities.


As Kibum started doing Jonghyun's makeup he asked a favor. “Hey Jjong, do you think after the signing you could drive me to Maypole and a few other places. I need to pick out the outfit for your interview tomorrow and my car is in the shop. Plus this way i can have your imput.” He asked nervously. Kibum really wanted to spend the day with Jonghyun. He couldn't figure out why he was so attached to Jjong.


“Yeah sure, but can we go out and get lunch first? I'm always so hungry after these things.” Jonghyun said laughing to himself. Kibum was really looking forward to lunch, and little did he know Jonghyun was too.


“Sure, its a date!” Kibum said winking at him. “Now close your eyes and let me work my magic.”

“Haha, okay Kibum.” Jonghyun said closing his eyes.

“Oh and Jjong, you know you can call me Key right? Kibum is just too fancy, and i think we are closer then that by now.” Key said smiling. “Alright, my masterpiece is done, now get changed and lets go.”

“Thanks Key, i don't know what i would do without you.” Jonghyun said surprising himself with the honesty in that statement. He really felt for Key, and he wasn't sure what he should do about that. Well he is hanging out with Onew and Taemin later that night anyways so he will ask their advice.




Driving to the location where Jonghyun was signing Key took control of the radio. He was listening to some upbeat song that Jjong didn't know. Key was singing what seemed to be at full volume and Jonghyun was having troubles concentrating. “LAST FRIDAY NIGHT, WE WENT STREAKING IN THE PARK SKINNY DIPPING AFTER DARK!” Jonghyun reached to turn the volume down a little bit. “DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!” Key yelled at him causing Jonghyun so jump and swerve the car a bit. “Sorry Jjong, this is my favourite song.” Key said blushing slightly. With that he reached towards the volume to turn it down.


Jonghyun grabbed his hand to stop him. “No its okay Key, you can keep the volume up. “He said smiling at the younger boy. Putting his arm down, not realizing their hands were still attached.


“Really? Thanks Jjong!” Key said sitting back in his chair and singing again. Jonghyun felt his hand starting to get clammy and he looked down to see they were still holding hands.

“Sorry!” He said blushing a deep red colour. All this did was make Key laugh.




The signing was very long, and very boring. This gave Jonghyun a lot of time to think. He started thinking about how surprised he was that so many people were here, here just to see him. Then he noticed Key behind him when he started talking. He really liked spending time with Key, even if he was high maintenance sometimes. He could deal with that though.


He then found himself daydreaming of him and Key walking along the beach at sunset. Then Key ran and found the most beautiful seashell and brought it back to him. “Here Jonghyun, i want you to have this, it can remind you of me when I'm not there.” Key said smiling and putting the shell in Jonghyun's hand. Just then Jonghyun leaned in to kiss Key, their lips were about to touch......


“OHMYGOODNESS JONGHUN! I LOVE YOU!” A fangirl yelled when she reached the table.

“Do you have to be so damn loud!?” He shouted at the girl. She looked up at him with tears spilling from her eyes.

“Sorry, i didn't mean to annoy you, i guess i'll just go then.” She said as she turned, still crying.

“Wait!” He said as he reached forward to grab her hand. “I'm sorry sweetheart, i got distracted with my thoughts. I didn't mean it. What is your name Yeobo? “ Jonghyun asked, still holding her hand.

“Savannah” She said blushing.

“What a beautiful name.” Jonghyun said kissing her hand. “I love the sign you made.” Jonghyun said pointing to the poster in her hand. “Are you a good artist?” He asked smiling at her.

“Uhm, i think so, i go to the art school just around the corner from here.” She said blushing and reached for her drawing book. She handed it to Jonghyun who looked at them in awe.

“These are beautiful Savannah.” He said smiling, then he saw one of him. “Would you mind if i kept this one? It is really good.”

“Sure! You can take any drawing you want.” She said smiling at him.

“Thanks!” He said smiling brightly. “Hey, have you ever considered being in a music video? I'm looking for a lead girl to sing to in my next single.”

“That would be amazing! Ohmygoodness, i can't believe this!” She said with the second brightest smile he had ever seen. Keys was better, much better.


“Great, but I need you to do me a favor, draw a picture of yourself, and one of us together. Here, to help you with the drawing of us...” He said and grabbed her camera off the table. He took a picture of him kissing her on the cheek. “I hope this is good enough for you, if not call me and we will meet up. Do you have a cell phone Savy? Can I call you that?”

“Oh, uhm, yes! My cell phone number is 876-543-2100.” Jonghyun quickly programed the number into his phone. Well thanks Savy, i can't wait to see you again soon, but i have to go now. Goodbye Yeobo.” He said kissing her on the cheek again.

“G-Goodbye Jonghyun!” She said stuttering at first. Jonghyun left quickly to find Key. Of course, he was talking to some girl about something fashion related.


“Are you ready to go Key?” He asked when there was a pause in the conversation.

“Jjong, please don't interrupt my conversation, i will be done here soon.” Key said.

“Okay, but hurry please Kibummie, I'm really hungry.” He whined at the younger boy.

Key blushed a scarlet colour. “Okay Jjong, I'm coming now. Sorry Christina, we will have to finish our conversation another time.” He said rushing after Jonghyun. “Jjong, you called me Kibummie?”

“Yeah, sorry about that.” He said, this time was his turn to blush.

“No its okay, i think its cute.” Key said smiling brightly. To be completely honest that made him so happy. It made him even more excited about spending the day with him.


In the car Key remembered that Jonghyun yelled at Savannah while he was off in though. “So, what were you thinking about when that girl interrupted you?” He asked cautiously, not wanting Jjong to get mad at him.


“Just distracted is all, there is so much going on.” Jjong said trying to avoid the real daydream he had.

“Oh, well do you want me to request more rest days for you? I can do that, tell them you need it to keep refreshed and picture perfect.” Key said smiling at him.

“I don't need you to tell them, i can do it myself.” Jjong said, without realizing how moody it sounded.

“Don't sass me now. I was just trying to help.” Key said dramatically putting his hands on his hips.

“Sorry Key i didn't mean to have an attitude, I'm just hungry. Here we are, lets go eat.” Jonghyun said pulling into the McDonald's parking lot.

“You are bringing me to eat here? Really Jjong. My figure can't handle this.” Key said in his regular diva tone.

“Key eating here once in a while wont kill you. You are much too skinny anyways.” He said to the younger boy who just blushed and nodded. “Come on.” Jong said grabbing Key's hand and pulling him towards the restaurant. Not letting go of his hand when they got there Jong ordered their food. He ordered a Big Mac meal for himself and a Grilled chicken sandwich and a side salad for Key's perfect figure. Jonghyun really did like Key's figure the way he was.

“Thanks Jjong.” Key said smiling at him, then noticed their hands. “Sorry.” Key said pulling away quickly. This time it was Jonghyun that laughed.


Soon after the two boys were at the mall shopping. Well, Key was shopping and Jonghyun was carrying the bags. It was nice for Jonghyun to see what he would be wearing to his interview. He was able to convince Key to get the shirt that was only half sparkles.


While they walked from store to store Jonghyun couldn't help but think about his daydream. Is dating another boy something he could do?


“Jjong! This would look great on you!” Key shouted at him, interrupting his thoughts.

“Yeah sure, looks good.” He said to the black sweater Key was holding up. “Hey Key.”

“Yes Jjong?” Key said as he barely looked up from the pants he was critiquing.

“Thank you for everything, you spend so much time trying to make me look good.”

“Trying? Yeobo i always make you look great, who are you kidding?” Key said smiling at him.




Later that night after Jonghyun dropped Key off at home he went to go meet his friends Taemin and Onew for dinner. “Hey Jjong!” Taemin yelled and ran up to give him a hug. Jonghyun didn't realize how much he missed them with his busy schedule.


Dinner topics were fine; work, movies, music. Then Jonghyun decided to mention Key to his friends to see if they could help him. “So, i was just wondering what you guys thought about gay couples.” He asked very nervously.


The two other boys looked at each other and smiled. “Why do you ask Jjong, do you have a boyfriend?” Taemin asked smiling brightly.

Jonghyun blushed a bright red. “No i don't, but i think i might really like this boy.”

“Well Jonghyun, we always thought you were homophobic and didn't want to make you uncomfortable, but Taemin and I are together. We have been for a while.” Onew said grabbing Taemin's hand and smiled at his lover. Taemin just giggled.

“I thought i was too.” Jjong said and changed the subject. He really didn't know what to do.




That night he barely got any sleep, it was around 4 in the morning when he came up with his plan of action. He would ask that girl Savannah to go on a date with him, and if there is no attraction he will ask Key on a date.


The next morning Jonghyun called Savannah. “Hey savannah it's Jonghyun, i was wondering if you would like to go out for dinner with me tonight. We can discuss the music video and exactly what i need you to do.”


Sure, sounds great! What time?


“I will pick you up at 6, see ya then!” Jonghyun said hanging up the phone. Now on to his interview.




The interview went by a lot faster then Jonghyun thought it would, he was upset that Key wasn't there. Not because he had to get ready on his own, Key already showed him the basics. Just because he wanted to see him. He missed Key.




On his date with Savannah they went out to a restaurant to eat. They talked about the music video, and he told her she just has to sit and he would do all the rest. “I'm so excited for it! I have the pictures done too, i hope you like them.” She said handing the pictures to Jonghyun.


“These are great Savy!” He said smiling. Looking at the picture of him kissing her bothered him. He wanted to kiss Key, not her. This is what made him realize what he needed to do. It didn't take long for them to finish eating. Jonghyun wasn't really hungry. He just wanted to go home and call Key. He had the perfect idea for their date.




Key was sitting at home watching tv when he got a phone call. He looked at the screen and saw that it was Jonghyun. He smiled as he picked up. “Hey Jjong! How did the interview go?”


It went great! Thanks again Kibummie. You really are amazing.

“Jjong, why are you so sappy today?” Key asked giggling.

Can i explain it to you tomorrow? Since I have a day off i wanted to go to the beach. Will you come with me?

“Of course Jjong! I can't wait! When will you be here?”

Noon, and we will be eating lunch there so keep an appetite.

“Okay Jjong, see you tomorrow.” Key said smiling as he hung up. He really liked Jonghyun, and he really hoped Jong liked him back. Maybe tomorrow at the beach they will have a moment. Key went to bed early, he just wanted tomorrow to come already.




Jonghyun pulled into Key's driveway at 11:58, he didn't want to lose any time with Key. He honked to let the younger boy know he was there. Soon Key came running out of the house with a stylish beach bag, a hat, and sunglasses. Only he could be so pretty at the beach.


“Hey Kibummie, we have a big day ahead of us, are you ready to go?” Jonghyun said grabbing Keys hand and helping him into the car.

“Absolutely, lets go.” Key said smiling at Jonghyun. After a few moments Key looked over to a smiling Jonghyun. “So, just wondering, is this a date?” He asked keeping his eyes on Jonghyun's face to see his reaction.

“Well, i would like it to be, is that okay with you Bummie?” Jonghyun asked blushing.

“I would love that.” Key said grabbing Jonghyun's free hand. Both of the boys were smiling the rest of the car ride.




Once they were at the beach they found a nice spot to sit, not too close to people. Jonghyun laid out a blanket then put a basket in the middle. “Oh, a picnic, how romantic Jjong!” Key said peeking into the basket. Jonghyun pulled out sandwiches, fruit and juice. “All healthy, can't put too much strain on your perfect figure.” Jonghyun said laughing.

“Oh don't joke, you know you love my figure.” Key said winking at him. Once they were done eating they went swimming, played in the sand, and went shopping on the strip along the beach.




It was starting to get late, the sun was beginning to set. They were walking along the water holding hands. Just like in the daydream Jjong had at his signing. Key reached down into the water and pulled out a seashell. “Wow it's beautiful!” He said and handed it to Jonghyun. “I want you to have it.” Jonghyun was smiling. This moment was perfect, he didn't want it to end.


“It's beauty will remind me of you when you aren't around.” Jonghyun said smiling. He looked down at the younger boy who was staring at him. Jong leaned in and kissed Key. Quick at first, then more passionately after. They kept kissing until both of them were out of breath. “Be mine? Please?” Jonghyun asked kissing him again.

“Forever.” Key said smiling as he kissed his new boyfriend.



A/N Thanks for reading! Comments are much appreciated! (: <3

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Iheartyou5 #1
Awwww... Jonghyun is so sweet to his kibummie :3
Chapter 1: cute! too bad i dont ship jongkey but this was sweet :) :)
Chapter 1: So adorable and cute. Jongkey is awesome and this was written really well.
Chapter 1: Absolutely adorable!!! <3 ^~^
yaay! so sweet xDDD do some more :)
Chapter 1: Awwww<3 Sweet <3
Chapter 1: AWWH~! This was so cute~! I loved it. I can't even explain the sweet feels. Good job ^^