
Hatsukoi ~first love~

Yabu look at the younger boy in front of him worriedly. It has been a month since his youngest bro proclaimed that he’s falling in love. And it’s been 3 days that Takaki said that the youngest cant love that girl.

“Chii,” called Yabu.

He just mumbled. But he didn’t take of his eyes from the girl in the corner of a café across the street.

“You should stop, she isn’t sensible for you. ”

“But, Yabunii, I can’t take of my eyes of her, I cant disown this feeling. Even though I know who she is,” said chinen.

“Look, you fall in love with wrong person. No, it’s not love.  It’s just your biased feeling because somehow she helped you,” Yabu tried to bring the younger to his sense.

“A~h”  he rest his head on the table. “I cant wait for tonight, yet, I’m nervous,”

Yabu tensed hearing the what the younger said.

“Don’t tell me, you…,”

Chinen turned to face Yabu. He smiled, “Yabunii, you’re overprotective. I can take care of myself,” the boy then walked away.

Yabu bang the table “Hey Chinen Yuri!” he’s about to chase the younger when someone’s hand grab his shoulder.


“Just let him be,” said Inoo calmly.

“Hell no! Inoo, you know who she is right? And you know our Chinen right? I cant let he come to her, okay?”

“Let him be, to be grown up he should overcome this problem himself,” said Inoo wisely.

Yabu just frowned.

“A baby bird to be able to fly he should fall for many times till he could fly. So does our Chinen. He should fall and overcome his problem himself. It’s a stage to achieve maturity,” explain Inoo.

“But, in the end he’ll the one who get hurt,”

“That’s what he should overcome,”

Chinen waited nervously in that room. He cant stop his foot for tapping on the floor.

“I didn’t expect you to be a kid,” that sweet voice startled Chinen.

He got up and face the owner of that sweet voice. She was a beautiful and elegant lady. A woman in her early 20th. She’s wearing a long dress that display her body perfectly.

“And a famous star too,” she said as she saw Chinen’s face.

“Chinen Yuri desu. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu,” he bowed his head.

The woman chuckled seeing the chibi’s cute act. A plain one. “I bet you know already, but Maria desu,” she pull a chair and sit there, crossing her legs. Her gown slipped. Showing off her pure white skin. 

Chinen averted his eyes from that sight. He didn’t believe that his blood start flowing to his face fill it and make it reddened. It never before, things like this make him blush.

“Just sit,”

He obey and sit immediately. He raises his head and he saw that pair of black clear yet sharp eyes looking at him. Those eyes that could drown anybody who look at it.

“You didn’t recognize me back then,”

“You mean when tripped and almost got hit by car?” Chinen nodded. “Of course I recognize you,”

“But you didn’t say anything,”

“What did you expect me to do? Did you expect me kyaaing like your fans? Or ‘Oh my god! It’s Chinen Yuri from Hey! Say! JUMP” she impersonate the fans, “but sorry, I’m not like that,”

That’s right. kyaaing or mention that he’s Chinen Yuri would bring trouble. But knowing that she didn’t have any interest in him makes him a bit unpleasant. Even though he knew that the women wouldn’t like him.

“So, what brings you here? I’m sure your salary wont be enough to pay me. After tonight, do you want to blabber about your first with me?”

“No!” he answered quickly.

“Or, you’ve fallen in love with me after that hero thing?” ‘bulls eye!’

“I…i…,” Maria a bit surprised seeing the chibi become nervous. “I want to talk to you and I want to know more about you,”

“so, what do you want to know about me?”

“Maria-san, is that your real name?”

“No, it’s the name I used in this business,”

“You call selling your body business?”

The woman chuckled, again, it’s a plain one. “Don’t we the same?”


“Posing for photoshoot, exposing your body. Doing things you don’t even like. Isn’t it counted in to ‘selling your body?’”

Chinen got more confused. Seeing this, Maria continue her explanation. “For me, celebrities are puppets that do whatever it takes to make your fans happy. Doing fan service etc so that they keep buying your album and going to your concert.  But people state my job lower than yours,” she paused for a moment, looking at Chinen who’s amazed by her speech. “the difference between us is that you’re a bird in a cage and I am a free bird that fly in the vast expanse of sky,”

"but we're doing our best,"

"me too, doing my best to please my costumer,"

Instead of being angry, Chinen thinks that she’s unique. Because of her different way to see something. From that very second, he knew that she’s not just a mere e. Chinen look at that arrogant face. That’s right from her sparkling eyes, he could tell that she’s an incredible person.

“Do you amazed to meet  a person like me?” asked Maria.

Chinen nodded.

“You’re still young. You’ll meet a lot of people in the future,”

“Maria-san, why do you take this job?” that question just come out from his mouth.

“Because it’s fun,” she looked to the windows. “It’s fun to see them play ducks with their money-which they earn with their effort-just for some thing they can freely get from their mates. They waste their effort. And listening t their story it’s quite amusing,”

They start their conversation, and it’s going everywhere. From a little thing to politic. She’s knowledgeable. Even so, she choose that live, she must be able to be a politicians or something more elite.  It’s just one word, incredible.

“It’s almost past 3 am. It’s time for me to leave,” she said as she stand up.

“Eh?” Chinen then looked at his watch, “time flies so fast,” he then followed Maria.

“Okay then, sayonara,” said Maria whose now standing by the door.  She waved her hand. She’s about to leave when chinen’s hand grab hers. Before she could say anything, Chinen give a peck on her lips which cause her eyes widened.

“I, don’t want to say good bye, I’ll definitely meet you again, so until then, see you,” he said. His eyes were glimmering showing his seriousness.

Seeing this, Maria just smile, then he mess the boys hair. “You better don’t do that boy,” she then now, really leave the boy alone. She touch her lips as she turn in the corridor and making sure that the boy wont see it. A grin form in her face.

‘he stole a kiss from me,’

Never before she let any man to kiss her lips. It’s the second time.

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