Chapter 5: Does this even count as progress?


Um... so yesterday I uploaded a new, albiet extremely short, static chapter because i love you guys. And I know it was up... people read it and eveything... and then... then it was gone! gone i say!! to quote park bom... "eeehh?" so lets try this again. i apologize for being completely disappeared from AFF for the the past couple weeks. real life has been totally kicking my . T_T and this chapter was supposed to advance the story more but... it really doesn't lol... my b.


“Um… good morning?” Donghae said curiously, surprised by Eunhyuk’s increasingly alarming expression.


He sputtered nonsensically, the blush in his cheeks darkening by the second, backing away from Donghae’s side of the bed until….THWUMP!


Eunhyuk tumbled off the bed with an ungainly thud. Donghae crawled towards the edge which Hyuk had disappeared off of, and peered down at the haphazardly crumpled boy with a bemused grin.


“You okay there Hyukkie?” He asked still smiling.


Eunhyuk felt his face burn as he lay helplessly between the wall and the bed, staring up at Donghae’s curious, sleepy face. He tried to scramble up from his prone position, but it was proving a more difficult task than expected as he struggled to get his legs untangled. He knew he much look like a complete idiot, which only made him blush more.


 Donghae watched him struggle for a moment or two before good-naturedly offering a hand, “Let me help, Hyukkie-ah, what on earth did you go falling off the bed for anyway?”


Eunhyuk took the offered hand, and immediately regretted it. The firm warmth he felt as their hands connected instantly recalled the events of the all too recent dream. His gaze was being dragged towards the patch of exposed skin between Donghae’s pants and shirt hem and he almost didn’t hear Donghae repeat his question due to the distraction.


“Um… there was a…a…a spider!” He burst out suddenly.


Donghae let out an incredulous laugh, “You’re that scared of spiders? Really? How come I never knew this?”


Eunhyuk looked down at his feet, ashamed of how stupid his cover story sounded, “It’s a-a secret.”


Donghae jumped off the bed with a sunny smile and threw his arms around Eunhyuk at this, “Awwh! Hyukkie, that’s adorable. Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from the scary old spiders!”


Eunhyuk stiffened in Donghae’s embrace, trying to banish the images still resonating strongly in his head, “shower!” he managed to splutter out before practically running to the bathroom.


Donghae frowned after him. Eunhyuk sure had been acting strangely lately. He was sure he’d seen his friend coolly disposing of errant spiders in the dorms on at least one occasion, but maybe not?


He sighed. Seeing his hyung look so flustered had made him forget his resolve to get over the boy once and for all and finally stop annoying him so much. In the one night spent together, it felt like he was back to square one: Hopelessly smitten. Waking up in the warm embrace of the object of his affections certainly hadn’t helped matters….


At the buzzing of his cell phone he looked down to see a text from Kyuhyun. -What are you 2 doing? We have to leave in 15 minutes!


He was about to reply when an additional text quickly followed, -Oh and could you send me a cute pic of you plz?


Donghae dubiously fulfilled the request, remembering Kyu’s words from the day before and hurried to gather his things for the day trip and alert Eunhyuk as well.


Eunhyuk let the water pour over his face and body in an attempt to wash away the memories from the night. Why had he dreamed about Donghae…in that way? And he’d woken up practically the other boy!


“Aish!” he shook his head, trying to banish any untoward thoughts.


But Donghae’s lips had been so soft….


“Ya! Hyukkie! We have to go meet the others for the hotsprings trip!” Donghae yelled through the steam as his poked his head through the doorway, causing Eunhyuk to practically crack his skull against the shower wall in surprise.


“C-coming!” he called back, watching Donghae close the door before shutting off the water spray.


 Donghae thoughtfully decided to get Eunhyuk’s things ready as the other boy was still dressing in the bathroom.


“Let’s see,” He said to himself as he approached Eunhyuk’s belongings, “He’ll want a change of clothes, and a nice jacket for the cold, and of course his wallet…”


But as he pulled out a pair of dark jeans, Eunhyuk’s wallet spilled onto the floor, laying face open. Donghae picked it up inquisitively, seeing a photograph tucked behind Eunhyuk’s ID. His curiosity got the better of him and he tugged it out, only to see the same picture he’d tucked into the mirror back in Eunhyuk’s room all those weeks ago. He stared at it, frozen, for a moment. He remembered being disappointed when the next time he’d entered Hyuk’s room the photo had been taken down, but never in his life would he have guessed the photo had ended up here.What did it mean exactly?


He quickly stuffed the picture back in its place in the wallet and threw it on the bed with the rest of Eunhyuk’s belongings at the sound of the bathroom door opening, heart racing.


“I got some things ready for you to bring on the trip,” this time it was Donghae’s turn to stare at the floor, blushing.


Eunhyuk glanced at the pile, “thanks,” he nodded moving towards the bed, drying his hair with a towel in one hand.


The boys quickly made last minute preparations and made their way downstairs to meet with the others going to the hot springs.


Only half the group had decided to come in the end, the others choosing instead to relax at the hotel or explore their immediate surroundings rather than take the hour long train ride. Donghae decided distance himself from Eunhyuk on the train in an attempt to submerge his resurfacing feelings once more, grabbing a seat next to Siwon. Eunhyuk seemed all too relieved to be sitting with the sleepy looking Ryeowook, Donghae was suddenly hit with a pang of jealousy as Eunhyuk closed his eyes and used the dongsaeng’s bony shoulder as a makeshift pillow.


Kyuhyun, witnessing the array of emotions that crossed his hyung’s all too easy to read face, grabbed Sungmin and dragged him towards the row of seats in front of Eunhyuk and Ryeowook. Sungmin allowed himself to be dragged with look of resignation on his face that Kyu had to smirk at.


He pulled out his phone and poked Sungmin in the side making the other boy yelp, “what was that for?” quite indignantly.


“Minnie!” He said in a loud, bright voice, “sometimes you hyungs do the cutest things!”


He peaked back between the seats to see if Eunhyuk’s attention had been peaked. Seeing the other boy sitting up he continued at the nonplussed Sungmin, “Look what Donghae sent me this morning!”


As the words had left his lips a shadow fell across his lap and he looked up blinking, “Er… Hyung?”


Eunhyuk stood frozen, peering at the picture of a bed-headed Hae showing on the screen of Kyuhyun’s phone. Sungmin wordlessly handed the youngest member a 1000 yen note.


Once again, poor Eunhyuk’s mind was racing with unbidden thoughts of jealousy and confusion. Why would he care if Donghae sent a cute text to the maknae? Really, that’s just silly… not like he would have sent one to him anyway since he got to see the real thing when he woke up. Wait, got to?Aish! What was he thinking. He suddenly realized he was staring at a very skeptical looking Kyu and sat back in his seat rather quickly.


“You okay there Eunhyuk-ah?” Kyu arched an eyebrow.


Eunhyuk was too dazed to even bother getting angry for the informal speech, he just nodded and threw his hood up, laying his head back on Ryeowook’s shoulder ignoring the looks the two younger men exchanged with each other.


Kyuhyun settled back in his seat, a pleased look on his face. He’d discussed his observations with Sungmin the night before and the older boy had agreed that there was more to Eunhae than fan-service, but he refused to believe either of them had realized it yet, so of course Kyu had to make a bet to prove his point.


Sungmin typed a text and showed it to Kyu so their conversation wouldn’t be overheard, -OK, he definitely has nonplatonic feelings towards Hae…but does he realize that’s what they are?


Kyu wrote on his own phone, -Maybe not, but he’s gotta figure it out eventually.


-What about Hae? Sungmin nudged his phone over.


Kyu lightly hit his hyung on the head, typing, -You freaking live with him, with a face like Donghae’s how can you not tell? He’s in love with Hyuk, obviously


-He keeps avoiding Hyuk though…


-Minnie, we went over this last night. He thinks on no planet would Hyukjae ever like him back, so he’s probably just trying to get over his feelings.


Sungmin nodded and said out loud, “I suppose that makes sense.”


“Of course it does,” The younger boy rolled his eyes, “must I explain everything?”


“Actually…” Sungmin started to say something but noticed Siwon looking across the aisle curiously, so he switched to typing again, -I did notice Hyukjae being extra attentive towards Donghae that week he was sick, but I didn’t think much of it until you put it in that perspective…


Just then a text from Siwon appeared on Kyu’s phone, -What are you guys talking about?


Kyu looked up at Siwon’s curious eyes trying to gauge whether he could be trusted, but before he could respond, Siwon was sending another text, -Is it about Donghae’s completely obvious love for Eunhyuk? Cos believe me, I’ve noticed.


Kyu nodded, sending the reply, -Eunhyuk’s a bit slow isn’t he?


Siwon snorted, earning a curious glance from Donghae who had been staring out the window for the duration of the trip, so completely missing Eunhyuk’s reaction to the picture on Kyu’s phone. Siwon urged him to go back to sleep or whatever and continued their texting conversation in a more subdued fashion.


-So what’s your plan? he wrote.


Kyuhyun filled Siwon during the remainder of the trip, getting his hyung invested as well.


He smirked as he and his friends disembarked the train, he had assembled a team, now it was time to put those  plans into action.


like i said... what the hell to aff for deleting my updates er... and then once more... my apologies for how this chapter goes kind of no where...aah! atleast they made it out of the hotel room... though some might say that's anot a good thing. but to them i say look forward to next chapter because you know what that includes?? nekkid eunhae! that's right. so hopefully not much longer.


also... this gif. is my new favorite thing. lolwut? somebody makes a me a t-shirt. please.

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Chapter 9: This is toooo cute iilove it
970 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wow! A 6 year old fanfic that is still so cute as the Eunhae of today. Thank you so much for this realization story. And I love what you called as Donghae withdrawals.
Merettevan #3
Chapter 2: Such a sweet, cute and fun story, with just a bit of angst but not to much luckily (since I needed something like this to brighten my day!).
These two are so adorkable, I can't help but love them! And I laughed so much with Kyu, unexpectedly Siwon and Sungmin so invested in this!
Thank you for the story!
Chapter 9: Why did this amazing story end? Huh tell me author-nim (well it was a perfect ending but I am selfish and want more!) why?! Whish there was more but tbis stroy is perfect and I loved every moment of it!
Chapter 9: My second time reading this. But it still seems soooooo ing cute!
AisyaZainal #6
Chapter 9: Simple, but really well-written. Thoroughly enjoyed this, soooooo cute.
Chapter 9: So sweet ^^ thank you ^^
KanaYuzuki #8
Chapter 9: Wow! That was awesome, and so so sweet ^_^ aw kyu, you little devil xD eunhae forever <3 thanks for the wonderful fanfic, Author-nim :)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 9: Very very very nice story...both eunhae are so cute....thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 9: damn that ending otl they're so hot unff and when hyukjae declared his love in front of the members awwww I wish I was there and witness the jealousy written all over hyukjae's face! that would be priceless HAHAHA a big thankyous for kyuhyun and his helps! if it wasnt bcs of you, these idiots would never end up together (theyre just happy living in denial sobs sobs) love the ending soooo much and NO! I WILL STILL AND FOREVER WILL SAVE DONGHAE'S PICTURES IN MY PHONE HAHAHA SERVE YOU RIGHT HYUKJAE :^D thanks for sharing~