Society Vampires


alright hey everyone! here is my 3rd story! once again please treat it well! i cant believe its already my story! ok so there will be various Kpop couples there will also be some fictional characters. this is something new for me but, i hope you will like the story. please dont forget to comment and tell me what you think!




Vampires have existed since the beginning of time. They have lived and worked with the humans. These specific groups of vampires were given a very special name “Society” which meant that the vampires would fight and live along side the humans. Although the town lived with vampires they didn’t know about another group of vampires that want to kill the entire human race and anything else related to humans. These vampires were later given a name “Night Walker” the reason behind the name was because these vampires are usually seen around night time; they still appear in the daylight but, not as often. The Society and Night Walkers are natural born enemies. As the years go on the vampires are reborn into the world they keep fighting until one of them dies out. Humans have been caught in the middle and transformed into vampires during these battles. The humans that still exist have only one question on their mind, which vampire group will win?   


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Just try it out first ^^ haha
@PxAhyoo: I don't know I guess I can finish it and see the results but, I don't think anyone will like it I dont know why XD
Why don't you like the story?I don't see that there's anything wrong with it.It's good ^^ And since you wrote "only" 2 chapters until,you still have chances to change things you don't like about it through the upcoming chapters.