Find Me Birthday Boy

Find Me Birthday Boy

Jongwoon had just arrived home from his last schedule of the day to an empty dorm. Sungmin, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Hyukjae had just finished some SJ-M activities for their Japanese album release tomorrow, and Hyukjae was heading to Sukira immediately afterwards. Although Jongwoon was exhausted and wanted nothing more then to lay in his bed and fall asleep, he was waiting for the others to return first, and especially for Kyuhyun to be the first to wish him happy birthday like he does every year. Jongwoon secretly likes to think of Kyuhyun’s ‘happy birthday’ as his favorite part of his birthday. Three of his four roommates returned just before midnight and before Jongwoon could even greet Kyuhyun, the younger disappeared into his room.

"What’s up with Kyuhyun?" He asked the other two when they came into the living room.

"He’s mad at me and really tired." Sungmin stated.

"It was a really long day and Sungmin hyung accidentally turned off Kyuhyun’s game. So he lost a lot of progress." Ryeowook added.


"Yeah well hopefully he’ll at least let me sleep in my bed. Goodnight hyung."

"Goodnight Min." Jongwoon said before turning back to the eternal magnae. "You too? You look like you could fall asleep standing right there."

"Yeah, I should head to bed too. Will you be in soon?" Ryeowook asked while yawning.

"I’m gonna stay up a little longer."

"Okay. Night."

"Night." The eldest watched the younger head to their room before sitting back down on the couch. He didn’t even realize that it had passed midnight and that it was already his birthday until Hyukjae came home. He gave one last look to Kyuhyun’s room before heading to bed.

In the morning, Jongwoon was once again alone in the dorm as the other members said they had schedules. He was feeling depressed to start his birthday and not to have had Kyuhyun’s "happy birthday" before he went to bed. He dragged his feet to the bathroom for a shower but instead found a note taped to his mirror. He picked it up and read it with the assumption that it was from Ryeowook but he didn’t know why he would be left a message.

Good morning.

There is breakfast for you in the fridge and a nice pot of your favorite coffee ready in the kitchen.



"Weird. Why did they leave me a note? I probably would’ve seen it in the kitchen." Jongwoon shrugged but headed to the kitchen after a quick shower. Like the note said, his favorite coffee was ready for him in the coffeepot and a tray was prepared for him in the refrigerator. While he was eating, he noticed another note sitting on the tray. He waited until he was done eating and washed the dishes before grabbing the note and reading it.


Well when you are, Manager hyung will be waiting for you. He needs you to do something for him.

Have fun.

 Jongwoon sighed and but headed upstairs to the other dorm and Manager hyung’s room. The manager was the only one home on the 12th floor as well so was the one to open the door.

"Hey Jongwoon."

"Hi hyung. I was told you wanted to see me."

"Yeah come in." The manager let Jongwoon into the door before he headed back towards his room and came back with another note. "I need you to pick up something from me. All the info is here, including the address. Thanks Jongwoon." He said as he handed the note over. Jongwoon opened and read the note as he left the dorm.

Go to the address listen above and hand the attached paper to whoever is working at the shop.

Good luck.


"Same type of note again. What is going on?" Jongwoon asked no one. He noticed that the address was right down the street from the dorm. It was a short five minute walk to the shop that once he got there he found out it was a bakery. He was confused as to why the manager would send him here but just let it go as he waited in line to pick up whatever he was picking up.

"Uh hi, I’m here to pick up an order. I was told to give you this." He handed over the paper that was attached to his note and the woman nodded before heading to the back. When she came back she was hold a box.

"Here you go, you’re all set."

"Thank you." Jongwoon grabbed the box and was about to head back to the dorm when he noticed a note laid out on the top of the box. He sighed but read it anyways.

Got it?

Well now you need to take it to Jungsu hyung at the park. He’s waiting so don’t take too long.

Have a good time.


"To Jungsu hyung at the park? What the hell am I doing spending my birthday running around on orders from these notes?" Jongwoon groaned but headed off to the park. He searched through most of the park until he found Jungsu setting up for some kind of party. "Hyung?"

"Oh Jongwoon you’re here. Thanks for bringing that." He said taking the box from Jongwoon and setting it down on one of the tables.

"Yeah no problem. What are you doing?" He asked looking around at everything.

"Oh we are having a picnic with all the band leaders and managers this afternoon."

"I never heard about that."

"We’ve been planning it for a little while. I guess you just kept missing it." Jungsu just shrugged it off and continued setting everything up when he stopped. "Oh hey I forgot to get the flowers. Jongwoon could you go order them for me? I’ll write down the order and give you the money but can you go take it to the shop?"

"Uh sure, I guess."

"Thanks." Jungsu grabbed a piece of paper and quickly wrote down his order and pulled out some money and handed it to Jongwoon. The money though was already tied together with another note with his name on it.

You made it there. But now you have another task.

Go to the flower shop around the corner and order Jungsu hyung’s flowers.



"Fighting? What is with all the endings? Ugh." Jongwoon was becoming a little frustrated at all the notes but continued on. The flower shop Jungsu told him to go to was very close to the park. He was the only customer in the shop and walked up to the florist. "Excuse me?"

"Ah yes, what can I do for you?" The elderly man asked.

"Yes I need to place an order. My hyung wrote everything down so um I guess I’ll just hand you the list." Jongwoon pulled out Jungsu’s note and handed it to the man. He rang out the order after looking though the list and Jongwoon paid him. Before he could leave again, the shop keeper stopped him and handed him a red rose with a note tied to it.. "What’s this?"

"It’s for you so take it."

"Um alright." Jongwoon took the rose and took off the note and began to read it.

Everything is ordered? Good.

Well now you have some extra money so go and buy the CD you wanted with that money.

Having fun yet?


"No I’m not." Jongwoon sighed but headed off to the music store at least glad that some part of the trip will be for him. The trip to the music store was longer then the others so he decided to bus this time to save some energy. When he arrived at the store he spent a few minutes finding the CD he wanted and then decided to walk around looking at the other CDs. He was lucky enough to pick up the last copy of the CD and then checked the sales for SJM and was excited to see it was already sold out at the store.

"Finished?" The clerk asked once he got to the register.

"Yeah this is it."

"Has anyone said you look like Super Junior’s Yesung?"

"A couple of people but I don’t think I do.

"Oh you totally do."

"Thanks." Jongwoon said as he paid for the CD. While he was waiting he noticed the clarinet on display and on the clarinet was a folded note with his name on it. He grabbed the note when no one was looking and got his CD and went out of the store before he opened the note. "Yet another note. Where am I going now?"

Have you’re CD? I really hope so.

Jungsu hyung needs you to go to the Dong Bang Shin Ki dorm and remind Yunho of the picnic.

Keep going, not much longer.


"Not much longer, huh? I hope so." Jongwoon headed back to the bus to head over to DBSK’s dorm. He hasn’t seen them in a while so at least this note is something good for him, in a way. When he rang the doorbell, Yunho was the one who answered and immediately invited the other in.

"Heechul told me I might see you today when he was over earlier."

"Heechul hyung was over?"

"Yeah, this morning."

"So why didn’t he just remind you of the leader’s picnic?"

"I don’t know. But he did say if I saw you I needed to give you this." Yunho grabbed an envelope from the desk drawer and handed it to Jongwoon.

"Really? This is the… Jongwoon stopped and counted real quick, "eighth one today."

"Wow, that’s a lot. What does this one say?" Jongwoon opened the envelope and saw some money and another note.

It’s good seeing Yunho again right?

Well I fed Koming for you this morning and you’re out of food for him. So here is some money to go buy more.



"You have to go get dog food?"

"I guess so."

"Who is sending the notes?"

"I would tell you if I could but I don’t. It doesn’t help that everything is typed."

"Oh well I guess you should get going."

"Yup. See you later Yunho."

"Bye hyung." Yunho said as he walked Jongwoon out. Jongwoon hopped back on the bus again to the pet store and was glad to find out that there was not another note, so he headed home. He sent the dog food down in the closet where it is usually kept before he dropped onto the couch. Jongwoon sat there for a few minutes before he realized that the answering machine was blinking, signaling they had a message. Jongwoon got back up and dragged himself to press the play button.

Hi Jongwoon it’s omma. I need a favor so could you come down to the coffee shop for a short while?

The sooner is the better.

Thank you. See you soon.


"Even omma? At least it’s not another one of those notes." Jongwoon said before he headed back out of the house. This time he took the subway down to the shop and greeted all the fans who were all waiting at the shop. When he looked around he couldn’t find her, or his father or brother so he asked one of the waitresses.

"Oh sorry oppa, she just left a few minutes before you walked in. She said there was something she wanted you to try on the counter in the back."

"Okay, thanks." Jongwoon headed to the back and found a heart shaped donut sitting next to a note.

Please try the donut. It tastes good doesn’t it?

Once you’re done, head to the place at the river we always sneak out to when we have a schedule at KBS.

Only a couple more.

"A couple more? Good I don’t want anymore." Jongwoon said as he started eating the donut. It was really good and it didn’t take long for him to eat the whole thing. He didn’t even notice that he was that hungry until he saw the donut. All the note following has taken him to the middle of the afternoon without him realizing it. He bid goodbye to his employees and fans before he walked over to the river, which was just a couple blocks away. It didn’t take him long to find what he was looking for, as there was a red heart balloon tied to the railing with a ring and note. "A ring?"

Do you like it? I took me a while to pick out.

Follow the map to find me and end the chase

Last one.

"Last one? It better be." He opened the folded paper and found a hand drawn map leading him to the final location. He started to follow the directions on the map and for a while he was certain he was going in the right direction. But the sun started to fall into the evening a bit and he began to question the map. "Right or left." He was turning the map around trying to line it up with all the streets around him but it was not going well. "Who drew this map? It !"

It was about an hour later that he finally found his way to where he was supposed to be. He made it to the roof of the building and from there he found what he was looking for. From that rooftop you had a perfect view of a billboard.

I’m so in love with Jongwoon, I’m not afraid to shout it to the world through this billboard. –Kyu

"It would be him." Jongwoon looked around a little more and found the magnae sleeping on a bench.

"Sleeping? Really?" He headed over and took the chance to touch the younger’s philtrum, which caused the younger to fall off the bench.

"You’re here?"

"Uh yeah. Why were you sleeping?"

"Because you’re late."

"Maybe I would’ve been on time if you had a better map."

"I worked hard on that."

"Yeah well it ." Kyuhyun pouted at his hyung until the older tried to touch his philtrum again.

"Hey! Don’t do that."

"Oh well you know you still haven’t said happy birthday to me. And you made me run all around town. SO also where is my gift?"

"Happy birthday hyung. And what do you mean, where is your gift? I got you lots of things."

"Like what?"

"The CD, the flower, dog food, time with Yunho, an adventure, and me."

"Those don’t count."

"Fine, here." Kyuhyun leaned over and gave his hyung and peck on the lips. "Now we have a birthday party to go to. You didn’t think the flowers and cake were really for a leaders picnic, did you?"

"I really had no idea."

"Well let’s go. Everyone is waiting for us." Jongwoon nodded and Kyuhyun dragged Jongwoon off the roof but the older stopped him. Jongwoon connected their lips in another kiss that was a little bit longer the last.

"I love you too." Kyuhyun blushed but followed as this time he was led down to the park next to the building where the other members and all their friends and family were waiting.


A/N: BIRTHDAY FIC FOR YESUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT!
(There is a sequel Kyuhyun one. But I'll post that later)



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Chapter 1: This was so cute!! <3
I liked Yesung's annoyed mood throughout the entire thing;
and Kyuhyun's notes were too cute. ^^
Chapter 1: Oh look who it is again...IT'S ME! Hehe, I remember this one too :D ^^ *insert creepy smile again* Why did I review these backwards, you may be wondering...well...IDEK. I was going in order on your list :D Oh, you want me to say something about the story? Well, TOO BAD! LMAO JK LIZ <3 /don't hate me plz/

This, the whole plot, is so freaking fantastic. It's like Kyu is trolling him (well, sort of) with the notes and poor Yesung seems like he is doing all of his errands haha... "Who drew this map? It !" one said anyone had to be a perfect artist, right? ;) POINT IS...HE FOUND HIM AND AWWWWWWWW and yay /feels/

Wonderful story my friend whom I like know and stuff!
Lisa_lp10 #3
Chapter 1: Omo, I like it, what fic is this sequel for again??
Lisa_lp10 #4
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^