Chapter Two

Time that I need

am I dreamed? or I can see the future? or........


soojung grab her phone and try to call myungsoo that still stand accross the street..

"oppa! don't crossing the street ok?! I will meet you there! just wait me there!! DO NOT CROSS THE STREET! I'm begging you oppa..." Soojung who still sobbing try to ask myungsoo to stay there

"wh-what happen? why you crying soojung?" Myungsoo start to panic

"I will explain later...." Soojung hang up the phone and start to crossing the street 

*I won't to lose him.. so not this time.. * then the car that will hit myungsoo speeding toward her.. then Myungsoo quickly grab her then hugging her 

"AISH!! that crazy driver!! why he driving like crazy speed like that?! are you okay soojung?" Myungsoo checking up soojung that seems frightened 

"I-I'm okay oppa.." soojung with shaky voice 

"thanks god... what happen to you baby? why you was crying?" myungsoo ask her worriedly

Soojung has lost her word... she still can't believe what was happen.. nearly happen to myungsoo... or.. I am

"you seems still shock... let me take you home okay? and get some rest.. we can meet and talk again next time" myungsoo  her hair gently.. then pick her home

soojung still quite... she lost her word.. thinking what was happen.. it was so real to her.. 

"here we go soojung-ah... get some sleep okay.. I won't disturb you now.. bye honey" myungsoo kiss soojung's forehead 

"yes oppa... thank you..." soojung smiled and go inside her house

soojung still confused what was happen.. she can't sleep.. then she take a walk around the street near her house.. and she see an antique shop then she entered it

"annyeonghaseyoo.." said ahjumma the shop owner politely

"annyeonghaseyoo ahujumma! long time no see~ how are you?" soojung seem happy to meet this ahjumma

"I'm fine soojung~ take a look then.. I have a several new stuff here.." 

soojung look around the antique shop.. she saw the watch pocket which really similar with the one that Myungsoo gave her

"ah.. this is really looks mine!" soojung told the ahjumma

"eh? really? let me see it soojung-ah.." ahjumma get close to her with curious face.. soojung open her purse and grab the watch 

"this one ahjumma... myungsoo oppa gave me.." krystal smile to her 

"ah... the twins.." ahjumma blankly look at the watch while said that

"pardon.. the twins?" 

"yes.. the twins.. sit down soojung-ah.. i will tell you the story" ahjuma take soojung to sit down

"that pocket watch actually the twins.. they made at same time.. and they have a different 'power' those stuff not for sell publicly.. it was sold in the black market before.. then I saw that one.. and I bought it.. I never sell that one.. because.... it have the 'power' that I really affraid if someone else use it.." that ahjumma siriously look at soojung

"but excuse me... it has 'power'? what kind of power?"

"ah... mine have a power to see the future and past.. yours is can see the future and rewind the time at same time well not just see.. but IN the future"

Soojung look really shock after heard this..

*so I was in future? or I was just see it? and myungsoo oppa..... was died?* soojung think all about it again.. she still can't believe it 

"what happen dear?" ahjumma ask her gently then she explain what was happen

"oh my... you was IN the future before!! you was really crying after that right? sometime if you just see it.. you can feel that was so real before.."

"you need to take care and watch out with this special watch.. I don't how can myungsoo have this one.. but still you need to carefull honey.. now go home! its late already" ahjumma ask soojung to go home gently

"yes ahjumma... thank you very much.. I.. will keep it" soojung with -not-sure smile to her 


future is so unpredict 
what will you do if you can see it? 
what will you do if you can change the future? 




once again.. sorry for failed grammar, etc ;-; 
thank for reading btw <333

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Chapter 2: Dont let this story cliffhanger... update soon please
krystaljungismybias #2
Chapter 1: its really good please don't be deja vu lol great story and I hope ur an author that updates daily