Alone in the dorm

Admit your feelings

"So is it okay if we leave you alone for two days?" asked Zelo. Yongguk smiled, thinking of how Zelo always worried about his hyungs, and so he answered "No need to worry about us, we'll get along well, for sure, and it's also not the first time that it's only the two of us."  That was the truth, but even though they've been alone quit a few times, it was the first time since Yongguk admitted to himself that his feelings towards Himchan were more than just friendship. There have been a few subtile signs before, that he couldn't take his eyes off the other boy when he wasn't looking for example, but he always tried to find excuses for his behaviour, and so it took him a while to stop denying his feelings, and when he finally did, he tried everything to get rid of them, he even dated a few girls, but whenever he looked at them he couldn't help but compare them to Himchan just to notice that they weren't like him at all.
And now the other bandmates left for two days to do a skateboarding course. Zelo begged them to join him, since their manager wouldn't allow it if it was only him, and so Yongguk and Himchan were the only ones left.
And after the door closed behind the others the dorm fell into an uncomfortable silence. "Umm...So what do you want to do now?" Himchan finally asked. "I don't know..." Yongguk answered and looked at Himchan. That was a bad idea, seeing him sitting next to him, pretty and flawless as usual, immediately reminded him of the tingling senstion he always felt whilst being close to Himchan, and so he looked away quickly. "Is something wrong? You've been acting differently in the last few weeks, and I'm starting to think you're angry. Did I do something wrong?" Himchan asked with a concerned look on his face. Surpised by the direct question, Yongguk stayed quiet for a while, thinking about how to answer. He couldn't tell Himchan the truth, but letting him belive he was angry was not an option either, and so he tried to find an excuse the other could believe. His thoughts were interrupted by the other's hand on his shoulder. "I see that there's something bothering you. We've been friends for a long time, I wish you'd just tell me about your worries, I'm sure together we can figure out a solution for it." Himchan assured, leaning a bit closer. Yongguk was shocked by ths sudden approach, and so he tried to lean back to get some space between the two of them, but the backrest of the couch made that impossible. He was forced to stay in this position, Himchan's face right in front of him and his scent making his head feel lighter. "I...can't explain it, okay? Just leave me some free space" he answered, pushing Himchan away. "Just tell me what's wrong with you, and why are you acting like this towards me, we've been even closer before, and now it seems like you can't even stand it if I'm touching your shoulder? What has changed? Do you hate me now or what is it?" Himchan shouted. " of course not. You still don't get it, do you? I don't hate you it's the opposite..." he shouted back, immediately regretting his words.  "Wait what did you just say?" Himchan was surprised, he never thought that his friend could have this kind of feelings towards him. "Nevermind, I'm going to bed" Yongguk mumbled, getting up from the couch and leaving to his room.
"What was I thinking, losing my temper like that and telling him about my feelings?" he asked himself, slipping into his bed. "We can never be friends again, I can't even look at him anymore..." Exhausted from all his worries he fell asleep, and so he didn't hear the door opening  and his friend coming in. He didn't notice that he layed down next to him and wrapped his arms around him.
When Yongguk woke up the next morning, the first thing he noticed was the warmth. He felt that the rays of sunlight on his skin weren't the source of it, but because of his sleepyness and because his eyes were still closed he failed to make out where it came from. Suddenly he felt a movement behind his back and turned around, opening his eyes. As he saw Himchan looking at him and smiling, he was confused. "What are you doing in my bed?" he asked, trying to remember when his friend might have entered. "You thought I was blind, because I didn't notice your feelings for me, but in fact it's you who's blind, since you never found out about mine for nearly half a year" he responded. "It took me a little off guard as you confesed to me so suddenly, I've never expected you to feel the same, and because of that I wasn't able to tell you immediately, so I came to your room to talk to you, but you were already asleep"
Himchan explained. " mean me too?" Yongguk replied, unsure whether it wasn't just a joke or how he should react. "Of course I do, I can't believe you didn't find out earlier" Himchan laughed. "I was way to focussed on myself, on the fact that I'm actually in love with my friend" Yongguk said. "But what do we do now?" he asked. "What about sleeping? No need to worry about later, let's just sleep some more." Himchan answered, pulling his friend into his arms once more. 

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Chapter 1: That was a sweet story with happy ending^^ I like it :)