I'm going to miss you...

A B2UTY and Her B2ST - and her one true love is...?

Class had now just begun and everyone was writing down notes, or texting or not even paying attention, I for one am the type to pay attention because if i want to get out of here, i have got to pass, i sighed softly and twirled the pencil inbetween my fingers and looked over glacing at L.Joe, he was actually focusing more on texting then writing his notes down, i chuckled softly and he looked over at me, i smiled and he gave me a look i sighed again and poked his side with my pencil he yelped from the sudden poke and i couldn't help but laugh, the teacher cleared his throat and i settled down, then i finished writing the notes down after that i sat back in my seat and got out my phone, L.Joe seemed to notice and he texted me 

LJ: "why did you poke me?"

Panda: "Because i wanted to, and i was getitng a little bored" 

LJ: "well you could of gotten in trouble and i don't want that, me i don't care, but you.."

Panda: "i know i know, i'm sorry i won't do it again"

LJ: "good noona :)" 

Panda: "hey, i just want to say that i'm going to really miss you when i leave"

LJ: "i'm going to miss you to, but we'll see each other again, no worries"

Panda: "i know~ but what am i going to do without my best friend of all time? D:" 

LJ: "you might just become a complete mess without me ;L" 

Panda: "no i'm not denying that, it could be true" 

LJ: "you certainly can't live without me can you?" 

Panda" no... your my little brother and i love you to death, you like keep my feet on the ground"

LJ: "well lets hope i won't be here much longer and i can  get to Korea just as fast" 

Panda: "let's promise each other, no matter what we won't make anyone else our new bestfriends, we'll always stick together"

LJ: "done and deal :)" 

Panda: ":)" 

that was the end of our text convo as the bell rang, next i was headed off towards science class i actually enjoyed that class more then lunch, i entered and saw Niel in there, he was my science partner for now, until i leave he greated me with a hug and i smiled hugging him back "Hello Panda-noona" i always giggle at that since my names Pandora they all just started calling me panda instead, i poked his cheek "hello Niel" i sat down in my seat as he sat down next to me, we chatted before everyone entered class and the teacher came in, she started off with a pop quiz and everyone was done twenty minutes later. 

everyone passed there papers up front and i was the one in the first desk of the second row and took it up to the teachers desk, i sat back down and so did the other students that had to get up, and do the same thing. she then announced that we'd be doing a project that was worth half our grade i looked at Niel and winked we always Aced the projects when we came together and came up with some amazing ideas, after that everyone scattered around like they were going to a fire or something "so what should our next project be?" Niel asked me, i put my thoughts together and it suddenly hit me "how about we do a project on antarctica?" Niel grinned and nodded "SOUNDS PERFECT!" he exploded with happiness, i again couldn't help but giggle this kid was to cute sometimes, i then got up and got everything we needed, then sat back down and started our project, after what seemed like an hour the bell rang and we all cleaned up in a hurry, making our way out of class and heading for our next class.

I had P.E. next and it was my least favorite, i mean why get all sweaty? not that i don't mind just, i hate when i wear cute clothes and i have to take them off, change into stupid gym clothes. i hurried up and changed into a pair of baby blue short shorts with a white t-shirt that was short sleeved and a pair of blue Nikes, i then tied my hair up in a pony tail and walked into the gym where the other girls were, i waved to my other best friend Mi-Mi who've i known for like, ever. she greated me with a big bear hug and i gave her one back, we then sat down and did warm ups they were always; Sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks and jump rope, after that good warm up everyone headed to the court and played a game of basketball it was my favorite sport and i loved every second of it, i've always been a basketball freak. 

Everytime i'd shoot the ball i'd always get a basket no matter where in the court i am. i was just naturally good and i didn't mind it, at least i got something that the other girls don't have, they can't even dribble and it's the easiest thing and my Mi-Mi tries, i always gave her some pointers but she's not very good at listening, we were playing six on six, yeah pretty big class? heh...we all were out of breath by the end of the game and we all cooled off by drinking water our coach gave us and sitting by the fan, we all were laying on the floor panting, when we play, we play hard. coach always said i was the team player but i didn't want to take the spot light so i give it to the other girls as well, i'm just not the type who wants attention on me all the time, i always felt so awkward. 

we all got up and headed for the showers with thirty minutes to spare, we all took our time washing our hair and bodies, after we blow dried our hair and dried off, fixing it how it was before and putting our clothes back on, we headed out just before the bell rang and it was still an empty hall way, we all sat down on the floor and played a little game of "have you ever" it was fun when it was just girls, but with guys it could get really steamy, i looked around and shuddered "what's wrong?" i heard Mi-Mi's soft voice "oh i was just thinking how creepy these halls must be at night time with no one here" then i saw Mi-Mi shudder "oh that is creepy" i nodded slowly and then the bell rang we quickly stood up so we wouldn't get tramped on, then headed for our next classes. 


woot! new chapter! I've changed the image of the girl, she'll be releaved soon [when i find a really good picture] she's not some American so don't worry ^o^ 

anyway, i hope i get readers! and if you are reading this, LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK SO FAR!

please?! -puppy pout- i need to know if people are reaading this so then i can continue :)

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Chrisfkboy #1
lolwhat84223 #2
Go go go go!
dillyshally #4
She should go and they could loose contact for a while and then meet back up when he goes back to Korea! xD
HyeMin1 #5
Go! Then he can move back there with Teen Top and have like a love triangle between B2ST and Teen Top!
Gah, ao many thunder storms xP
it's really good!
new reader~<br />
i love you fanfic!!!<br />
update soons~
LoveJunhyung #9
@3milyJoy hehe, you know how when thunder roars in the sky it can sometimes sound like a crackle? that :)
I'm sorry, but In chapter 3, what do you mean by this; Until there was a crackle of thunder. . .