the bet (promise)

the bet

while u were watching tv suddenly u hear someone is ringing ur open the door and it was ur boyfriend



kyuhyun    :*kiss ur cheek*hello jagiya.

you            :hello oppa .come in

kyuhyun    : *went in side ur apartment and sit on the couch*

you           :do u want anything?

kyuhyun   :hot choco and some snack


you put the hot choco on the table and give the popcorn to kyuhyun.


kyuhyun    :thank you

you            :welcome

kyuhyun    :lean ur head at my shoulder


u lean ur head at kyuhyun shoulder and he started to ur hair


you            :what movie do u want to watch?

kyuhyun   :any.


you change the channel and both of  u watch fell asleep while ur head on his shoulder.


kyuhyun p.o.v

i have started to fall for u __ah so u know tht.i just dont know what will happend to both of us if u know about this bet.


no one p.o.v

after 3 hours of sleeping both of you woke up and kyuhyun look at you and he lean foward to kiss kiss him back.


kyuhyun      :no matter what happen will you keep loving me?

you              :yes

kyuhyun     :promise

you            :promise.

kyuhyun   :*kiss ur lips*thank you


kyuhyun went back to his apartment .he feel so guilty what he did to he really love u .he dosent want to loose you.theres is no other girl tht treat him like you do.

kyuhyun lay  on his bed and fell asleep.

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Chapter 14: you story... awesome! although the bet.. its like my love story with my ex. but yeah your story AWESOME! :D keep it up. :)
claribelmiranda #2
Chapter 14: awwwwwwwwwwww...................... :) lovely story :)
mitralisa #3
Chapter 14: thank u 4 sharing
Chapter 14: aww~ i want me to end up with siwon~ but kyuhyun okay too..
katharine #5
Chapter 14: i read all of your story, i love it and i love the happy ending.
thanks and hope reading your next stories very soon.
good luck
bestfriend007 #6
AMIRAHHHHHHHHHHH i malas nak read lah. semua subscriptions aku malas nak read. sorry ah? hikhokhikhok Im sure yr ff is awesome~ MUAH
katharine #7
i just saw your story.i'm sure it'll be's good you put 4 chapters in the first,i hope you always update this fast.