Chapter 1

Dancing in Cloud 9


*Saya (your) POV *

My heart had been consumed by hate and disgust. The world is a sick place. My parents had brainwashed me into thinking the society is a cruel and cold place to be in. I would glare at someone and instantaneously detect every weakness of an individual. Companionship is unnecessary; they’re all just for show. Family, wealth, power is all you need my child.

I’ve been isolated from the outside community; I was never allowed to play with other children other than those snobbish, well off brats. She’s no fun! Let’s go play on our own. And the so called ‘friends’ all gradually left.

Eventually, every private teacher got fed up and left. SaYa, we have no choice but to send you to school. And since you’re already 16, you’re entering high school. I have no reason and power to protest, and even if I could or wanted to. There’s always a way my parents would come up with lame excuses. Another thing that I’ve learnt throughout my life is that our parents are always right; so they think.

The sunlight peeked through the slit of the curtain. Stretching my arms in the air; I reached for the alarm clock. 7 a.m. It stated on the screen. I placed it down on the drawer close to me. I grasp on the photo frame next to me; it was my grandmother. The only person that I could feel warmth and love from was her. After all she’s the one who raised me.

I raised the curtain, seeing the sun shining brightly over the buildings and skyscrapers across my room. Tiny ant like pedestrians were already starting their day, rushing through the crosswalks.

“Miss Saya, it’s time for you to prepare for school.” The maid queued. I turned my head to the left “Be down in 10. You may leave.” I uttered. One of them walked over to me, “Miss, your uniform.” She held the uniform in her hand. It’s too short!  I thought. “Put in on the bed.” I turned back to the view in front of me.

The cold atmosphere of the dining room; I sighed. The maids helped me pull out my chair, and I just sat down. My parents were not there anymore, I don’t think they even came back home last night.  After losing my appetite, I pushed the chair and walked away from the dining hall.

I descended down the flight of stairs before entering the car. I have a bad feeling about this.  I’ve never attended classes in a school, and the fresh new start doesn’t sound promising. Fortunately for me, the ride was short.

 Not bad for a prestigious school. I wasn’t amused but it was big. Slightly bigger than expected and it’s looks clean and the air is refreshing here.

I continued scanning the school while walking through other students who were looking at me. And just when I thought my day would start out as I expected, unwanted companies came. “Hi, I’m Jess.”  A girl with lock of thick and luxurious long hair approached, Party animal, and definitely a . I thought. “Hi, I’m Kyurin.” Another girl greeted. Besides her doll face, everything screams rich! Another stupid that uses power anyhow she wants.

“I’m Saya.” I replied. “Uhm, can you show me the principal’s office?” I asked. The two delightedly brought me to an office with a big wooden door. “Kamsahamida.” I thanked them before entering the room. A man who I guess is the principal was sitting at the chair. But isn’t he way too young to be a principal? I looked at him. “Excuse me, but are you the principal?” I asked. He nodded with a smile. “But aren’t you too young to be a principal.” I said. “Someone this young won’t have enough caliber to run a whole school. And you need a lot of experience.” I said.

I could see a vein popping out from his head. Maybe I said too much. But at least I’m honest. The man stood up and escorted me over to the couch. “Sit, please.” He uttered before yelling for his secretary to bring us tea. “So you must be Uhm Saya.” He was asking the obvious when I already had a name tag on my uniform. “Ne.” I answered. Not an observant person, bossy and he must be a playboy.

After meeting with the principal and getting things done, I walked down the hallway while trying to find my way to my classroom. Here. Well the classes are easy to locate. That’s one good thing about the school. I knocked on the door for a few times before opening the sliding door. “So you must be the new student.” The teacher uttered from the front of the class. “Come in, come in.” she waved.

Carefree and overjoyed with petty excitement. I walked into the class; earning stares from the class. “Class, this is Saya. Your new friend.” The teacher did the introduction for me and well I thank her for that, it saves me time. The class clapped as I bowed. I was appointed to a random seat which was near the window.

Boring.  I sigh feeling utterly bored before the third period even started. And by the third period, I was doing my own stuff. Flipping through files and checking whether the shares were increasing. But why do I have these files in here? I questioned myself.

After the fifth period it was recess, everyone evacuated to the cafeteria except for me. I was sitting at my place, staring beyond the square window. A big tree was located on the middle of the school garden, the way the breeze was blowing it was as if it was dancing with the wind. A smile slowly formed at the corner of my lips. Birds were soaring freely in the azure sky. How I wish that was me. I whispered.

“Not going to the cafeteria?” a voice came from beside me. “No, not hungry.” I muffled while I supported my head with my hands; my focus was still on the view of the garden. “Hi, I’m Jung Daehyun.” He introduced himself with a laugh. “Saya, Uhm Saya.” I said.

“Shouldn’t you at least look at the person who’s talking to you?” he blurted. “Not interested.” I said. “Yah, do you even know who I am?” he uttered. “Oh please, don’t tell me that I am supposed to know you. If I can remember every unimportant person’s name then what’s the use of introductions.” I answered back.

I smiled when I saw the anger rising by the look of his face.  “Now if you could excuse me, I’ll like to get out of this class.” I said standing up but I couldn’t move with him in my way. “You’re not going anywhere.” He smirked while taking a step closer. He rammed me on the wall while pinning my hands above my head.

A groan escaped when I slammed my knee on his crotch. “Pftt, maybe next time you’ll know how to treat a girl nicer.” I watched as he groaned in pain, grabbing random objects to support him. “Goodbye.” I stepped out of the class and walked down the hallway. Ah finally. Fresh air. This school has bad ventilation. I thought; stretching my arms in the air.

I walked over to the garden. Halfway walking through the pathway, I felt a fuzzy sensation under my feet. Bark bark! I looked down and saw a fluffy puppy. It had stains of dirt all over it. Woof woof! It barked again while wagging its tiny little tail from side to side. I squat down and picked it up and went over to a bench. “What’s a doggie like you doing here?” I brushed my fingers through his soft fur. It rolled over with its belly facing upwards. “So the little one likes it like this huh?” I whispered while rubbing its tummy. I could see the satisfied look in its face.

The bell rang; indicating recess was over. The little one whimpered as if it knew that it was time for separation. “Don’t worry. I’ll come back after school.” I snuggled it with my face, earning a on the cheeks. If humans were as pure and loyal as animals are, everyone would live in peace. I just wished eomma and appa were as caring as animals are. I let out a sigh.


≈Meanwhile at the class 3-6 ≈

Daehyun limped his way to his desk which earned Youngjae’s attention. “Got beat up by Yongguk hyung again?” Youngjae teased the one in pain. “Mind your own business.” Daehyun hissed while glaring at Youngjae. “How can a girl be that strong?” he whispered softly. 

Girls would crowd around them, swooning and squealing because of a mere smile and smirks. “Daehyun ssi, you’re so handsome. Your smile melts our hearts like butter on hot toast.” Daehyun would only smile and tilt his head to the side in an enigmatic way that charmed all the girls.


Yes, this two here are the kingkas of the school. Receiving letters, chocolates, flower and gifts from girls like it’s Valentine’s Day 24/7. Male students often feel intimidated by them, sometimes even the other kingkas in the school can’t get along with them.

This two, Daehyun and Youngjae belong to the kingka group called B.A.P. To the eyes of many female individuals, their charms are lethal. But to male individuals, they’re their worst enemies when it comes to picking up girl.

The group consists of 6 members, with members scattered around the whole school. It’s common for students in this school to see them. Except for one member who always get lost, but he can find his way. Eventually.


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