Chapter 5

Another Heaven
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A/N : Words 5443, Happy reading guys. Drop some comments and many thanks to my coauthor. Chapter 6 otw!!!! 




Jiyong waited nervously on the arm of his living room couch, fidgeting his thumbs around and around while furrowing his eyebrows at the front door. Simply doing a menial task to keep himself busy proved to be insufficient and he settled for just boring holes into the wood in hopes that someone would give it a knock.  Anxiety was gradually building up as time ticked onward, his mind running through thousands of questions ranging from why just why did he choose to do this and why had he not done it sooner. Jiyong really didn’t expect he had it in him, the grand scheme of his life being so mundane and dull that no one would imagine that he’d take matters into his own hands and call an exorcist.

It all started with his less than innocent searches on the web after his ghost pest’s little stunt in the washroom and their less than satisfying conversation together. What began as simple Wiki-how links escalated quickly into numerous of questionable URLs that led him to a webpage which offered professional exorcist help for those suffering from paranormal activity. Blinded by complete rage and desperation, he had madly punched the phone number into his cell with red in his vision: stating of his immediate problem and to ‘get rid of him as soon as possible, whatever the method’. However, when he woke up this morning the once gratifying taste of revenge was replaced with a sea of guilt he was drowning in as he awaited for the exorcist’s arrival at the door.
He tried to call back the anger he had felt the night before, convinced that humans and ghosts living together in harmony was destined to end in disasters instead of the peaches and cream he fooled himself into believing. It lasted a while too; his shame-ridden thoughts pushed to the very edges of his brain by the adrenaline giving him an aggressive pulsing headache. Soon it became difficult to think of much else. No, don’t start regretting now. It’s nothing personal; he would’ve done the same.
Backing off now would only give the ghost the impression of weakness, not to mention the embarrassment he would feel if he were to call the website back to cancel on such short notice. He was the one who initiated this war in the first place, God damn it! Kwon Jiyong was done playing games, he’ll show him. Why should he show mercy if he’s the wronged victim?

…But the face of the stranger’s kind and sincere smile always manages to float back into his mind, quivering Jiyong’s towering stone walls that he hysterically attempted to remain standing as he strained to erase any trace of the memory that keeps rushing back in like water through a crack in a broken dam.

The beautiful aura of peace in the house shifted to one of fear and animus in the short amount of time he had moved in. Jiyong could no longer see it as a god-created haven in which he could come to hide away from the rest of the world’s judging eyes. It had done an effective job of making him forget about the cruelty of society, but traded it with a reality he was perfectly fine just pretending that didn’t exist. It was time to put that skeleton back into its rightful place in the closet. All he had to do now was survive for only a couple more minutes before that exorcist comes and does what he or she is paid for. He could hardly contain his troubled energy as he bounced his knees up and down just to burn some of it off.

Jiyong pressed a firm hand on his rapid beating heart as his body began to fire up and ache all over. Surely getting rid his ghost problem would be simple enough, maybe it wouldn’t even hurt for both parties! That way he can move past this strange experience and continue on with his (somewhat futile) climb back up the celebrity tabloids in a positive light instead of the demeaning one he’s been forced into. For the first time since discovering this out of sight, out of mind retreat a small spark of hope ignited behind his closed eyes alongside the fear and doubt.
The chime of the doorbell almost makes the musician jolt out of his spot on the couch in surprise, his palm coming up to sooth his increasingly painful forehead. With new found excitement, Jiyong quickly stood up and nearly sprinted towards the main door as he twisted open the round metal handle. It’s happening! I’m really going through with this! 
"Hi! I've been expecting you for a while now. Drop the formalities and come in!" The songwriter’s hand was still currently massaging his throbbing head, distracting himself from meeting the exorcist’s eyes. Seeing the man or woman actually at the door would solidify that indeed there was no going back. Plus, this headache was killer! He really should’ve taken some Advil.
"Excited are we…? Hello Mr. Kwon! Certainly you couldn’t have predicted I have come… Were you expecting someone? Sorry for dropping by without notice, but I was in the neighborhood and decided I should deliver some good news in person instead of by phone. I hope that’s okay!" Mr. Jong grinning face was the only one at his doorstep as he rambled away, trying to slip past Jiyong to get a better look at the loft’s interior. It wasn’t until the agent had finished his train of thought when he noticed that his customer’s cheeks paled several shades, completed with a dumbfounded expression and gaping mouth as he finally looked back at him.
"M-M-Mr... J-J-ong...! N-nice to see you again." Jiyong immediately schooled his best nonchalant reaction, the change not missed by Mr. Jong, and sidestepped the other man to slam shut the front door behind him and stand outside with his companion. At the moment all he could feel was nerves and agitation, suddenly becoming extremely aware of the stains he has yet to clean, not to mention the phantom stranger who inhabits the same walls Mr. Jong was attempting to enter. Wasn’t there supposed to be some sort of inspection his real estate manager had talked about? Damn… Bad timing!
"Mr. Kwon, are you okay? You don’t look so good." Mr. Jong observed as he narrowed his beady black eyes at Jiyong closely. The star didn’t seem this windup the last time they’d met; picky maybe, but not shifty or unstable.  
"No... No! I'm fine! Why would you think that?” he shook his head as if to tell the agent to disregard that question before continuing on, “Is there something wrong with the contract…?" Jiyong’s eyes swayed to the left and right of the empty road beside them, afraid the exorcist will show up smack in the middle during he and Mr. Jong’s conversation. That will only turn out unnecessarily messy, and he really didn’t want to have to explain his predicament that would no doubt land him right into the nearest mental asylum.


Mr. Jong swore he saw his consumer’s face twitch manically in the few seconds it took him to reply.
"Well no…” the older man wisely chose to ignore… whatever that was to do what he came for, “Good news for you actually, Mr. Kwon. Regarding our conversation yesterday, you are very lucky that the homeowner suddenly reached me after your call and asked to cancel the rent contract with you. It looks like the landlord intends to sell the house instead of renting it out, though I’m not really sure exactly why except that something odd had happened last night... I didn’t want to pry so I left it at that.” The singer was careful not to allow his eyebrows to scrunch together or dwell too much on the thought “Anyway, since he is the one to dismiss the contract it will not cost you to break the contract after all! Isn’t that wonderful! He wanted me to do a final check in to confirm these facts with you first." Mr. Jong spoke firmly with a secret smile plastered underneath his professional tone. As one of the best in his field he worked night and day in order to try and change the homeowner’s original conditions, and to have him do a complete 180 after only two days! He has enough bragging rights to last him a couple weeks at the office! Yup, this was a good day for real estate agent Jong.
"Y-you mean the contract is over and I’ll get a full refund for him money?” Jiyong blinked a couple time in disbelief, subtly pinching a sliver of skin from his palm to make sure he wasn’t just making this all up in his head. “But why so sudden?"
"I’m not sure actually, he didn’t go into specifics…” The small pondering moment vanished as quickly as it appeared as the realtor passed it off as none of his immediate concern. “Anyhow, rest assured Mr. Kwon I will stop at nothing to find a more suitable house for you after we’ve cleared the necessary papers to burn this contract for good. Oh yeah! Before I forget; sorry for the inconvenience, but I’m going to have to inspect the house before anything is finalized. Part of the agreement, my apologies.”  Mr. Jong swiftly rummaged his bag for something, hand clutching a translucent blue folder document while deliberately marching his way back towards the front door of the lot. With every step the musician’s heart seemed to hike higher up his throat; he was always applauded for his wit when thinking on his feet, but as he racked his brain for possible solutions all he could hear was white noise. If there was a key moment that I needed a brilliant idea to arise through all my poor decisions, now would be the time.

"Look, Mr. Jong… Now isn’t the best time.” It took everything in his power to not shout it out to the whole neighborhood and flail his arms wildly when the agent’s fingers closed in on the metal handle of the only thing keeping him from seeing the absolute mess of a house Jiyong was hiding. “I have an important…erm, meeting? Yes meeting, today. I’ll call you later when I’m ready so please bear with me. Now if you’ll be on your way…" Jiyong gently, if not suspiciously, nudged Mr. Jong’s body back in the direction of the white picket fence and away from his front door.
"But didn’t you say you wanted to cancel the contract of the house as soon as possible yesterday? Pardon me for not understanding the delay. This is a very good opportunity for you Mr. Kwon, for all we know the homeowner might change his mind later!” The company representative caught himself as he stumbled from his client’s push, holding the neglected file out towards the other man as he blindly followed Jiyong down the pathway until he was led to the gate once more.
"And I appreciate your effort! Give me a couple days to think about it. Call me! Or I’ll call you, that way you won’t show up unannounced again…” his customer’s eyes darkened as though deep in thought, only to instantly brighten into a charming grin that made the employee question himself of its existence in the first place. “Have a nice day!" The singer waved his hand at the opened exit as Mr. Jong blankly shuffled to the other side of the fence with a face full of confusion. Be cool Jiyong... Be cool!!! 
"But... Mr. Kwon" The real estate manager continued standing at the foot of the walkway, watching his consumer madly bolt up the wooden fence gate with a feverous devil-may-care air he didn’t even want to put his finger on.
"Nice to see you, Mr. Jong. Please wait for my call!" Jiyong couldn’t wait to close the gate fast enough as he made sure that the lock was properly in place before bidding his goodbye and speed-walking back into the house without sparing another glance. 
Mr. Jong was left alone staring at the now closed front door with a heart full of disappointment, arm still slightly extended with his documents in hand. Jiyong seemed awfully reluctant to meet the demands of the homeowner compared to their last conversation on the phone. Here he was hoping for a quick sign and seal, getting the deal over with and helping himself to a nice celebratory ice cold beer when he got home. His client’s strange behavior also raised many unanswered suspicions that he forced to the back of his mind; after all it was none of his business. The real estate agent could only re-enter the ignored folder back into his satchel and stroll uneasily back to his car. He meets some odd people in his line of work, that’s for sure.
On the other side of the wood, the person in question had his back pressed squarely onto the surface he just slammed in his hurry to escape. He could feel that his palms were moist with cold sweat as h

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I found this story and I love it ^^
please update :)))
Its really cliffhanger ya know with : my brother is....
and I really wanna know the next ^^
maryfemme #2
Chapter 7: This is a beautiful story. Although the tag is horror but i rather found it melancholic. I do hope Seungri still alive and in coma somewhere, not really dead.
I love this fic authornim.
I do hope that reason Seungri still have unfinished task is related to Jiyong and hopefully they can reunited.
Update soon authornim!!
Chapter 7: salkjfhlasgdlsakdsh NEED.NEXT.CHAPTER T.T this is SO GOOD omg... Seungri is alive but sick/hurt...and now tho it seems like whatever Seungri had is transferring to Jiyong?? hence the use of the medicine and..and...ugh this story is so mysterious and intriguing!!! love it!
Chapter 7: My brother is... Still alive?? It's seungri's brother, right? Oh I'm soo wanting him to be alive n meet jiyong as human. N make love. Lol. Thank u for updating.
tarepandasan #5
Chapter 7: My brother is awake??? Maybe Seungri wasn't quite a ghost yet?

Ahhhh i can't wait to see how this turns out!!!!!
Lynnies #6
Chapter 6: Ah, you updated! Great! I feel so sad for Seungri... And Jiyong, too, for making that decision. I want Seungri to go back. Can't wait for the next chapter~
tarepandasan #7
Chapter 6: Oh I really hope Riri comes back...
runriri #8
Chapter 6: thank you authornim for updating
Chapter 6: Aww, for Riri .. ji, you really need to help Riri !! T.T