Chapter 3 ~ I get it!

~Spy Couple~

Soon, we arrived at the auditorium. Me and Amy take seat next to each other. I sit quietly as I see other spies are taking their sit. Once, I glanced at Amy. She is smiling till her ears. I really did not have any idea what was going on now. All of the spies come to the office today. Usually, the spies that only be called will turn up at the office. Maybe there's something BIG that this company want to share with their employees. 

Then, the occasion start. A big slide sliding infront of the stage. Then, appeared our boss face in webcam...

Very good morning, everyone! You must be asking, why did all of you are called to get to this office in sudden. Before I continue my speech, I would like to apologise for taking your weekend leisure time. I would like to beg for your attention to me. Please shut down all of your electronics gadgets. Now, as we all know, the world biggest bank, for who doesn't know, Deustch Bank in Germany was robbed by crafty thieves yesterday. The bank had state that, they will give a reward worth AS 800,000 to anyone if they can solve this case. In that case, I call upon all of you today, to pick two person from all of you to be the spies, or should I say... It was like detective... to solve this case. Whoever want to volunteer, please raise up your hand.

I looked around whether if there is anyone would want to handle this case. Obviously, no one raised their hand. I looked at Amy...

"Danice, why don't you raise your hand?"

"Umm... should I give it a try?"

"Why not?"

I was feeling doubt. I don't know...

"Danice?" Amy looked at me with worried line on her face.

"Okay, Danice, let me tell you. You are the best female worker of this company in three consecutive months. This is your best chance you know! If you got four month consecutively as the best female worker, it will probably increase your income!"

"But, I need to go to German to handle that case..."

"Don't worry, there will be another man to come with you."

Because of there is no one volunteered, so, I need to pick up two spies based on their work qualites. This is selected based on our talk with the higher officer. And now, I would like to call upon Miss Danice Abbygail and Mr Steven Smedly!

Then, the room was filled with a round of applause. I was shocked! ME? And who in the world is Steven Smedly?

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me_1412 #1
Chapter 1: update soon! ^_^