On Rainy Days


 I wouldnt mind if this happened everytime On Rainy Days
A 3 chapter fanfic! Enjoy ^^




A oneshot of romance between you and B2ST junhyung . Enjoy :)


Kim Hye Ri

-A Cheerfull girl
-Shy around new people
-Good at dancing
-Secretly having a crush on  Yong Junhyung

Yong Jun Hyung

-a charismatic person  .
-doesn’t talk to new people much
-he’s cold on the outside but has a very warm heart .
-has a different was of talking to other people except B2ST
-2nd of the best dancer in B2ST 
-Has fall in love with Kim Hye Ri ever since he met her . but kept it a secret

Side Characters:

-Lee Sung Mi (Your best friend)
-Park Hee Yeon


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Chapter 3: is cute!!!!