[SRq] PQ

Structured Procrastination's Design Creation Centre [CLOSED]

What you really, really want.

Requested By PQ, Written by EriiAR
Pairing : Kyuhyun + Eunhyuk = Kyuhyuk


A/N: Hellouuuuuuu!

hehehe, so I'm here complying to the first story-request.
I usually take a long to write ; mainly because it's hard to find some inspiration for that. I personally liked this request because it included angst and I LOVE angst, so yeah, I kind of write it angsty as well~ ^^

Public , angsty, Kyuhyuk~
I hope you all like it! (:

PS: if the requester thinks it's not what they asked for, please let me know and I'll try to write another one with the right genres and moods~ ^^
Thank youuuu~ <3




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Sorry people! We have been busy with our final project and now we're free from that thing called school so yeah! We're back on track! Apologises!


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Chapter 29: OTL i feel so ... urf sorry for making you read that fanfic .. i think i got worse than before OTL sorry and thank you for the review ^^;;
Chapter 3: Hello, I just want to know have you received my request via pm? Because you don't seem to update your status list. Sorry for bothering, thank you. ^^
Chapter 2: I've sent in my request form to ChelsJong! Please check it out, ty. c:
Chapter 2: Username: SilverSerenity
Profile URL: https://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/287541

Story Title: Disturbed Memory
Story URL: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/381395

Reason(s) why you want this story reviewed: * I want to improve in my way of expressing my thoughts, my imagination and my feelings.

Please provide the following if it is your own story:

Storyline (Briefly describe the plot and mood/genre(s)): Angst, sad and well almost true to life emotions.
Story Graphic (If Any): http://24.media.tumblr.com/6ea81f6ef4ead578951a3bc4d312a686/tumblr_mikjzgWEhG1s2nzbso1_1280.png
Story's Main Characters: Chanyeol and Kris
Magic Word : Non-ProfitRandom

Reason(s) why you want a story review: I want to improve in my way of expressing my thoughts, my imagination and my feelings. (same)
Chapter 28: X_X hahaha thanks for the review i'll put it in the description box :)))
I'm expecting a more wacko pikachu X_X i like your pikachus xD hahahaha
Thanks again!!
Chapter 27: thank you so much it looks perfect!
Chapter 23: Love all your pikachu!! LOL! So kawaii! ^^
Chapter 22: So cute!! Merry Christmas to all of you too!!
how can i request?
Chapter 19: Omg thank you so much! It's perfect!(: