Are you Alice?

Myungsoo in InfiniteLand

Myungsoo felt like he was going to drown, but after he passed through the keyhole, the liquid around him quickly dispersed and he was left soaking on what seemed to be a beach.
As he got up he couldn’t help but notice the diverse amount of animals running around in a circle. He decided to avoid that if he could and turned in the other direction, wobbling away.
As he turned the other way, his balance was off from the drink he had. He hobbled around until he felt something hit his body hard. He fell over with something on top of him. As he looked up he saw the eyes of a girl staring down at him. She stood up, dusting herself off before looking at him.
“Excuse me sir.” She began in a British accent, “But have you seen a rabbit pass by here?” She asked him politely.
Myungsoo looked at her oddly. He wasn’t fluent in English, but for some reason he could understand her.
When the girl didn’t get the answer she wanted she looked at him more closely. “You’re not from around here, are you?” She asked.
He shook his head.
“Who are you?” She questioned him.
He thought for a moment, maybe since he didn’t speak English maybe she’d somehow understand him.
“I’m Myungsoo. You know L from Infinite.” He tried to introduce himself.
The girl shook her head as her brown hair fell into her face. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Myungsoo?” She tried to pronounce his name, “I’m Alice from ‘Alice in Wonderland’.” She introduced herself to the boy in front of her.
Once again Myungsoo stared at her oddly. He had never read the book ‘Alice in Wonderland,’ but he was sure the girl was supposed to be blonde. He had seen enough of the Alice based movies to know.
“You’re not Alice.” He accused to her, “Alice has blonde hair.”
The girl named Alice frowned, “How can I not be Alice when I am Alice?” She asked him, “I have the blue dress.” She lifted her skirt for him to see, “And everyone here calls me Alice. Who are you to say I am not Alice? Are you Alice?” She shot at him.
“No, I’m not Alice.” He tried to think of what he needed to answer. “But Alice is supposed to have blonde hair.” He corrected.
The girl huffed, “Well, maybe I decided I didn’t want blonde hair anymore.” She stuck her tongue out at him as she turned to walk away. For some reason, though he didn’t want to, Myungsoo felt the need to follow the girl.

He followed her at a distance so that he wouldn’t bother her. They traveled through forests and fields. They walked through the tall grass, where they couldn’t see over their heads. In no time, the girl seemed to find what she was looking for. “He’ll solve my problem.” She thought out loud to herself, as Myungsoo tried to follow her.
She ran over to a mushroom patch where she saw a caterpillar. She smiled as she called out to it.
“Oh Mr. Caterpillar!” She called to him, “Please do offer some assistance.”
As the caterpillar turned to face them, Myungsoo couldn’t help but gasp, “Sungyeol?” He looked at the face of the caterpillar only to see his friend’s.
The caterpillar laughed, “How are you doing L?” He asked him. “Are you having fun?” He asked before looking at the girl not bothering to hear the answer.
Myungsoo glared at his childish friend, who could only laugh.
“Who are you?” Sungyeol asked the little girl, as the script told him to.
“Why I am Alice.” She smiled at him, causing him to chuckle.
“Aren’t you silly?” He accused the girl, “But you’re not Alice.”
The girl frowned, “If I’m not Alice then who am I?” She asked.
“I don't know.” Sungyeol shrugged his shoulders in all honestly.
“Is he Alice then?” The girl pointed to Myungsoo.
Sungyeol leaned forward to study Myungsoo’s face. “Nope, I do not believe he is Alice.” He confirmed. “But if Alice doesn’t show, he may have to be.” Sungyeol concluded.
The girl frowned, “BUT I WANT TO BE ALICE!” She cried.
“I’m sorry,” Sungyeol sympathized with her, “But it seems you have a different role.” He explained before he vanished.

Myungsoo let out a loud sigh. This was tiring. He had a headache from the alcohol and the young girl near him seemed to be getting on his nerves. “Let’s go.” He ordered her only to have her stomp and throw a tantrum.
“I want to be Alice!” She cried. “I WANT TO, I WANT TO, I WANT TO.”
“Fine! Then be Alice.” Myungsoo sighed; his headache wasn’t getting any better. “Let’s just go.” He said in a quieter tone hoping she would just follow along.

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