
You Aren't My Sister!


A deafening silence filled the air as neither Hanuel nor I spoke a word. I was curious as to what the hell I had done now and as for Hanuel, well, I had no idea what was going on in her mind at the time. After what seemed like an eternity of silence, I finally found the guts to say something, but knowing me, it wasn’t exactly all that pleasant.


“Finally decided to open the door, eh? You must have realized how immature you were acting.” I mocked with a tenuous smirk.


Junhong kept his cold gaze on me for a bit longer before a long angered sigh escaped his lips. “You really irk me, Hwang Chaerin.” He finally spoke in more of a growl.


Oh damn. He used my full name. He must be really angry at me, but I don’t understand. What did I do?!


I opened my mouth to question his enigmatic behavior, but before I could say anything, he had already turned away and began to vacate the backyard. I looked over once more at Hanuel for any explanation or thought on what had just happened, but she only smiled faintly, telling me to hurry and get inside before Junhong locks me out again.


The door was closed, but thankfully it wasn’t locked. There was no sign of Junhong in the dimly-lit foyer either. He must have already gone up to his room. I climbed up the stairs two steps at a time to quicken my pace only to hesitate to knock on Junhong’s door when I finally reached it.


Maybe I should just leave him alone. I mean, he seemed really mad at me. I highly doubt he’s calmed down already with his temper.


However; just as I was about to turn and leave, Junhong opened his door and froze upon seeing me standing in front of it. As expected, his eyes still reflected anger, but atleast it seemed as if he had mellowed out a bit.


“What do you want?” His tone was brusque and I could tell he was trying to hold back his anger for what ever reason.


I rubbed the back of my neck, chuckling awkwardly as I watched the how the anger in his features slowly grew more and more prominent the longer I stood there before I finally found the words to say.


“Do you have a minute..?”


“No. I’m tired, so I’m going to bed.” Junhong deadpanned as he began closing the door, but I managed to wedge my foot in the crack before he could close it all the way. “I suggest you move your foot before I break it.” He sneered.


How about I break your face on my knee, you little- WOAH. Stay calm, Chaerin. No need to make him any angrier than he already is.


I ignored my anger for once and gave him a pleading look. “Just a minute…please?”


Junhong let out another long angered sigh then nodded once towards his room and my pleading look slowly morphed into a confused one. “…You want me to come inside?”


“Would you rather like to stand out here in the hallway?”


“N-no…” I shook my head briefly and hurried in past him, nearly tripping up on a bundled shirt on the floor.


It was dark in his room except for the faint light coming from the sunset. The room was a bit messy with clothes scattered all on the floor, but other than that it looked the same as the first time I was in here.


“Thirty seconds left.” I heard Junhong say from behind and quickly spun around on my heels to face him, narrowing my eyes in the process.


“Impossible. Half a minute hasn’t even past yet!”


“I count fast.” He shrugged.


“Well count slower!”


“How about you hurry up and say what you have to say because you only have twenty seconds now.”


I grumbled petulantly, shooting him a scornful glare as I crossed my arms against my chest. “Why are you even mad at me in the first place? I did nothing! I’m innocent!...This particular time.”


“Oh really?” Junhong scoffed. “You call running away, making me spend practically two ing hours looking and asking around for you, only to find that you were in the ing backyard the whole time, nothing?!” He shouted and I lowered my eyes guiltily, trying to avoid his piercing gaze. “And to top it off you were talking about me behind my back, but I guess even after that you’re still ‘innocent’, right?”


“W-well you shouldn’t have locked me out in the first place! If I had not found Hanuel, I probably would have frozen to death!”


Junhong’s face twisted grimly. “Don’t try to guilt trip me.”


“I’m not! You don’t have a soul, so it wouldn’t work anyway!”


“Instead of arguing with me you should be apologizing.”


“You owe me an apology, you bastard! You running around, trying to find me was just karma doing what she does best!” I huffed. “I don’t even know why you’re so upset about it. Next time, open the freaking door and maybe you won’t have to spend two hours looking for me!”


Throwing one last glare at Junhong, I began walking towards the door, but as soon as I made it past him, he managed to snatch up my wrist.


“Let me go.” I reprimanded coldly as I tried to twist out of his grip, but to my dismay, he was bit stronger than I thought.


He tightened his hold on my wrist, glaring back at me. “You think you’re just going to say what you have to say and leave just like that?”


“I said let go!” I ignored his comment, struggling to pry his hand off and when he still wouldn’t release me, I grabbed a hold of the hand he had restraining mine, brought it up to my lips, and bit down on it my hardest, earning a loud yell from him as he abruptly let my wrist go, making me fall hard on my .


Junhong practically shook with anger at my action and just when I thought he was going to finally explode, he suddenly exhaled tiredly as he rubbed his temples, muttering something incoherent before he fixated his gaze back on me. “Honestly, Chaerin. The only reason I haven’t laid my hands on you yet is because I don’t feel like getting chewed out by Hyebin later on.”


I snorted mockingly, narrowing my eyes up at him. “I thought you didn’t hit girls.”


“I don’t.” He muttered. “But you are one of those ‘rare’ exceptions.”


“Gee thanks. Now I feel all special inside.” I replied sardonically as I stood up from the floor.


“You should. You’re the only girl I’ve ever wanted to hit so badly.” 


“Funny. Chihoon said the exact same thing to me.”


“Chihoon?” Junhong cocked an eyebrow. “Who the hell is that?”


I turned away, peering at him over my shoulder. “Nobody of your concern.” I replied as I began to leave for the second time, but Junhong grabbed my wrist again and I turned towards him, furrowing my eyebrows. “Do you want to get bitten again?”


“Look, Chaerin.” He paused as if trying to think of what to say next. “I’m mad because I was ing worried, okay? I don’t particularly enjoy feeling that way.” His gaze softened a bit, but the stressed creases on his forehead were still visible.” I thought they took you away, and I panicked.”


Another confused expression came across my face as I turned back around to face him. “…Who are they?”






More silence.


“…I think I’ve prolonged your time limit long enough.” He finally spoke in a muted voice. “Leave.”


“What? No! You haven’t answered my question-“


“I don’t need to. They are nobody of your concern.” He mocked my previous statement.


“Um, yes they are if they could’ve kidnapped me!”


“Well they didn’t, so be grateful and leave.”


“No. Not until you tell me who-“


“Dammit, Chaerin! GET OUT! What part of ‘leave’ don’t you understand?!” He snapped and I stood there, staring at him in disbelief before I scoffed loudly then stormed out of his room.


I don’t get him. He’d be a total one moment, and then he’d be all ‘concerned’, and then back to being an just like that. All these mood swings of his are giving me a headache and the fact that I don’t know what the heck is going on just adds on to it.


A few weeks past since then and Junhong had been ignoring me the entire time. No snide replies to my vexing; no acknowledging my presence with a rude remark when I walk into the same room as him; no nothing. Although he does occasionally bop me on the head, or languidly shove me away when I start my ‘sophomoric’ act which includes my new annoying habit of clinging on to him while stretching out his name in a whiny manner. Even though he doesn’t show it, I know it absolutely disturbs him which is why I do it. Any kind of reaction was better than the boring, lifeless one he showcases now.


Somewhere down the line, the news of Junhong and I being ‘mortal enemies’ soon spread like wildfire across our school and we became known as the school’s ‘comical couple’. Everyone wanted to see what kind of hilarious dispute we’d get into next and it was honestly kind of amusing to be in the center of attention at first, but I soon grew jaded of it and tried to avoid running into Junhong as he was already doing to me. We completely ignored each other. It was as if we were strangers, and my life had actually become a little normal without a certain to wreck it. I even made a new friend,


Alice Yoon.


Pretty girl, half French, senior, kinda weird, and one of the richest people in school. Like seriously I wouldn’t be surprised if she told me that she had a secret money tree in her backyard.













Don’t get me wrong, I’m not her friend because of her money. I could care less about that. She actually wanted to be my friend. Y’know, because I’m pretty freaking awesome and all. Haha, Joking. (Kinda)


This was our first exchange of words:


“Excuse me madame, Hwang Chaerin.”




“I would like to be friends with you. Do you accept my request?”








And it just took off from there. I know. It was heart moving, right? Almost brought a tear to my eye.


Half the time, I don’t even know what she’s saying, but she’s still fun to be around regardless.


Anyway, today the whole junior and senior class was called to the auditorium for a surprise announcement and everyone was excited as to what it was…except me.


“Aren’t you excited, Hwang Chaerin?” Alice questioned happily.




Her face fell. “Eh? Why not?”


“Why should I be? It’s just an announcement.” I shrugged.


 “Oh! Bien sur!” Her eyes lit up. “You haven’t been here that long so you wouldn’t know that every time we are called in for a surprise announcement, we’re either getting a new addition to the school such as maybe a pool or something, or we’re going on a fieldtrip!”


“Well I highly doubt we’re getting anymore additions to this palace-like school, so-“


“KYA~! Hwang Chaerin, look! It’s them~!” Alice suddenly squealed as she pointed towards the auditorium’s entrance doors and as if on cue, many more girly squeals and giggles of joy heard as BAP, or as I like to call them, the ‘ People’, waltzed in ‘fashionably’ late.


The only thing I have with Alice that puts a smudge on her awesomeness is the fact that she’s practically obsessed with BAP. She’s even part of their insanely large fan club that I didn’t know existed in this school until like three days ago. Not to mention that she has like the biggest ultra-mega crush on Daehyun. She won’t stop talking about him. It’s always ‘Jung Daehyun this’ and ‘Jung Daehyun that’.  It drives me crazy. I honestly think that I know more about Daehyun than I do Junhong and I freaking live with the guy.


As they walked in, I couldn’t help but unintentionally meet gazes with Junhong. We stared at each other blankly for a few seconds, and then turned away simultaneously. Yep. We were still ignoring each other, but its fine by me. It’s been agonizingly boring lately, but I can deal. I hate to admit, but I think I’m sorta kinda missing the bickering we did. As annoying as it was, atleast it kept me busy.


“HOLY COLD MOLD ON A SLATE PLATE! It should be illegal to have that much y in a concentrated area! Oh mon dieu! I think I am going to faint~!” Alice swooned, still focused on the ‘ People’, and I rolled my eyes.


“You’re over exaggerating.”


“Only a little bit, and that’s the messed up thing about it!”


You’re messed up.”


“Hwang Chaerin!” Alice gasped dramatically and I rolled my eyes at her once more as I turned my attention towards the man, who I recognized to be Mr. Park, walking up on stage.


“Attention students! Attention!” He voiced through the microphone and the auditorium slowly grew silent. “As you all know, there was a supposed to be a fieldtrip last semester, but because of some ’difficulties’, we weren’t able to go, so this semester all of the junior and senior world history teachers got together and planned the perfect four day-three night, history-themed fieldtrip for you all to make up for last semester!”


A loud excited murmur erupted from the students about the unexpected fieldtrip, but Mr. Park soon silenced them. “Settle down, I have yet to announce who will pair up with whom. Let’s see…” And thus began the extremely long period of name calling. They should have seriously just posted all the pairs up on a wall somewhere for us to see. It would be less time consuming.


I was surprised when I heard some boy-girl pairs being called, but Alice informed me that they don’t really care about mixed gender pairs. You’re getting picked randomly, and if you don’t like your partner, too bad. Of course that statement only made me dread the fact that if I don’t like my partner, there’s no exchanging them for someone else. What if I get paired up with some crazy fangirl?


I mentally shivered at the thought before my eyes landed on BAP. They were loudly cackling with laughter at something as another horrible scenario suddenly clouded my thoughts.


What if I get paired up with one of them? I don’t think I would be able to deal if that happened. Just thinking about it makes me want to rip my hair straight out of my scalp.


“Hwang Chaerin – junior, and…” I heard Mr. Park finally announce my name.


Oh god, here it comes.


“…Choi Misoo – senior.”


Phew! For a second there I thought it would be-


“Oh, my apologies. I’ve made a mistake.” Mr. Park cleared his throat before speaking again. “Hwang Chaerin – junior and Choi Junhong – senior.”




“Aww, the comical couple got paired up together! Must be fate~.” A male student cooed; earning laughter and few kissy faces from the other students, and I mentally face-palmed my self.


Fate my ! This was a set up!


From the distance, I could see Junhong looking exceptionally displeased. All the laughter he was doing before was long gone now as his fellow ‘ People’ members taunted him on his new ‘partner’ which so happened to be me.


Looks like we won’t be able to ignore each other anymore.




Ello there =D













I really love you guys. I finally reached 60+ subbies yayyy~ =3









Can I date you all? Pretty please? D= *Que puppy eyes* 
















That's fine.













As always, welcome new readers =3 COMMENT! D=<

Only like 7 to 10 of you all comment out of 60+ subscribers. I want to know what ALL of your thoughts are. so comment. It's not that hard, I promise. ;)

For those that do comment on the regular,









I shall cherish you forever. *hugs*

See you next update =)







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ReenRieX #1
Chapter 27: Dude... U need to updates soon.. This story line is epicly insane amazinggg!!! Please update soon~ hmm i eonder what happen at chaerin and yoojin~?^^
Kawaiiworld #2
Chapter 27: Please update soon!!!! This is so good!
dizzgzbats #3
Chapter 27: Thornim update soon, kayyy??? Why hyunwoo so stubborn sometimes?! And kikwang............... Ugh he's hotttt
Chapter 27: I'm glad you finally updated TT~TT You don't know how much I missed this story man. Can't wait for the next chapter~!
Lol for some reason, I really like Kikwang's character, and not because he's supposedly 'good' now (I liked him even when he wasn't), but more so because I love how you write him. I love sarcasm and he's filled with it and he's an interesting character.
And LOL YOU DIRTY MINDED BISH XD "I want him to beat it so good it kills me and he gets charged with murder in the second degree."
How do you expect to get in heaven?!?!? Kikwang would not approve smh.
Kira_mato098 #5
Chapter 27: OMG you're back!
Can't wait for what's next
Chapter 27: Just woke up. Just read this. Best morning ever. Yes
YYSdyno #7
Chapter 27: Oml. It's a miracle. You made my morning ♡ my Kikwang feels. Ughhhh. Every word that comes out of his mouth are so amusing to read. I can image the sass & sarcasm in his tone of voice and I love it :)
Chapter 27: Yeah yeah!!!!!!!
New chappie as promised god please don't update like 7 months later lol :)
Loved those gifs, love kikwang heh
Chapter 27: One week then? And with a long chapter? I guess I can survive :D
Chapter 27: BABY YOU'VE COME BACK TO ME! *sehun's angry grandpa voice* SHAWTY IMMA PARTY TO THE SUNDOWN!
Life without you has been hard ;A;
I thought I was going to have to find out where you live and force you to update.