I want you back

Loving Your Bestfriend is Hard


A/N: I don't really feel like this chapter is done. Anyway, I hope you enjoy.
Morning came and Uruha made his way to school. Upon reaching the school gates, he saw Aoi and Haruna ahead of him walking happily. He thought, what if Aoi never met Haru? maybe he was still the one laughing with Aoi, maybe he was still the one who hangs out with Aoi during week ends, maybe it was still him who eats lunch with Aoi. he thaught a lot of things he might be still doing if Haru didn't walk in the scene. He was lost in thoughts while standing by the gate, starring at the couple. 
Moments later, he was shocked as someone wrapped an arm around his waist and pecked his cheek.
"good morning Uru-chan!!!" Tora greeted.
"good morning Tora." He replied. still starring atg the couple. Tora noticed that Uruha was starring at something so he followed Uruha's gaze and saw what he was looking at. 
Tora observed Uruha's reaction for a moment. Seeing how Uruha was still looking at Aoi, he felt jealous. Yet, he just ignored this feeling, thinking that Uruha was still in the process of moving on from his feelings towards Aoi.
"Let's go!" TOra said, Interrupting Uruha's thoughts. They walked the school grounds while Tora's hand was around uruha's waist. Other's looked but no one really cared, they just did their own business.
In their classroom, Tora and kept on glancing at Uruha, smiling and sometimes winking at him. The teacher scolds him often when he is caught. Uruha just blushed on his lovers smiles, winks, and stares. Aoi glanced at Uruha when Uruha wasn't looking then he traced Uruha's gazes and at lead to TOra. 
Aoi didn't know why he has this kind of feelings inside him.. Was he jealous? No! he has a girlfriend. And a pretty one at that. But when he saw Uruha was so close at somebody else besides him, he felt bad. He didn't feel so bad when he start hanging out with Haruna only. But yesterday, when he saw Uruha kiss Tora, why does he feel so different? As if he wanted to punch Tora and run away with Uru..He was confused that he hasn't been listening to the teacher.
Lunch time came and Aoi was about to approach Uruha to invite him for lunch but he saw Tora on Uruha's side already. They were talking cheerfully and with that, he knows that they would have lunch together so he didn't bother asking Uruha anymore. When they were in the cafeteria, their tables weren't that far with each other. Aoi observed that Tora was talking cheerfully and Uruha was listening and his cheeks were blushing. As he was looking at them, he observed that Tora was leaning over Uru, cupped his face and gave him a kiss. Aoi clenched his fist, slamed table he and Haru are sharing, and stood up. with this action, he spilled his drinks. Everyone in the cafeteria was shocked at the loud noise and stared at Aoi who immediately was back with his senses and sat down, apologizing to others for making a commotion and telling them to just ignore what he did.
"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Haru asked Aoi, concerned.
"mm. Nothing's wrong Haru" Aoi replied and got back to his food.
"I saw you starring at Uruha."
"It's nothing" Aoi was trying to avoid the subject.
"You know, Since we've been together, you've spent less time with him. Why don't you invite him sometimes? I want to know him better. He's your bestfriend afterall. I don't want you to destroy your relations with him because of me." Haru said "How about you spend time with him this weekend? It's won't be so bad if we don't spend a day together"
"Maybe he has plans already with his boyfriend" Aoi said sarcastically and both of them glanced  at the couple at the other table.
"It won't hurt if you try inviting him." Haru smiled trying to encourage Aoi.
"Alright, I'll try" Aoi sighed. He loved how understanding Haru was. But he feel bad about talking to Uruha now. Haru was right. Eversince they've been together, It's like Uruha was not a part f his world. All the time he spent to Uruha transfered to Haruna. Now that Uru has a lover, he ffeels bad intruding.
It was the end of class and Aoi felt like he was faster than Flash to get to Uruha since he got there before Tora could. Uru was fixing his things so he hasn't really noticed Aoi in front of him. When he got up, He was shocked to see Aoi in front of him, asking himself when did he got there? Aoi gathered up all his courage and tried to speak.
"Uru, do you want to come by this week end and play video games?" Aoi asked. He felt awkward. Was it because of the thought that Uruha was gay and him asking Uru out is like he's asking him for a date? 
"I- .. uh..." Uruha stuttered. He doesn't know what to say. He would love to but he thought that what if Tora also invites him for a date this weekend? He wouldn't be able to say NO then. Especially when the reason was Aoi.
"Come on, you love video games... Or we can play soccer if you want to. Or we can go shopping. Whatever you want. It's on me. This weekend."
"Don't you have a date this week end?"
"Naaaah. A day without Haru won't hurt." 
Uruha eyed him suspiciously... "Did you two broke up?"
"what?! No No ! How could you even say that?" Aoi was shocked at Uru's words.
"It's just so not like you to invite me when you're with Haru"
"Not really. I just want my bestfriend back. I just thought that we've been apart"
"Oh. I thought you'd never notice" Uruha lowered his head.
"So what do you think? This weekend." Aoi was hopeful.
"No, we have a date this weekend" Tora suddely appeared from nowhere and wrapped his arm around urhas waist. He was glaring at Aoi like he was saying "Stay Away". Uruha was shocked and so as Aoi.
"We do/you do?" Uruha and AOi answed at the same time.
"Yes we do" TOra said answering both questions.
"Ok then" And with that, Aoi left.
"We do have a date?" Uru asked
"Yes Uru-chan. I just thought that it would be a perfect time to know about each other and stuff."
"and stuff???" Uruha was confused.
"Yes.. Stuff. Let's go." Tora smile and got his bag and helped Uruha with his things and they got out of the room.
Aoi was walking Haru home and he was just starring on the ground.
"So, you tried to invite him?" Haru asked. and breaking the silence.
"Huh?" Aoi was out of his thoughts.
"I said, did you try to invite Uruha?"
"Huh. Un. Yes." feels like Aoi doesn't want to form a conversation about this topic. He felt bad that Uruha kind of denied him this week end. Then he remembered all the times when he declined Uruha when he invites him on week ends. He felt guilty now that he knew how it hurts to be declined. He can't believe he mad Uru feel this way countless times.
"So how did it go?" 
"He has a date with Tora. Damn it!!!" Aoi accidentally shouted at Haru and both of them was shocked with his attitude. "I'm sorry. I was just pissed off. I was really hoping to spend the time with him."
"No worries. You can try again next time." haru smiled. and they made their way home.
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Anyways, I hope Uruha will go see Aoi!! Please, I need to see what will happen~ Just imagine the happy expression on Aoi's face when he looks up, drenched and sad, and finally sees Uru coming towards him... OMG, you need to update soon! You need to!
Chapter 5: What about Aoi? He's going to be drenched in the rain waiting for Uruha, who will probably never show up (or go really really late, and Aoi will still be there).....
Chapter 5: awww that was such a cute date, but now I wounder if aoi is really waiting for him at the park and if so he sould run to go get him because it is raining
Chapter 3: Awh Haruna is so nice~ hehe I love this story :) <3
angelicamelia #5
Your comments are highly appreciated ^_^
Chapter 3: Yay, you updated~~ Aoi needed to learn his lesson, that's for sure... He still does!! I mean, he's really THAT oblivious? To his best friend? Wow... Update soon pretty please <3
Chanell #7
Chapter 2: Aoi-san, you never know what you got til it's gone.

Uruha-chan's got himself a loved. I can just see him rolling around on his bed hugging a pillow and giggling.

Nice update. Can't wait for the next chapter.
sv19ox #8
Chapter 1: please write more! love it!
Chapter 1: I like it so far :) I just want to give my ducky a hug tho its so sad