
Our Melodies. (SoshiBang One-Shots)






A/N- This would be either a 2 part or 3 part “one shot” series for the highly requested GTae couple. Please do give feedback if you’d like more. Thank You!! OOHHH! I'd appreciate anyone who'd like to make me posters for these oneshots or refer me to a site that would:D

Someday (Cover)- Jessica (SNSD)



Someday you're gonna realize

One day you'll see this through my eyes

By then I won't even be there

I'll be happy somewhere even if I cared


“Is that all you ever en do Tae Yeon. I’m so tired of you, just leave me alone. Go, I don’t care. Damn it!” With a push, the young girl landed on the floor with a small thud.




Once again, he walked out on her. On them.  


The young woman softly sighed, wiping away the useless tears she had just shed after their argument once more. All she wanted  was to spend a night in together like they used to. He said she was too clingy, gave him too much of a headache, he was tired of her, and etc.


It was almost a routine, those words never hurt any less than it did the first time she hear them. It stabbed at her heart everytime, breaking her heart each and every day. He wasn’t the same anymore. She understands that not everything or everyone stays the same throughout time; however, she didn’t expect the change to be this drastic and painful.


Despite all the pain, she still managed to hold on to the hope that he’ll return back to her, return back as her Kwon Jiyong, the caring, charismatic, and sweet guy who won her over. Not the G-dragon who was so skilled musically and known for his scandalous ways. Then again, she should’ve known better.


Slowly she got up from her place on the living room floor, and took one last walk around the penthouse they had shared for the past year. She decided tonight, it had to end. She was going to return back to where she knows there always be someone there for her. Her 8 younger sisters, So Nyuh Shi Dae.

She had taken that one leap of faith and decided to agree on moving in with him, the guy she was in love with. Kim Tae Yeon fell for the notorious G-Dragon, was the word at first that spread like wild fire among the entertainment industry. They were one of the industry most well kept secret. Everyone knew that she was off limits, and no matter how tempting the kid leader may have been to the male celebrities, they didn’t dare try to make a move on her.


As much as she was proud of him for his accomplishments as G-Dragon, a producer, lyricist, rapper, and all around entertainer ; she first fell in love with Kwon Ji Yong. The man behind the G-Dragon image that fans and grown to love and admire.


She reached their bedroom, and quietly sat on their bed. Looking around, her eyes settled on the picture frame one nightstand drawer next to her. It was when they first encountered one another, at a summer party. For some reason, he had this picture and kept it since. It was both of them on a roof, both caught laughing. First encounter. She chuckled slightly as she reminisced on how they began.

“It’s funny how things worked out.” She spoke somewhat bitterly.


Summer 2008

Summer time meant fun time for the entertainment industry of S.Korea. Usually during the winter and fall seasons, that was when artists were the busiest promoting and such. However, during the summer time, it was usually just filled with lots of time to prepare for comebacks and such.


“Ayo~ What’s up everybody, thanks for coming out to celebrate once again this summer with us.. Idols, actors, actresses, models, whoever you guys or wherever you guys stand in the entertainment circle, tonight is your night to let loose and just have fun okay! Wooo!”


And just like that, they party roared off to a great beginning. The party venue was quite large, music playing on the first floor, second floor had tables and even rooms. Outdoors had two large pools with mini drink stands at each end. It was great.


Among the crowd on the second floor, was the unanimously one of the greatest groups to have hit this generation, Big Bang. They were a common face to see around the party scene  even before debut, so whenever they showed up, it was casual and never brought too much commotion anymore.


“Yah, hyung, I heard Girls’ Generation was coming! Isn’t that daebak?!” The younger one of the five asked cheekily.


The eldest hyung rolled his eyes, and smacked the maknae upside his head. “Seungri, behave yourself, okay. Just remain the cute panda bear fans  see you too be now, they don’t need to know that woori maknae is really a huge byungtae, araso.”  The group laughed at the half truth half joke.

Just as their jokes and conversations continued, the venue on the first floor seemed to had quieted down a bit. Making way for Girls’ Generation who was humbly making their way through. In the girls’ eyes they were still nobodies. Just rookies trying to make it big hopefully.


However, little did they know as they entered the party venue, all eyes were on them. They were the possible new “it” girls in the industry, people wanted to see how these girls would fare in the social part of the industry. Surprisingly the girls met the party-goers with smiles and amicable talk.  

“Shall I go swoop in and make my move or do I wait for them to greet me as their sunbae?” Seungri grinned speaking so greasily earned him 4 times the smack upside the back of the head.


As the boys were dulging themselves in conversations with their friends, t

“Shall I go swoop in and make my move or do I wait for them to greet me as their sunbae?” Seungri grinned speaking so greasily earned him 4 times the smack upside the back of the head.


As the boys were dulging themselves in conversations with their friends, they almost didn’t notice one person missing.


“Oh, where’s Jiyong hyung?” Daesung asked looking around. “Ah, I think he went outside for a smoke or something.” Taeyang answered. And just like that the boys continued on.


Back to the first level, the girls were meeting and greeting all sorts of people. They were amazed that they even knew who the girls were.


However, there was one girl who felt a bit out of place. “Aishh…I should’ve stayed home with the Seohyunnie.” The kid leader quietly spoke to herself.


She was starting to feel a bit suffocated with so many people around. She felt so small in a place like this, figuratively and physically. Quickly she excused herself and found her way outside towards the pool area. Yet, still so many people. However, her eyes caught a stairway by the door and decided to take it to see where it led.


Curious, she opened the door which led to roof of the party venue. Satisfied, she headed out onto it. Looking out at the stars below who were having fun with one another. She sighed.


She was never really the sociable type, to be honest, she was quite awkward with people. Onstage, fans were noticing her for wonderful vocals, offstage and on variety shows, she was known for her quirky personality and ahjumma like tendencies but in reality she kept to herself often.


It was just usually just her and her 8 members. It wasn’t easy at first being told she’d be the leader. It was hard, it still is. A lot of burden, but she chose to carry them alone and kept to herself. Not wanting to worry the dongsaengs, managers, or company. This was her dream and she chose it…she couldn’t complain about the hardships now. She wouldn’t allow herself to.


“Aigoo~this is so hard.” She softly spoke to herself. Recently, they’ve been busy preparing for their intended comeback towards the end of the year. But something had put a dent in their plan, and now they had to rediscuss a possible new comeback song and concept. It was frustrating. “So hard…Ottoke?” She whispered to herself as she allowed to let her tears fall freely.


So much stress had been piling up that all she could’ve done was smile. She didn’t allow herself to break infront of her dongsaengs. Now, oddly with so much people around, the only place she found solace was up on a roof where she was finally able to be alone and let it out.


All the criticism they’ve receive, all the hatred they had gotten, it was painful. To smile on stage and act like none of the antis’ word doesn’t hurt, was hard.


To be called plastics, fake, waste of space, and etc…was difficult. She was beginning to doubt herself, and she didn’t like it one bit. Most of all, their last encounter with the black ocean at Dream Concert, really tore all the girls apart. The moment they got of stage, everyone pitied the girls. Giving them pats on the back, attempted words of encouragement, and hugs…they girls smiled through it all and assured they were fine.


But the moment they got in the van, they girls broke down. They cried and cried. They were young, made some mistakes, and they had to repent from it this way, they assumed. But to see it happen, it was different. It hurt, and for the very first time they questioned if their dream was worth it. Their managers, their stylists, they all cried together.


The tears continued to fall as she managed to muffle the cries that would come from .


“It’ll get better.” A hand holding a handkerchief was in her frontal sight. Hesitantly, she took it and quietly thanked the person.


Startled she quickly bowed to the person. “Gdragon sunbaenim…” The young girl spoke.


“Taeyeon sshi, right? Let me give you some word of advice, okay. Take it or leave it, is up to you.” He spoke sternly yet gently as well. Taking another puff of his cigarette, he looked out to the direction she had been looking at, he spoke once more.


“It’ll get better. I may not understand the pain you or your members may be going through right now but believe me it’ll get better. Keep your dream close at heart, and use your mind to overcome these hardships. Don’t let your heart dwell too long on the pains that haters bring with them simply to tear you down. Focus on the hard years and months, you’ve dedicated your life to get to where you are now. This is only the beginning, if you don’t fight through the worst, people won’t be able to see you at your best. Keep your head high kid, and you’ll go far. Trust me.”


Instinctively, she bowed once more. Managing to mutter the words of thanks to him. That  moment on she just felt, she could trust him and that she could be comfortable with him.


“Thank you sunbaenim. I greatly appreciate your words, and will treasure them.”


He chuckled. “What am I?  An uncle? Why so formal? Just call me Ji Yong or oppa.” He winked teasingly at her causing the younger girl’s cheek to turn crimson red.

“Deh…oppa.” She finally spoke with a genuine smile, one of the firsts for her in awhile.


And that right there was the start of a beautiful oppa-dongsaeng friendship. They were eachother’s go to person for advice or to just talk or have fun. Their members know of their friendship and quickly teased the leaders from time to time.




Girls’ Generation had made it huge this year with their comeback in January with Gee. Making waves all over the world with this catchy new song. They were on the rise quickly and being seen as the top girl group right now.


Big Bang had been touring. Taking approaches to solo activities and reaching all sorts of new possibilities in the career that could only seem to get better from the looks of things.


The best friends had become closer than ever even with though their careers have seemingly been taking them all over the world, they were always there for one another through thick and thin.


And that’s when it kind of hit them. Somewhere along the road of friendship, they fell for one another. The late night calls, the texting, the secretive meet ups…it just worked for both of them.


It was risky, but it was worth it. They found love during one of the highest points in their career, and it was just a bonus. However, there was some doubts coming from Taeyeon’s end.


They were at their usual meeting place all bundled up to avoid the winter cold and the lurking eyes of possible  onlookers. Quietly on their swings, swinging back and forth until he asked her once more.

“Oppa…I’m not sure.” Who was she trying to kid, it was evident that she was madly in love with her best friend. The more she got to know him, the more she fell for him. She admired his G-Dragon persona. However, it was the side he showed when they were together that made her fall. He would be there for her the moment she needed someone to talk to, he’d serenade her we his offtune singing and freestyle rapping to cheer her up. But she didn’t want to risk their friendship for something that possible wouldn’t even be secured.


Silence enveloped them. She was lost in fear and her doubts. She always had this look on her face when she’s lost in thought, her eyebrows slightly furrow together with a small pout of her lips. He loved that look, even if she was doubting the possibility of them being more than just friends.


He sighed. Getting off of the swing, he cowers in front of her,  gently taking her hands in his. “Tae Yeon, remember when we first met and I told you to trust me?” Carefully, she nodded. “Well, trust me again. We have an amazing friendship, yes. But tell me you can look me in the eyes and say that you don’t feel anything between us. That it really is just friendship. Tell me that your heart doesn’t flutter when I hands touch, or when I hug you close….” His words trailed a bit as he looked at her big chocolate eyes.


Carefully, he leaned in across the table kissing her softly on the lips. Feeling no opposition, with one hand, he gently caresses her cheek and initiates to deepen the kiss.


As in a trance, she allows herself to follow his lead. Tongues intertwining, exploring one another’s cavern. After a few minutes, he manages to pull himself away and with their foreheads against one another and rigid breathing. He spoke once more, “Tell me that your heart didn’t threaten to rip itself out of your chest, the moment our lips touch. I swear to ing----“


This time it was him who was caught off guard as her lips captured his quickly, quieting him. She leans forward towards the still kneeling him, and wraps her arms around him. “I’ll trust you oppa.”


As the night got darker, the newly formed couple embraced one another along with warm kisses and hugs that only they could savor so much.


That, my dear, was the beginning of the beautiful love and relationship with one another.




Someday someone's gonna love me

The way I wanted you to need me

Someday someone's gonna take your place

One day I'll forget about you

You'll see I won't even miss you

Someday, someday


I was given a chance to be a host on a show. Through that show I became good friends with Wooyoung. That was probably the first time Jiyong oppa got jealous. Despite all the claims about me being an ideal girl for fellow idols. The fact that I would actually see regularly another idol, was not to his liking.


I a lot about it. WooTae became popular after our joint performance for an end of the year performance last year. He was a good friend, strictly platonic. I often got teased by the members that it was obvious Wooyoung cared about more than just a friend but I just brushed it off.


Afterall, I had my Jiyong oppa. He was the only man in my eye (beside Kang Dong Won). Keke. ^.^


Within the following year the we went through hardships together as a couple but only strengthen their bond with one another.  Still, we decided to move in together. Even though it may seem early to others, to our group members and themselves, we felt they were ready for this. Plus we’re constantly busy and travelling, it’ll be hard to get caught meeting up here.


April 2011


I know you don't really see my worth

You think you're the last guy on earth

Well I've got news for you

I know that I'm not that strong

But it won't take long, won't take long


Recently, things have been getting really tough between the two couple. Behind the scenes lots of word has been getting around that Ji Yong has been getting more than plenty of girls when he’s on the road or the moment he walks into the bar. Despite guys knowing Taeyeon was his, girls didn’t give a damn if he was taken.


They’d shamelessly throw themselves at him. As much as her heart didn’t want to believe, she knew otherwise. It broke her heart, but she couldn’t bring herself to say anything or do anything about it.


As long as he was coming back to her, then it was fine. As long as he was okay and safe at the end of the day, then she’d let him find his happiness with others.


One night he came home late, and wrapped his arms around  her. His scent was a mix of cigarette, alcohol, and a girls’ scent. Floral. Her heart sank. He brought her closer to his body, and kissed the nape of her neck. “I missed you.”


Silently, tears escaped her eyes as she told herself, this was just a slump. That he was going through tough time music wise, and that it’ll be gone soon…he’ll return to her.


May 2011


Daesung has recently been swept in a unfortunate crisis, involving a car accident that has unfortunately killed the other person involved.


The home was gloomy since. He came home less and less. To make matters worse, the boys have drifted a bit. Before the accident, the members had considered going solo. Wanting to take on solo careers, perhaps a possible end as 5.


Although this was an unfortunate event, this brought the group closer once more. Making them rethink their actions and decisions. It was hard, hard for everyone.


That week has been stressful for Ji Yong, but finally for the first time that week, he returned to their home. Gently, Taeyeon walked over to him and held him. He didn’t reject, and pulled her close.


“Oppa….” She didn’t what to say or what to do. They were already drifting apart, however, her heart always belonged to him and seeing him like this broke her heart even more than him spending nights not with her.


Laying his head on her lap, he cried. Cried to his heart’s content, pulling her closer as she gently caresses his cheeks wiping the tears away. Carefully, she spoke. “Oppa, remember what you told me when we first met? You told me, “it’ll get better” and for me to trust you. When you convinced me to give us a try, you told me to trust you. I’ve never stopped trusting you since. This I believe, will get better for you all. Seunghyun oppa, Youngbae oppa, Daesung, Seungri, and most importantly you…the oppa who I’ve entrusted everything with. You’re a strong person, you’ve fought through all sorts of negativity and I know you’ll be able to survive this with the rest. “ Gently she placed a kiss on the top of his forehead.


He moves out of her and gently kisses her on her lips. “Thank you, Taeng. I don’t know why you’re still around, but thank you babe.”


And just like that, for a few weeks they seem okay again as a couple. As they help one another cope with the incident. Gathering new ideas to bring back Big Bang hopefully in a more positive light once more. Taking the break given to the boys to renew and cleanse the pain and suffering.


However, not soon after, Jiyong was back to his own ways. As hurt as she was, she didn’t want to add to the stress and pain he was already going through. However, even as hurt as s were. They still managed to be there for her as well.


October 2011



Things has escalated from bad to worst in a matter of months. Daesung has been working hard at improving himself and attending church more now. But just as that happened, Jiyong oppa got swept up in a scandal. 


The nights got longer, and I was worried. I didn’t even have any clue that Jiyong even was under suspicion of use. I believe that he didn’t know what it was. I believe his word. However, I was hurt that I didn’t know.


Throughout the years, even his scandal with Kiko didn’t hurt me like this oddly. Perhaps, because this was more important. Just knowing how people were always ready to scrutinize him, I was worried and angry that he wasn’t careful.


I was a girlfriend, I worry over the little things and the big things. I often get him mad but at the end of the day, I only care about his well being. But I can’t even do that anymore when all he does is run everytime I want to talk or spend time together. It hurt. The year was coming to a close.


I was getting more hurt, and I didn’t know how long it was going to be anymore. I love him…but I’m beginning to questioning if that’s worth staying anymore.


The rest of the year, came and went. I was in and out of the country with my girls doing tours and preparing for comebacks. We’re both busy people, and the more we’re apart the more distance we become. But everytime, I get the chance, our home is where I’d always return first in hopes that he’ll be around or traces of him.




I know you don't really see my worth

You think you're the last guy on earth

Well I've got news for you

I know that I'm not that strong

But it won't take long, won't take long



My girls and I were busy in Japan running schedules back and forth. Running all over the nation . Individually it was  successful year for all of us.


Taetiseo. Dramas. MC gigs. Variety Shows. Reality Shows. Even though we didn’t comeback as a group, the individual activities helped broadened our fanbase and solidified our status in the kpop world.


Big Bang were able to comeback successfully. Their songs did amazing and brought in all sorts of attention. Even with criticism still, they managed to conquer the music scene with their comebacks.


Unfortunately, the boys were hit with a minor scandal involving the maknae, Seungri. Once again, a small rift among the guys but not enough to bring them apart. A friendship was built between some of members of Oppa’s group and my own, and we became moral supports with one another. We’ve become a family throughout the last 4 years.


As Jiyong oppa’s and my relationship fell apart bit by bit, my heart couldn’t let go completely still. I loved him too much to give up now. Tears often fell, but I tried to keep myself preoccupied during promotions and preparation for our comeback but often I found myself thinking about him once more.


Not even calls or texts anymore. Rarely.


I finally had 2 weeks to myself, and spent it in our home. I try to busy myself watching reruns of Running Man and watching fanvideos. But even that wasn’t enough to pass the time. Even when he came back, it’d just be brief visit. More like a passer-byer.

Another day and he was gone. A knock came at the door. Thinking it was him, she ran to open it. However, she was greeted with by 4 friends she was lucky to have gained during the process of being with Jiyong.


“Oppas, Chingu, Maknae! Come in!” She manage to welcome them in cheerfully. However they knew better.


With the small talk aside as the night approached, the guys began to seriously talk with their “sister-in-law”.


“Taeng…maybe you should let go of him. Hyung hasn’t been himself anymore. He isn’t the same Jiyong he was when you two first began going out.” Taeyang spoke softly to her


 Nodding in agreement Seunghyun added “It’s true, Yeonnie. We all love you like our own sister and value you so much as a friend; however, as much as we love and care for Jiyong…he’s too swept up in the party and social scene. He’s lost himself a bit.”


Taeyeon could only cry silently listening to them.


Daesung chimed in after awhile. “My chingu~Let me say sorry first. Mianhe. I feel that it’s my fault the hyungs has been whirled up in this stress cycle.”


She rested a hand on his shoulder and shook her head. “Pabo don’t think like that.”  Seunghyun spoke tearfully as Youngbae pinched Dae’s cheek playfully.


He continued, smiling thankful towards them. “ However, although I ‘m not in the best place to say anything. As your friend, I think it’s best if you let hyung go. They say if you love someone, you should let them go. However, others might say if you love someone, you wouldn’t let them go. In your case, you should let him go. You’re hurting yourself by allowing yourself to hope for a better tomorrow with him.”


Seungri followed. “I admit, all of us guys aren’t great. We have our flaws, especially me…you know how I like my woman.” He joked trying to lighten the mood. “But, even then, when it comes down to it I don’t want you to give up yourself for a man who’s constantly running out and never coming to you.”


Youngbae spoke again “Think about Tae…if he really wants you, he’ll return to you. You deserve better than Gdragon, you deserve Kwon Jiyong…however, that Jiyong has seemed to lost himself in the chaos throughout the years. For now, let go…araso.”



Wiping her tears, she zips up the last of her suitcase. She didn’t have to pack too much since she was usually overseas. Every picture that encompassed their home that had her, she took.  One last look, it looked empty…finally matching the feelings that has been encompassing her for the past year or so.


She wouldn’t cry another tear anymore. She’s cried it all out, and now was time to move one. One last look, hand on door handle, she finally took that one step out and didn’t look back. However, once she got into her car, she called their home phone.


Annyeonggg! This is G-to-the-Dragon Jiyong and this is Tae-to-the-Yeon Taeyeon. We are G-Tae and we’re not home right now, but leave a message at the beep and we’ll call you back!



Tears threatening to fall, but she held back and cleared .


“Jiyong oppa, when you hear this message, I have already decided to turn my back on us. It’ll be easier for the both of us. I know I’ve been nothing but in your way the past years, it’s my fault. I’m sorry, I’ve been so troublesome. I truly did love you though. I loved the way you’d make time for me, how you rap out of the blue about the most random things. How your harmonize with me no matter how off tune you may have me. You made me feel amazing when we were together most of all you let me know how amazing love could be. But… also showed me how painful it is as well.  I’ve tried to hope and believe that the oppa who told me to trust him would return but I was just stuck in the past. You’re successful and you’re wanted by everyone. I was just like a fishbone stuck in your throat.”


She choked back the tears.


“I’ll always be your fan, your hoobae, and support you from afar. I don’t think I’ll find anyone who I’ll love the way I loved you but perhaps with time, we’ll both find someone more suiting. Achieve your dreams and continue to reach the sky with your amazing skills oppa. Sarangheyo. Bye bye~”


Finally ending the message. I the engine, and drove back to my dorm. My dorm with the girls who I know would know how to lift my spirits.


Right now I know you can't tell

I'm down and I'm not doing well

But one day these tears, they will all run dry

I won't have to cry sweet goodbye



A/N- Any thoughts? Hmm….too lengthy? Comment, please!

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fuchaoife #1
Chapter 10: Gtae for lifeee~ ♡
still__vip #3
Chapter 4: topfany the best
dadecer101 #4
Chapter 4: Can I have a request?? Can please make TOPFany or TOPYul or TOPSica pleasee..
sonevipsoshibang #5
Chapter 9: i was really nervous to ask because everybody roots for gtae.....
sonevipsoshibang #6
Chapter 9: can you do..... uhh... gyoon story? please?
TaeyeonJiyong #7
Chapter 7: Love the gtae couple <3
TwistedIceQueen #8
Chapter 4: i wish this would have been longer.
TwistedIceQueen #9
Chapter 1: this was very good. me likey.
kpopsters #10
Chapter 11: omg! u're dabaek authornim.. stay motivated & keep writing beautiful fics...especially gtae :)))