

Its 3 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob, could not sleep. Today we have no schedule, but weird enough I could not get my eyes to shut. Maybe I got insomnia. Or maybe I’m just too overwhelmed by the fact that I miss my Yoon Doo Jun.

Its 3 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob, could not sleep. Since today is our day off, I’ve been thinking of how I am supposed to face an empty day without my Yoon Doo Jun. How I hate being lonely.

Its 3 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob, could not sleep. How am I supposed to fill the empty slot in the week without my precious, adorable, loveable, incredibly handsome and talented Yoon Doo Jun?

Its 3 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob, could not sleep. The only person that keeps replaying in my mind is my one and only lover, the very person that I adore, I miss, and I yearn for, my Yoon Doo Jun.

It’s now 4 in the morning, and wow I, Yang Yo Seob, still couldn’t sleep. Every time I
close my eyes, his image would appear. But as I begin to feel sleepy, slowly he would fade away. I couldn’t take the pressure of him leaving me again, him, my lover, my one and only, Yoon Doo Jun.

It’s now 4 in the morning and I, Yang Yo Seob, still couldn’t sleep. I remember forgetting something. But I just can’t seem to remember what I have forgotten. And somehow, I felt
that it has something to do with my boyfriend, my one and only boyfriend,my lovely loveable lover Yoon Doo Jun.

It’s now 5 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob, still could not get to sleep. I hear the door creaked. Then the door was closed. I hear footsteps, its coming from the living room. I panicked. I don’t know what to do. The footsteps sounded nearer, and nearer. Then my bedroom doorknob twisted. I’m scared, because everyone is here, except my boyfriend Yoon Doo Jun. And I wish……

“Aigoo, Seobie. You’re still up? I told you not to wait for me. Its 5 and you still waited for me to come home? Aigoo. Now hush. Go to sleep.”

Before me is my lover, my boyfriend, the one that I miss the most. He lay beside me. I cuddle to him, stealing his warmth. He yawned. Then he looked at me. He leaned closer, connecting our lips for a brief moment. Then he pecked my forehead.

“Now sleep. I know you’re tired. I’m tired too. Let’s just sleep for now. Well do the catching up tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay… Doo…?”


“I love you,”

“I love you too Seobie.”

Then I realise something.

Its 5 in the morning, and I, Yang Yo Seob is not insomniac. I, Yang Yo Seob, now remember what I forgot. I remember why I could not sleep. I was waiting, waiting for my lover to come back to me. It’s been a long-one-month of sleeping alone, and finally, today he’s here. Finally, my lover had come back from his stupid shooting. Finally, I can cuddle and sleep in the arms of my Yoon Doo Jun.



Ann: This is a random fic, but somehow, its kind of related to my previous oneshot Love (you) Is All I Need :

I Hope it's okay~~~~comment(s) please~~~ I need to know how I'm doing... ^_^ Thanks in advance...


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shivaitzmeys #1
Chapter 1: Its 21:50 Am (In my country )and I,shiva,love your story XD
Chapter 1: sweettt.. love much >___<
aww.. kawaiii >o< *squeals*
Just get married you twoooo!!!
Chapter 1: Kyeopta~
Just simple but nice.
Thanks for sharing. ^^