Chapter 14.

Will You Be Home for Christmas?


[A/N: I was listening to this when I was writing this part. If you'd like the full effect, play this song in the background!]

                Tears rolled down Halmoni’s eyes as she fought back the ever-growing pain in her head, but she was losing the battle. It hurt. It really did. But she could not do anything other than resist the pain that engulfed her silently. Her soft, glazed eyes reflected the sight of Taeyang taking both soldiers down with his bare hands out of fury.

                Both men flew down to the ground, both motionless. He stood there, breathing heavily, as he observed both of the men. I’m sure they’re both knocked out. He thought. He then immediately rushed to Halmoni and cradled her in his arms.

                “H-Halmoni.” He said, his voice shaking with fear.

                “I’m… fine.” Halmoni smiled weakly, pointing to her head. “I-It’s just a scratch.”

                “Y-You’re bleeding…” He cried, tracing his fingers along the wound on her head. “I… I…”

                “Aigoo…” She cooed, cupping his face. “My grandson was so strong. You made me so proud.” She said, chuckling lightly. She began to slip away, her eyes drooping slightly. She drew in a big breath shakily, trying to suppress the harsh pain throbbing in her head.

                Tears rolled down his eyes softly. “Halmoni… I’m sorry I didn’t save you in time.” He said, holding her hand. He kissed it gently and held it near his face.

                “Aigoo…” She said again, laughing softly. “Grandma has to die somehow, right?” She watched his tears flow more freely from his eyes and felt him tighten his grip on her hand. “Oh, oh… poor child. Don’t cry because of me. God’s calling me right now. I will finally have peace, Taeyang. I will finally see your Harabouji. As he told me to be strong for him, I tell you the same. Be strong for me. Arasso? Take care of Seungri… That little rascal gets into a bunch of trouble all the time! Promise me.”

                “A-Arasso.” He said softly, running his fingers through her hair.

                “Good.” She smiled weakly as she felt all the pain leave her body. She saw a bright white light shine before her in the sky. At the end of the light stood her husband with open arms, smiling brightly. “I’m home, Jung Han…” She whispered and let go of her last breath.

                She died in peace… Taeyang thought, tears continuing to cascade down his face. He closed his eyes and nodded. It was probably for the better. I have a duty to keep now. He gazed upon her face and saw that she passed away with a smile curved upon her lips. “I miss you already… But I will see you soon.”

                He gently carried her small and fragile body in his arms and walked up the hill where she always walked up to see the sunrise.

                It was her favorite place in the world, she had said before. She would always take him, Seungri, and Daesung up there to watch many beautiful sunrises every morning.

                “Taeyang.” Halmoni said, turning to me.

                “Yes, Halmoni?” I asked, looking up to her. It was the winter of 7th grade and it was Christmas Day. We walked up the hill like we did every day. I sat next to Halmoni as Seungri and Daesung prepared hot cocoa back at the house.

                “Today is a very special day, did you know that?” She asked softly, putting a hand over my shoulder.

                “Mmm… other than Christmas… I don’t know. Why is today a special day?” I asked, cocking my head to one side.

                “Your grandfather died on this day, right on this very hill.” She said, gazing into the horizon. “This is why I go up here every single day, even if my legs ache from doing so.”       

                I nodded understandingly, reaching for my grandmother’s hand. “You… miss him, don’t you?” I asked, studying her expression.

                “Oh, you know it.” She said, grasping my hand. “Every single day. I’d sit out here and remember him. You see that cross right there?” she pointed in the distance. There stood a little white wooden cross, still standing proudly.

                “Yeah, I see it! I’ve always wondered why it was there.”

                “He rests there.” She said softly. “This hill reminds me so much of him.”

                I nodded again, tightening my grip on her hand. We remained quiet for a while, enjoying the melodious chirping and the colorful sunrise.

                “When I die… Taeyang… Bury me right next to your grandpa!” She said, smiling.

                “You’re not going to die, Halmoni.” I laughed, resting my head on her shoulder.

                “Yeah, I am. Maybe soon, maybe later. No one knows!” She chuckled, kissing my head.

                “Well, I’m gonna make sure I’m gonna die before you do because I’ll be so sad when you’re gone!” I said, pouting.

                “Yah, then who’s gonna bury me!?” I exclaimed, laughing heartily. “Plus, that will leave me sad!”

                “Make Seungri and Daesung do it!”

                “Oh, now that’s just silly. I don’t trust anyone but you! What if those two goofballs accidentally drop me down the hill?”


                “Ah, arasso, arasso. It’s up to God to decide, neh?”


                Taeyang walked down to the white cross and bowed, still holding Halmoni in his arms. “Harabouji.” He began. “I’ve come to bring Halmoni to you. You guys have been separated for too long… I think it’s time that you two should reunite again.” He shuffled nervously, thinking of more words to say. “I… wish that I had known you before… but from what Halmoni tells me, you seem so dashing… dashing to the point where every lady was jealous of Halmoni.” He chuckled at this statement but it was true. “But now… I will leave her back in your care.”

                He bowed again and set her right next to his grave, her arms held together on her chest. “I must go now…” He whispered, kneeling down right next to Halmoni. “Seunghyun and Jiyong need my help. I will see you soon.”

                And with that said, he ran off back to the house, saying his prayers madly under his breath. He was scared, but what good will being scared do? It will only feed the enemy’s ego, he thought. It’s time to let go of everything.

                He reached the outside of the house and searched for a weapon to defend himself with. He had no idea how to use a gun so he ruled that one out. He saw an axe used to chop up firewood and winced at the thought of killing someone. He had no intention of killing anyone but nonetheless took it with him.

                The sound of rustling and breaking glass filled the house. The sound was unnerving to Taeyang. All of Halmoni’s things were being destroyed. The familiar image of her home was being torn to pieces by dirty hands. He took a deep breath and swung open the door.

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This is not the end yet! Do not fret, my dears!


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llvip59 #1
Chapter 20: Beautiful!! n shocking u thought jiyong was going to be without seunghyun but it turns out they are together in heaven...sooo nice !!!I love ur stories :D
rasisha #2
Chapter 20: It was so heartmoving ;_;
Chapter 20: I love you :'3
youngforever #4
Chapter 20: ;_____; I'm so happy. But I'm curious how this story is going to continue
sakura11101 #5
Chapter 20: I cried so much TT-TT
This was amazing. I loved this omg
gigstardom #6
Chapter 20: I LOVE IT:) Thank You author-nim ^^
Chapter 20: Dear Lord, they're finally back together and happy! :') I was crying once more when reading it. >< It was just perfect! ^^
Chapter 20: waaahh... i really love this!!..
I just. ughhh xD
I hope you do more gtop fics
i really hope you do!
kimminnie #9
Chapter 20: ahhhhhhhh i love this!!!! T.T i hope you will get better nd improve in ur journey nd make only wise desicions.