oo1. Let Me Introduce To You EXO!

The Past, The Present and The Future (EXO's Version)

Hello peeps. It's Hana again! Since some people do not know about about EXO, we sh-

"Hey! Who does not know about EXO?! I'll kill that person! ROAR!"

"Oh, just shut the up Kai."

"Whatever, miss bossy."

Okay, don't mind him. I forgot to tell you that I was in Busan, South Korea, with EXO in my 4D house since they live with me.

Seriously, Jesus God, I know I should thank you, but why did you make me live with these 12 dumb- idiots?!

Yup, fellow mortals. I am a half-mortal and immortal, since Mr. God gave that power to go through people lives.

He said: "Hana, I give to you thee power of the entire world. I hope you can keep it."

He was INDIRECTLY forcing me to peek into other people's lives!... Sneaky Lord.

But anyways, EXO are immortals too, but they are pure immortals. So now, I am writing on my screen computer. Well, not actually writing, but thinking. This computer communicates with your brain and forces out everything you think now inside your brain to the computer. Cool, right?

Oh, you looking for EXO? Well, Sehun and Luhan are out buying Bubble Tea for everyone, excluding me since I hate Tea, so I asked them to buy for me Hot Chocolate instead. Kai and Kyungsoo were preparing dinner, well not actually preparing dinner. Kyungsoo was trying to cook but Kai kept on biting his neck, making lovebites.

TaoRis? Oh, Tao was watching a Wushu competition while Kris was just eating popcorn, watching it with him. Xiumin and Chen were running around the house, playing catching. Suho and Lay were trying to control the house, but to no avail. BaekYeol? Hmm...I haven't seen them around since this morning. They are probably making out again for the 1000th time since I can hear moans coming from their room since this morning.

Suddenly, someone hugged me from behind. "Noona~"

I sighed and turned. "Yes Tao?"

"Play with me and Kris-gege~"

I sighed again and turned back to the computer. Suddenly, my computer was shut down.

"What the ?!" I shouted and turned to look at the culprit - no, the culprits. It was EXO and they smirked a little. Even Sehun and Luhan, who I didn't know they came back, smirked. I felt a little uneasy and stuttered, "Umm...guys? Why are you smirking like that?"

"Because it is time for your punishment Noona~ For not playing with me~" Tao pouted. The rest of EXO nodded and some sent me an apologetic look. I smiled at them and gestured that it was fine.

"So what's the punishment?" I changed my stutter into a bored tone, knowing what Tao would probably say.

"Buy me Gucci!"


Well anyways, I got to spent $1000 on Gucci and I learned that it was all because of Kris's fault.

When Tao complained to him that I was not playing with him, Kris immediately put his face on and demanded that all the other members would come to him and discuss the plan with the others. Everyone in EXO, except TaoRis, was really sorry about what happened. They said that they would pay me $1000 back! 

But I just smiled and told them that it was not their fault.

But I can't let this go! I am declaring war on Duizhang Kris and Panda Tao!

They won't see this coming...

Haha! How do you like the chapter? And what will be my plan? Stay to find out!

And this time, my writing is unique. For the speech I will write it in Italic while my thoughts will be written on normal.

Hope you understand! xoxo <3




Written by whoopie (Carrie) 

12:18 AM (Singapore time)


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