Wake up Kim Heechul!

Wide Awake

Kim Heechul was always tired. He never slept much when he was at home, to many siblings and to many problems. So when he got to school he would always go to the roof of the school to take a nap before class, but it was never enough time, he needed more sleep.

"Heechul! Time to get up class is starting." Leeteuk called to the boy. Heechul opened his eyes to look at his friend. Park Jungsoo, his one friend, who would put up with his constant sleeping and loud mouth. He was also called Leeteuk. Leeteuk was standing over his friend, so that all Heechul had to do was roll his head back to see his face.

"New hair cut?" Heechul asked with a yawn. Leeteuk smiled. Leeteuk was sporting a brave cut, all short all around except for a single really long strand of hair that Heechul assumed was actually an extension. The entire ensemble was dyed a sandy blonde.

"You're awake enough to tell?" Leeteuk questioned, cocking his head to the side. Heechul pulled a face, then held his hand up so Leeteuk could help him to his feet. Being the great friend he was, Leeteuk helped the diva without any complaints. Heechul slung his arm over Leeteuks shoulder as they made their way to the door leading to the stairs.

"I am quite awake, Park Jungsoo." Heechul purred, Jungsoo laughed knowing it probably wasn't true. Proved right, as he usually was, by the fact that by the time the class had made it half way through it's strenuous hour, Heechul was fast asleep, resting his arms on his books and his head on his arms. Leeteuk laughed again quietly and decided not to wake his extremely tired friend.

It didn't take Heechul very long into his nap- where the first five minutes were spent trying to drown out the teacher and his rowdy, annoying, loud, classmates- to decided that he was going to skip the next few lessons and have a nap on the roof.

Heechul was so deep in his sleep by the time class ended that he didn't hear the bell and didn't move a muscle. Leeteuk took to chuckling and poking his sleeping friend. Then a slight push and Heechul had fallen out of his chair with a crash and a curse (or two, or three...well there were a lot of curses) Leeteuk laughed harder at this, while Heechul gave him a withering glare. Wither it did, Leeteuk stopped laughing and shrank back, hiding as best he could behind his books.

"It's not my fault, you can't seem to sit in a chair! Maybe your is getting too round." Leeteuk said, pouting, and putting him in a worse situation then he was already in.

"Are you calling me fat, Park Jungsoo?" So Leeteuk backed away from his now completely pissed diva friend and tried to run out of the now empty classroom. Heechul wasn't having it. He went after the slightly older boy and chased him to their next class, where Heechul stopped.

"I am not going any further Teukie, come get me at lunch, I'll be on the roof, sleeping." Leeteuk pulled a face.

"You should really sleep less. You're sleeping all the time." Heechul gave a mock sigh and shook his head. 

"I thought you understood Teukie-ah." Leeteuk laughed at his friends antics and went on his way, with a yelled 'I'll come get you at lunch'. Heechul chuckled and turned towards the stairs.

He walked the stairs slowly making his way to the roof with a steady pace, and when he arrived  he immediately found a patch of sunlight to stretch out in. His rest didn't last long, a shadow fell over him and he opened one of his eyes in a glare.

"you're in my sun....." Heechul trailed off.

"Hankyung..." Heechul's voice trailed again, sounding unusually dim. He tried to move away but Hankyung continued to move closer.

"Still sleeping all the time Rella? I remember when you never got any sleep because you were too busy with me." Hankyung smirked. Heechul whimpered in protest but fell silent as Hankyung knelt next to him and lifted his chin.

"Come on Rella where's the real you, the you that fought against me. It made it so much more exciting when you fought." Again Heechul whimpered. He buried himself in his sleeve and shrank as far away as possible. Hankyung wasn't having it.

The Chinese man- an ex-boyfriend and ex- of Heechuls- grabbed Heechuls wrist and hauled him up. Heechul tried to pull away but Hankyung was stronger.

Heechul lashed out, his palm hitting Hankyungs cheek and his elbow embedding itself in Hankyungs ribs. Hankyung howled and pulled further away without releasing Heechuls arm from his grasp.

"Enough!" Hankyung growled shoving Heechul back. Heechuls head hit the wall with a sickening crack, Hankyung paused in shock at the sound. Heechuls vision dimmed and slowly his eyes closed, and he lost conscience, flopping back against the brick wall, his body moving as far away from Hankyung even with the given situation.



So here's the first chapter R&R please no silent readers, with your reviews I could probablly make this a good story. As most of you are probablly authors aswell I'm sure you know how helpful reviews are and how inspiring they are, even if it just boosts your ego it still helps.

-loves and kisses Saekree

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Chapter 2: OMG!!!
Chapter 1: Oh no
Chapter 3: it's end already? How fast. But i like it. My teukchul xD
Chapter 3: so happy after read this
Aki_Hikari #5
Chapter 3: I'm so happy that everything end good. Lately I read to much bad-ending stories... TeukChul! <3
Aki_Hikari #6
Chapter 1: I think, that this is good story ;) Han as bad a*s... I'm totally ok with it xD ... Teukie, hurry up! Chullie is in danger!
Chapter 1: it's really good story. I love it! Will it be teukchul/hanchul? I want teukchul honestly lol. Update soon