Lost and Found

Lost and Found


“Damn it! Where are you!?”

You’re frantically looking under every table and chair in the small coffee shop, completely ignoring the odd looks being thrown your way. This was the third place you had looked, and if you couldn’t find your phone here, it was probably gone for good.

You run up to the barista as the panic sinks in deeper.

“Excuse me; nobody’s turned in a lost phone here today have they?”

The woman behind the counter shakes her head and mumbles sorry.

Defeated, you slowly make your way out of the café. You turn in the direction of home but you only make it a few steps until you throw your back against the glass and slide down to the ground.

“Why? Why am I such an airhead?”

You bang the back of your head against the glass as tears begin to form. You shut your eyes tight, hoping it will wake you up from this nightmare.

“Um, excuse me ________?”

You stiffen at the sound of your name, and open your left eye to see who spoke it. Both your eyes shoot open in surprise and your jaw drops. Standing next to you is a young blonde man with the features of a Greek god. You take in his strong jawline, beautiful eyes, and the most gorgeous sweetest smile you’ve ever seen. He’s wearing a large jacket, but you can tell by the way his tight white shirt hugs his chest that he’s built.

You shake yourself out of your trance and quickly stand up while trying to make yourself as presentable as possible.

“Yes, that’s me. H-how-“ You mentally curse yourself for stuttering. You fought the blush forming on your cheeks as you continued. “How do you know me?”

The man looked down at the ground and bit his lip. It was his turn to blush now. He looked adorable when he was embarrassed.

“Actually I found your phone earlier in the café. I was waiting to see if you’d come back for it.”

“You found my phone?” You cursed yourself again for not putting a password on it. How else would he know your name and what you looked like? “And you’ve been waiting for me here this whole time?”

The man nodded shyly, still nibbling on his lower lip. The sight made your previous frustration melt away.

You were shocked by the information he had just given you. It had been four hours since you had been to the café and he had waited the entire time. You honestly couldn’t think of a nicer gesture anyone had done for you. This guy really was perfect.

“Oh! I also got you this.” The blonde man held up two coffee cups towards you. “I didn’t know what you liked so I ordered a peppermint hot chocolate and a caramel latte. You can have either one.”

Seriously Perfect

“Thank you. I’ll take the latte.”

You reached out to grab the cup he offered and your hands touched as you grabbed it. The small contact made you heart flutter. After a moment you both retracted your hands awkwardly. You quickly took a sip of the hot beverage to hide the red growing on your face.

The man scratched the back of his head and let out a nervous laugh.

How could anybody be this adorable?

“I’m Jongup by the way. I’m really glad I got to meet you.”

“Jongup?” His name was just as adorable as the rest of him. “Thank you for finding my phone and waiting for me. Oh, and thanks for the coffee too. It was really nice of you.”

Jongup blushed again and took a sip of his own drink. A look of surprise painted his face and he began to rummage around the pockets inside of his jacket.

He was way too adorable for his own good.

After a moment, he finally found what he was looking for and offered it out to you.

You looked at your phone in his hand and grabbed it, grazing your fingertips across his palm in the process. Another flutter shot through your chest and this time ran all the way down your spine. How could this guy have such an effect on you?

An awkward silence fell as the two of you sipped your beverages. A few smiles and airy laughs were exchanged until Jongup broke the silence.

“Well I really have to go now. I’ve got dance practice.” Your disappointment must have showed on your face, because he immediately began waving his free hand to stop you from getting too upset. “I’d really like to hang out with you again though.” His face turned an even deeper shade of red and you brought your hand up to your mouth to stifle the giggles.

“I’d like that. I’m interested to hear more about your dancing.”

Jongup shot you another smile at your interest and nodded his head in agreement.

“It’s a date then. Um...but I really gotta go now.”

You nodded at the blonde, who hesitated. He shifted back and forth on his feet until he stopped and flashed another puppy dog smile and waved his goodbye.

You laughed at his adorableness as you watched him walk down the street. He turned back a few times to wave at you again before he disappeared around a corner.

You turned around and began to walk towards home, coffee in one hand, phone in the other, and the biggest smile plastered to your face. You had just met the sweetest most adorable man in the world and he wanted to see you again. He even called it a date.

“Damn it! I forgot to give him my number!” You smacked yourself in the forehead at you stupidity. How could you be so dumb? You rubbed the spot you had hit when your phone began to vibrate.

You saw you had a text message and checked to see who it was from. You laughed as you read the name on the screen.


Jongup – the guy who found your phone


You opened the message and read it.


I had to look through your phone to find out who you were. I hope you’re not mad I put my number in it. BTW, you look really cute in hats ^_^

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YoungjaeStephanieBAP #1
Chapter 1: ah... lovely..... ^o^
make it story..... (if you can^^)
-xttran #2
Chapter 1: D'awwwww, this is so adorable! :)
Chapter 1: I hope that you do longer stories because your writing is just amazing!
simcaca #4
Chapter 1: ommo!what a sweet story :3
Momo431 #5
Chapter 1: Aw, so cute :) you should write more to this!