Goodbye, Goodbye

Daehyun knew this would happen when he received the call. He immediately changed his clothes and wore his socks and shoes. As he walked towards the door, he realised that he forgot something and went back to his room. Grabbing a red squarish thing, he went back to the door and stuffed it in. With that, he held on to his handphone tightly, in case there's updated news. He quickly stepped out of his house and locked his door as fast as he could. Looking at the time he spent even though it was his best, he decided to hire a cab instead of taking a public transport.

Soon, the cab arrived sooner than he expected thankfully and he stepped in hurriedly, rambling out the address to the driver. He hugged his bag tightly, phone in his hand, prepared to receive some sort of vibration or something. So many emotions were stirring inside of him and all he could do was to look outside, so that the driver wouldn't see his eyes, moist with tears. He silently prayed this was all a nightmare where when he wake up, everything would be the way it is. However, that didn't seem to be the case as he sneakily pinched himself, realising that he could feel pain. Not wanting to accept reality, he pinched his arm even harder, biting his lips to contain the whimpers that threatened to spill. This is all real. He really received the call.

Daehyun ped his bag and looked at the red squarish object, smiling to himself as memories flooded inside his mind.

"Yah what the heck are you doing here?!" Daehyun heard someone shouting at him and he turned back to see a blonde, wearing those old fashioned glasses, approaching him carefully. But he couldn't care. All he needed to do was to simply lift himself off the edge and fly straight down. Everything would be over.

"Isn't it ing obvious, nerd? It's none of your ing business and if you don't want to see my brain scattered all over the ground, jolly well get the hell out of here," Daehyun hissed and he looked straight down. Fear struck him a little, but all it takes was a jump. A simple jump that would rid off all of his problems. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as he prepared to take the last jump, until he felt something pulling him backwards to safe ground.

"Don't jump down! Life is a wonderful thing! Please I beg you!" Daehyun saw as the blonde gripped on his sleeves tightly, begging him to not do it.

"Wonderful my . My family's in debt, my grades are horrible, and everyone in school bullied me, saying I'm flirting with the people there. I can't tolerate these insults and problems anymore!" Daehyun shouted to the man in front of him, eyes haunted by inner pain. "And what do you know about life? You're a nerd and you're bullied everyday. Look at your arm, they are covered in bruises! So I don't think you have any rights to say that life's beautiful!"

"Because dying would really be the worst solution ever! No one should kill themselves.. Besides, as long as we get through this hole, we would be able to pick ourselves up. Especially you!" Youngjae said as he looked into Daehyun's eyes carefully. The man in front of him simply glared with his red puffy eyes, causing some sort of fear to form inside of him. "If I can still be alive, right here, right now? Why can't you?!"

"I don't know! I just don't see any motivation in life. And seriously, why do you care so much?!" Daehyun snarled as he tried to remove from the nerd's iron grip, surprised by his strength.

"B-because I can't bear to see anyone flying and crashing in front of me," Youngjae said. "And you want motivation right? Listen to this."

Daehyun watched as Youngjae took out his earphones and a MP3 player from his bag. "Those bullies relied on physical violence by the way," Youngjae said, feeling the way Daehyun stared at him, wondering how his earphones remained intact. Youngjae plugged the earphones in and passed them to Daehyun. Daehyun watched as he put it on, seeing the nerd scrolling down his tracklist. He pressed something and soon he heard some music.

-When this world that I viewed easily doesn’t go my way

When I slowly crumble at the despair that I can’t handle by myself

When I keep falling in front of the wall called reality

Oh I lost the way to pierce through the world-

Daehyun listened carefully, absorbing the meaning of the lyrics. The lyrics were simply inspirational and meaningful. Besides, the song have a very nice melody and tune. Closing his eyes, he let himself drown his sorrows into the song, able to relate to the lyrics. The whole time, he didn't notice Youngjae's presence at all until the song ended.

"How was it? It's nice right?" Youngjae gave a smile so innocent that Daehyun thought that was the most sincere smile he had ever seen in his entire life. "Yes. What is it called?"

"Goodbye by this group called B.A.P . Their songs are always motivational and powerful and I think I'm a huge fanboy of them," Youngjae said, looking away with his cheeks red.

"I see.. " Daehyun said, and the both of them stayed in this awkward silence for what seems like forever.

"So are you gonna kill yourself again?" He heard Youngjae say and he looked at him, getting deeper into his thoughts. Is death really not the best option? What if things doesn't get better after today? "Just listen to B.A.P's songs. They sort of help me survive school," Youngjae admitted softly as he saw Daehyun ponder for a long time.

"Well I will try my best to stay alive. What's your name by the way?"

"Y-Youngjae. Yoo Youngjae," Youngjae said, pushing his specs up. Daehyun just realised how adorable the person in front of him was. How his puffy cheeks distracted him all of his troubles.

"I'm Jung Daehyun. Thanks Youngjae. Seems we are not in the same school, hope to see you again," Daehyun gave a smile and left Youngjae alone on the rooftop. On the way home, Daehyun loved how someone actually cared so much about him and he kept thinking of the cute nerd that saved his life.

As he reached home, he was greeted by news that he would be transferring to another school since his parents couldn't really afford the expensive school he's enrolled in. Nodding his head, he went back to his room, summarising the events that happened today in his head.

Daehyun smiled again as he remembered himself praying unknowingly to be enrolled into the same school as the nerd called Youngjae, who soon became his best friend the moment his wish was granted.

Daehyun was greeted by chuckles of bimbos and he heard a lot of them saying how handsome or cute he looked. However, he didn't give a damn as he looked around, trying to see a familiar face. After going round a few corners, he found Youngjae. Surrounded by bullies.

"Hey noob. Did you help us with our homework?" Daehyun heard one of them said. Youngjae simply nodded his head, his back leaning against the locker, afraid and fearful. "Good boy. Here, there are others and please complete it by recess."

"B-but I-I can't possibly finish it that fast.." Youngjae retorted timidly, causing one of them to grab on his collar, pushing him up against the cold metals behind him.

"Are you trying to kill yourself? So tell me, are you able to complete it?" the man hissed and soon it seemed as though the entire student body gathered around them. Youngjae simply kept silent and soon a punch was sending straight towards his face. Youngjae fell on to the floor, his specs thrown away from him. "Bad boy. How dare you keep quiet. Maybe we should whack you up now to make sure you remember not to defy us."

The bullied gathered around Youngjae and Daehyun watched as Youngjae hugged himself like an infant, trying to minimize the impact. Daehyun was boiling up with rage unconsciously and he found himself walking towards one of them, punching one of them in the face. There were gasps around them, but Daehyun didn't give a damn about it. The others tried to attack him but Daehyun simply subdued them. This was one of those moments he was glad that he learnt Taekwando. The other bullies ran away and Daehyun quickly lifted Youngjae up. His specs was broken and there were bruises on his face. Without the specs though, Daehyun could see how Youngjae's eyes sparkled at him.


Daehyun felt himself warming up as he remembered how he saved Youngjae's school life too. How the both of them became one of the popular people in school, forming another popular clique in school with 2 seniors and 2 juniors. Youngjae might be popular, but he didn't change at all. Well, didn't.

"Youngjae? What happened to you? Why didn't you pick up my calls yesterday? Why are you ignoring me and the others during these few days?" Daehyun said as he gripped tightly onto Youngjae's arms. Youngjae looked down, not willing to answer at all. "Youngjae please.. It hurts me when you are ignoring me,"

Daehyun realised his true affections towards this particular nerd when theseconstant ignoring caused some sort of sorrow to build up in him.

"Why do you even care about me, Jung Daehyun. Please, don't," Youngjae muttered out, his face etched with sorrows.

"Because I ing love you, pabo!" Daehyun confessed. But he didn't receive the reaction he expected. Instead, Youngjae didn't look at him at all, trying to break free.

"No.. You can't like me! You shouldn't!" Youngjae cried out, tears already pooling.

"Why Youngjae, why? I love you so ing much the moment I saw you. I feel myself getting crazier every time I saw you. Please, don't ignore me!"

"I can't!" Youngjae wailed loudly along the hallway, garnering attention from students around them. For a moment, Daehyun's heart shattered into a million pieces as Youngjae managed to break free. He's rejected. Until Youngjae's eyes rolled back into whites, his body falling unconsciously onto the ground.


Daehyun finally reached the destination and he paid the driver some money. He took in a deep breath as he went in to this familiar place. For the past few days, he have been coming here quite often. Ever since he heard the news.

"Doctor! How's my friend?!" Daehyun said loudly, almost a scream. So many things were in his head. Is Youngjae dehydrated? Did he contract a flu?

"I can't tell you anything. You're not his parents," the doctor said and Daehyun felt like cutting him with a chainsaw. Youngjae's parents seemed to have a good sense of timing as they arrived.

"Doctor! How's my boy?!" the woman, who seemed to be his mum, said.

"His illness relapsed. Remember how I said if within 5 years he didn't get a relapse, he will be safe?" Youngjae's mum simply nodded. "The cancer cells seemed to mutated and they are already spreaded all over his body... He only have.. A week to live," the doctor said, not wanting to look at the depressed mum. Daehyun's eyes was transfixed with shock and grief, the news striking him like a hammer. Daehyun found himself collapsing onto his knees and Youngjae's father pulled him up. After comforting Mrs Yoo, Youngjae's father explained to Daehyun about Youngjae's illness.

"When he's young, he contracted brain cancer. Thankfully, he was treated and he's very optimistic in life," His dad said, sniffing. "We feared everyday these few years, hoping the disease wouldn't come back or something.. But now.." Daehyun patted the disconsolate man's back, trying to comfort him and himself too.

"Youngjae loves you a lot too, the moment he saw you 3 years ago," his dad suddenly said, causing Daehyun to turn his head towards the elder. "I found out after much interrogation and since then, he would talk about how handsome you look, and how he tried his best not to be obvious that he's stalking you,"

"Stalking? That means.."

"Yeap. He stalked you to the rooftop when you were going to kill yourself. After that day, he rambled to both me and my wife how wonderful your voice sounded like, and the fact that you finally talked to him," Daehyun felt his chest clench even tighter. This beautiful nerd was basically head over heels at him.

When Youngjae woke up, his parents went in first. Daehyun saw as after a hour, they came out, eyes soaked with tears. "You can see him now," Youngjae's mum said and Daehyun prepared himself to go in.

Youngjae had tubes inserted everywhere on his body. The sight caused his heart to wrench. What could Youngjae possibly done to deserve this? He saw Youngjae glancing up at him before averting his vision away.

"You know already right?" Youngjae broke the silence, his voice a lifeless monotone. "That I'm dying and I-"

"Loved me so much you stalked me," Daehyun completed the sentence for him, a single tear flowing down his cheeks. He joked as he smiled forcefully, trying to calm the both of them down.

"Daehyunnie.. Don't cry.." Youngjae said and Daehyun saw as his pale face was getting whiter. His voice was tired and dry. "Please... I... Don't want you to see me like this! Love somebody else please.."

"You are ing insane! I can't bring myself to love anyone but you!"

"But I'm ing dying. Please.." Youngjae lamented grievously, his mood getting out of control. He was stopped though, as Daehyun kissed him fully on the lips. It was dry and chapped, but Daehyun liked it anyway. It was Youngjae he kissed. He felt sparks igniting inside him, before dying out as the truth still struck him hard. "Daehyunnie.."

"I ing love you so much.. So please.. Don't push me away.."

"I tried so hard to not tell anyone the moment I received the report. I ignored you on purpose so that we will drift away. I don't want you to love me too much!"

"You're ing stupid, Yoo Youngjae. So goddamn ing stupid. I can't simply don't love you!" Daehyun retorted, kissing Youngjae for the second time. Youngjae didn't resist as compared to the first time, instead he gave in too. "Please, let me love you.."

Ever since then, Daehyun would visit Youngjae everyday and Youngjae seemed to be happier each day, though his face was getting as white as ghost. One day, he received a call - a call he kind of expected, but not what he wanted. Daehyun treaded slowly on the hallway, giving forceful smiles to the staffs working there. His mind was currently occupied with things and he didn't know whether he would be prepared or not. He didn't know whether he would cry his hearts out or what. He didn't expect this to happen. He didn't want this to happen at all. Everything bombarded onto him like mortars and he wasn't ready to fight back the tears the were threatening to flow.

Daehyun looked for the room half-heartedly, sauntering gloomily along the hallway. He finally found the door and it took as much willpower just to turn the doorknob. His parents were here and Daehyun saw as Youngjae's eyebags were larger, his lips chapped and his face was horribly white.

"Jaejae ah, my beautiful boyfriend," Daehyun smiled, taking in a deep breath as he sat beside Youngjae on the chair. He saw as Youngjae's pupils diverted to him, his dry lips curling into a smile.

"Daedae's an .." Youngjae said weakly, his voice hoarse and raspy. It was very soft and lifeless.

"Jinjja? Look what I bought for you. It's B.A.P's No Mercy Album!" Daehyun said as he pulled out the red squarish object from his bag, placing it on top of Youngjae's flat belly. "I know you couldn't find it, but thanks to Yongguk hyung, he managed to find it,"

"Haha. Fine you're a sweet ," Youngjae laughed softly, as he coughed painfully. "Daedae, can you sing a song for me?"

"Which one, my lover?" Daehyun asked as he ruffled his brownish-black hair.

"G-goodbye. I hoped you know how to," Youngjae teased.

"Of course. The lyrics are in my heart," Daehyun laughed painfully and he began singing. He watched as Youngjae smiled at him lovingly, his ashen pale cheeks lifting up. His eyes were half-lidded. Seeing this, his heart ached as his voice wavered uncontrollably, getting a little bit pitchy. Nevertheless, Daehyun continued singing and once he finished the chorus, Youngjae's eyes was closed permanently. Daehyun broke down in tears and the room was filled with cryings and wails.

'Yoo Youngjae, don't think by making me sing this song will cause me to forget about you. Yeap, I will definitely overcome my weakness and be the best I can, but I can never overcome our love. It's too strong. Thank you so much for being in my life and I will definitely make good use of my life you saved. 사랑해요, 제재 ♥ ' Daehyun placed the letter and album underneath those soft hands he craved to touch. He watched as the lid closed and they buried the coffin into the soil.

"Youngjae hyung will be proud to know that you are into voluntary work now," Zelo joked as he and Daehyun walked out of the cemetery.

"Shut the hell up, Junhong," Daehyun defended himself and they went to meet the others.

-Finished! <3 you guys! ^^ and it didn't seemed as angsty as I thought. And I feel much better putting in some hope you know? Lol okay. Just ignore me! Do comment though! Thanks! ^^
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baplover123 #1
Chapter 1: it was such wonderful story
i love i, i cried a lot too haha ^^
Chapter 1: ......tearing up
Chapter 1: Ahhhhh so sad :( .... But I love this one shot!! Good job author-nim!