Storm of Memories

Storm of Memories

A/N: Kyuhyun is in regular font, Yesung is bold, and memories are italics.


It’s cold as the fall breeze blows through the field but I don’t really notice. My body is already too numb to notice something like the cold wind. I’ve cried so much recently that I’m surprised that there are still tears left to fall down my face.


"Kyuhyun!" He shouted to the younger as he ran to the meeting place. "Sorry I’m late, Omma had me running some errands that took longer then expected." He flashed a smile to the younger though his hair fell in front of his eyes so Kyuhyun couldn’t see them.


I don’t want to move anymore. It’s too painful to do anything, so I might as well just lie in bed. If only that had never happened, if only I could change the past. I can see the birds flying around outside so free and it make me feel even worse to know that they don’t have to feel the pain I feel.


"Jongwoon!" He yelled as he ran into the house quickly greeting Jongwoon’s parents. "Jongwoon, guess what! The CD finally arrived! I can’t believe my parents bought it for me. Want to listen?" He asked even though he was already setting up the CD player before landing on the bed next to Jongwoon.


This place has so many memories, I often wonder why I come back here. You never come here so I’m always alone, to cry from the pain in my heart. Maybe I come here so the others don’t see how much pain I’m in. Though I’m sure they already noticed.


A light flashes at him and he looks up to see Kyuhyun holding camera. "Did you just take a picture of me?" He asked Kyuhyun.

"I need more pictures of you from my point of view. And well this field gives it a pretty background."

"What you don’t like my selcas?"

"Nope they’re horrible." Kyuhyun teased the older before turning and running off further into the field.


I can’t watch the birds anymore so finally get out of my bed and walk to the mirror. I look at myself and see the dark circles forming under my eyes. I can barely stand to see how bad I have gotten these past few weeks. And the mirror mocks me by showing my image multiple times over. Only one spot is free, the spot where I punched it. The spot that caused the cuts in my hand and the bandage over it.


"Hey I was thinking of cutting my hair. It seems a little long, what do you think?" He said standing in front of Jongwoon’s mirror.

"It’s a little longer then you usually keep it, but it still looks good."

"Well I know it looks good still. But do you like it longer or shorter?"

"Just leave it for now. You can get it cut a bit shorter in a couple of weeks if you start to look like a girl." Jongwoon teased, earning him a glare.


Memories make a once peaceful and comforting place seem like it’s caught in a storm. I take a seat on a sturdy branch on the only tree that can be seen for a long ways. The mark I made still here and clear as day the day I made it. A happy memory that only makes me sad.


Kyuhyun ran to the tree and climbed up, hoping to escape the older. The older easily followed him up though and Kyuhyun had no where to run. Kyuhyun was grabbed by the back of the neck and pulled face to face to the older. "Brat." He said before kissing Kyuhyun. They were cautious to not fall out of the tree as they kissed passionately. A little while later they were sitting side by side, Kyuhyun leaning his head on the other’s shoulder, when he suddenly sat up and got knife out of his bag. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"You’ll see." Kyuhyun answered and started carving into the branch.

"Isn’t that a little cheesy?" He asked once he noticed what Kyuhyun was carving.

"So? It’s classic." Kyuhyun answered as he finished carving the heart, which went around JW+KH, their initials.


I glance over to the piano that had begun to gather dust. I lost any passion to play. No, that’s not it, you took the passion I had. I tried so hard to play but kept fumbling over the keys like you used to do. I played for you and taught you how to play, but you still would rather have me play it.


"Hey Jongwoon, play me a song." He asked after messing around with some random bits of various music pieces. Jongwoon agreed, walking over and made the younger scoot down on the bench so Jongwoon had room to play. Jongwoon began to sing when he played and the younger just watched the passion in his eyes as Jongwoon performed his own song for the younger. "Thank you." He said before kissing Jongwoon once he finished the piece.


Why did it have to happen? I always ask that. I wonder if you think of the same things I do. If the memories that haunt me, haunt you too. I can’t go anywhere without being reminded of you. But the irony is that I always end up in the place with the most memories.


My room can’t save me from thinking of you. So many memories were created here. Is there anywhere to free my thoughts from you? I decide to leave, maybe a walk will clear my head, and head down the dirt road by my house. It’s not long before I realize that it was a bad idea. We made so many memories here in the field that span the mile and a half distance between our homes, so they continue to feed my mind with memories until I find you on the same road, walking to me.


I began heading down the dirt road that ran through the field, not paying attention to which way I headed. My mind was to clouded with the memories to think about that. I hear other footsteps and look up to see you not that far down the road heading in my direction. And I almost couldn’t believe that I was actually seeing you for the first time in almost three months. I heard you speak but didn’t hear the words.


"You came back?" You asked.

"I ran away. I didn’t want to be with my aunt. I thought you went off to college."

"I couldn’t. There was no reason to. I would have been kicked out anyways." I couldn’t even imagine what you meant by that. You had a full ride to a music college and with your voice and piano skills you should have been top of the school. "My passion left me. And with no passion, I can’t make music."


I wanted to say that he left me, but it wasn’t his fault. His family died in a car accident and he was sent to his aunts to live. I can’t blame him for leaving but I wish I fought harder to keep him with me.

"You’ve always been so passionate about you’re music, how can it just leave you?" You asked and I couldn’t answer. "Jongwoon, tell me." I just couldn’t answer you. I didn’t want to make you feel guilty for my failure. The next thing I know is you slapping me and seeing more tears fall down your face. "I came back because I couldn’t stand being away from the stuff that reminded me of you. I cried more from being without you then I did for the lose of my parents. But they would understand. I love you so much that I can be without anything else in the world except for you, and they saw that."

"Kyuhyun." I pulled him into a tight embrace, taking a moment to enjoy the feeling I’ve been missing for so long. "It’s not your fault. You took my passion with you after the accident."


I couldn’t believe the words I was hearing as I cried into you shoulder. "I took your passion?"

"Yes, or maybe it was just that you became my passion and without you here that all left. And I sound really cheesy right now but I’m completely honest." You told me. I couldn’t help but laugh a bit though.

"It okay, we all have our cheesy moments. Mine just tend to be classics." I wanted to lighten the mood since my head was beginning to clear and the storm clouds disappeared. It worked though, as I managed to get a small chuckle from you.

We heard a rumbling in the sky and both looked up to see the irony that the storm clouds in our minds left only to end up in the sky above us. It quickly began raining hard but you wouldn’t release your hold on me.

"Just stay like this for a while."

"Only if you kiss me in the rain for another classic, cheesy moment."

"That is one cheesy moment we can agree on." You said and finally smiled before kissing me with as much force and passion you can find and I eagerly returned it.

AN2: This is what happens in the real early morning after I watch the ss4 storm vcr. angsty but it has a dorky ending I think.
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Hope you enjoyed and didn't cry, at least not too much.

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Chapter 1: Thank god they got back together
lahdeedah000 #2
Chapter 1: My Kyusung feelssssss >.<

Hehe so cheesy, but you know what? I love cheesy and fluffy, so there. :P Haha loved this!
Oh, I'm not allowed to read this yet *goes away*

Trust me.




Chapter 1: Gosh! I really shouldnt have read this now. Am still not able to cope with all the feels from the "almost kiss" moment from the kry concert.
So much pda and everything from my otp.
And I love how the story statted angsty but ended cheesy ㅋㅋㅋㅋ