Chapter 1

Take Care Of her

“_____-ah, catch this.” Kwangmin said passing the ball to you. You then passed the ball to Youngmin. After a while of playing the ball, you and the twin decided to play hide and seek. You had to be the first one to seek.

“I’ll count to ten. One...two...three...” the Jo twins ran to hide while you were counting. You turned around and started searching for them as you finished.

“Found ya!” you jumped behind the bushes as you found Youngmin back there.

“There you are.” You said as soon as you saw Kwangmin hiding behind the pillar.

“Youngmin~~ Kwangmin~~ it’s time to come in.” Mrs. Park called for the twins.
“_____-ah, you’ll come again tomorrow to play right?” Youngmin asked you. Kwangmin have turned to walk to get his mom.

“Sure. See you tomorrow.” You said before making your way to your house.

“Yah Kwangmin-ah, wait for me!” Youngmin shouted as he ran to get Kwangmin.

You’re a nine years old girl that lived with your grandparents. Your parents died when your house were caught on fire four years ago. Your grandparents had been taking care of you since then. You were friend with the Jo twins and you had no other closed friend than them, except for your pet cat.

“I’m going to play!” you informed your grandmother before running towards the twins’ house the next day.

“O, be careful, don’t get yourself hurt. Arasso?” your grandmother said but you were already disappeared from her sight.

“Oppa, I’m here.” You said soon after you got to their house. Youngmin and Kwangmin were the same age as you but you tend to call them oppa. They were playing in front of their house when you came but they did not seem so happy. Mrs. Park was also outside reading her novel in the park while watching her sons played.

“Oppa, waegeure? Why are you guys seem unhappy?” you asked them in curious.

“We’re moving.” Youngmin simply answered.

“Far away from here.” Kwangmin then continued.

“Where?” you asked.

“Uri eomma said that we’re moving to Canada. Appa gets a job there.” Youngmin explained.

“Can I come with you?” you asked them not knowing how far Canada is.

“I’m afraid we’re not going to see each other again after this.” Kwangmin then said sadly.

“Why?” you asked still not knowing that Canada is far away from your hometown.

“_____ dear, Canada is really far away from Korea. We have to get on a flight to get there.” Mrs. Park who was reading heard her sons’ conversation and suddenly came to explain it to you.

“Oppa are going to leave me alone?” You said half crying that your voice cracked.

“You can always make new friends in school.” Mrs. Park said. She then gave you a hug. You suddenly burst into tears knowing that you were going to lose your best friend. After a while you ran back home.

Your grandmother who was gardening in front of the house saw you running in tears into the house. She then went to get you in the room where you locked yourself.

“_____, why are you crying?”

“Grandma, Youngmin and Kwangmin are leaving. They’re moving to Canada.” You said to your grandmother with tears.

“There, there. You still have a lot of friends in school right?”

“But..but..” you replied sobbing.

“I know you’re very close to the twins but you can’t be like this. They’re moving because their dad gets a job there. They don’t leave because they want to but they have to. You can always make a new friend at school. Okay?” grandmother tried to explain it to you and comforted you.


“I’m going first.” You said to your aunt before making your way to college. You were living with your aunt in Seoul after your grandparents died.

“Be careful.” Your aunt replied.

You took morning bus to the college. The bus was as crowded as always. You got off when you reached college. As you walked in your friends greeted you.

“_____-ah, today we’re going to the cafe after classes. Wanna come?” one of your friend asked.

“I don’t think so. I’m going back home early today.” You replied. You reached your class after a few minutes.

“Class silent!” Mr. Lee said soon after he entered the class. The loud class turned to silent in a second. You who were writing something continued to write without looking at Mr. Lee.

“We’ve got transfer students today who will be learning together in this class.” Mr. Lee informed your class. “You can come in now.” Mr. Lee continued turning to the transfer students.

“They must be twins. They look the same. Aah, why do they have to be so cute?” one of your friend said soon as she laid her eyes on the transfer student.

“Hello, I’m Youngmin.” One of them greeted.

“And I’m Kwangmin.” The other one continued.

As soon as they introduced themselves you looked at them, shocked upon hearing their name.

“You may have a seat. Now, shall we start our class?” Mr. Lee asked the class. You who were still in shocked did not remove your eyes from the two who was walking to their seats.

“Yah, what are you looking at?” your friend asked.

“Ah nothing.” You suddenly realised that you were eyeing the two.

“Let’s go grab some lunch.” Your friend invited. You joined them to the cafe to buy something to eat. Suddenly you saw the transfer students entering the cafe. They sat at the corner with two other guys. Before you knew it, you were in front of them.

“Can I help you?” Youngmin asked you as he saw you standing in front of them.

“O, ah nothing. Sorry for disturbing.” You said as you realised you were in front of them. You turned to walk to your friends when suddenly you stopped and turned back facing the two.

“Are you by any chance Jo Youngmin and Jo Kwangmin?” you asked in curious.

“Ne, how come you know us?” Kwangmin then asked back. You widely smiled right after you heard him.

“I’m _____. Don’t you guys remember me?” you asked excitedly.

“_____-i?” Kwangmin said confused.

“Ah,’re _____, that little girl. Woah, never thought we’ll found you here. I thought you were still living with your grandparents. Did you guys moved?” Youngmin replied remembering you from his childhood memories.

“Ani, my grandparents have died two years ago, old sickness. I’m living with my aunt now.” You replied after taking a seat.

“_____-i?? _____-i!! Now I remember you.” Kwangmin said after he remembered you.

“Aish, you’re so slow.” Youngmin said to him. Kwangmin then smiled while rubbing his neck.

“You’re so beautiful now. I bet you have a boyfriend.” Youngmin said.

“Thanks. I don’t have any boyfriend. I rarely spend time with guys.” You replied.

“You must be waiting for us didn’t you?” Kwangmin asked jokingly. You smiled as you find him to be funny. Then you guys had a talk before going back to the class.

Months passed by, you grew closer to the twins. Before you knew, you had grown a feeling for them. You wished you could possess them both but you cannot. You always thinking that whoever between the two confessed first will be your life partner.

Kwangmin and Youngmin were in their room. Kwangmin suddenly smiled while looking outside the window. He was thinking about you and finally realised that he was in love with you.

“Yah, why are you smiling alone? People will say you’re crazy do you know that?” Youngmin said to his twin. No response from Kwangmin as he did not hear what Youngmin just said.

“Yah, what are you thinking about? Do you hear me?” Youngmin waved his hand right in front of Kwangmin’s face.

“Ah, what is it again?” Kwangmin who suddenly realised from daydreaming asked.

“Woah, you’re really flying away from reality. You didn’t even hear me asking.” Youngmin said. “Here’s your medicine, don’t forget to take it. I’m going downstairs.” He then continued. Kwangmin took his medicine before following Youngmin downstairs.

A week later, you, Kwangmin and Youngmin met at a park on a weekend. You guys decided to go on a picnic.

“Chan!!” you said as you brought out the lunchbox that you prepared earlier for them.

“Woah, dosirak..” Youngmin said as soon as he saw the lunchbox.

“Urm, I made this early in the morning especially for you guys. Here, try this.” You said to the twins.

“Oooh, egg rolls. I love it.” Kwangmin then said.

“Kwangmin-ah, eat it slowly or you’ll get chocked.” Youngmin said to his twin as Kwangmin was eating the egg rolls heartfully. After finishing your meals, you and the twins went for a walk around the park. Youngmin who loved taking pictures took the pictures of almost everything he saw in the park. You and Kwangmin followed him from behind chatting with each others. Sometimes you would laughed to what Kwangmin said when you find it to be funny. Kwangmin was a shy person but he can be hilarious when you got to know him better.

You and Kwangmin took a seat at a bench after tired of walking. Youngmin was still searching for something that he could take a picture of. Youngmin loved arts. He then turned to you and Kwangmin who were sitting on the bench.

“_____-ah, Kwangmin-ah, say cheese...” Youngmin said to you and Kwangmin to take your picture. You and Kwangmin automatically response him with a smile and posed. He then walked around to find more things that could be made into pictures leaving you and Kwangmin alone.

“_____-ah, don’t you feel a bit jealous when your friends have boyfriends but you don’t?” Kwangmin asked silly question.

“Why are you asking that? Me, jealous, no way.” You answered him.

“Not a bit?” Kwangmin shocked.

“Well, as a woman of course I am but maybe I didn’t find my soul mate yet.” You said to Kwangmin.

“What if the person is right here right now? Will you accept him?” Kwangmin began.

“Well, if he is the person for me that why shouldn’t I?” you answered.

“_____-ah,” Kwangmin said grabbing your hand. You were shocked by his action. “Would you be my girlfriend?” Kwangmin continued.

“Kwangmin-ah.” You were dazed by his question. Your hearts flutters as you felt so happy. You end up nodded showing that you agree to accept him in your life.

*Flash* You and Kwangmin were shocked by a sudden flash. You turned your head to face the person who caused the flash. It was Youngmin who took a picture of Kwangmin confessing to you.

“I’ll keep this.” Youngmin said. You and Kwangmin then blushed while Youngmin turned to look away from you.


I was going to confess my feelings to her. Yes, today is a great chance for me. After lunch, we walked around the park. I was holding my digital camera as I took pictures of whatever that looks beautiful. I definitely would take a picture of _____.

Kwangmin and _____ were following behind me. Aish, when is Kwangmin going to get away from her. After a while of walking I saw Kwangmin and _____ take a seat at the bench. I wander for a while taking a look around when suddenly I spotted Kwangmin was holding ____’s hand. I came a little closer to them, good things they don’t realised that I was there. From where I was standing, I could hear Kwangmin was confessing his feelings towards _____.

“Would you be my girlfriend?” I heard Kwangmin said to _____. Then I saw her nodding her head.

‘So Kwangmin has a feeling for her too?’ I thought. ‘And she also has feelings for Kwangmin.’

I was frozen for a while. I was too late. But maybe they’re meant for each other. Thinking about Kwangmin’s condition, I guess I should send her to Kwangmin. Although it was a little bit disappointing for me but I guess this is the way to make Kwangmin happy. He always seen so happy whenever she was around him. I then took a picture of them which made them shocked and smiled when they turned to face me. As I looked at her face, I turned around to hide my feelings. I was hurt, but to know that Kwangmin was happy, I knew that I made a wise decision.


You three then went back to the place where you had your lunchbox earlier. The land was wide enough to play ball. Youngmin then suddenly suggested you to play ball catching.

“Catch this _____-ah.” Youngmin began by throwing the ball towards you. You catch the ball and throwed it to Kwangmin. After Kwangmin catches the ball, he stood still for a while.

“Kwangmin-ah, why aren’t you throwing the ball?” you asked him as you saw he was not throwing the ball in his hand.

“Kwangmin-ah, gwenchana?” Youngmin then asked his twin. Kwangmin looks like he was suffering from dizziness. He then suddenly Kwangmin collapsed onto the ground.

“Kwangmin-ah!!!” You and Youngmin ran towards Kwangmin to check on his condition.

“Kwangmin-ah, wake up!” Youngmin was freaking to death.

“____-ah, help me to get him up. We’ve got to bring him to the hospital fast.” Youngmin asked you to help him.

“Hospitals?” you asked in confused. Youngmin’s expression was like he knew why Kwangmin fainted but he’s not telling you why. You then helped him to get Kwangmin to the car before you guys rushed to the hospitals.

‘Kwangmin-ah, don’t leave me just like that. You have to wake up.’ You thought as you were holding Kwangmin’s head on your lap. You yourself was also worried as something bad might happened to the guy you loved.

“Are his relatives here?” the doctor then came out asking.

“I’m his twin.” Youngmin said.

“Follow me to my room please.” The doctor then asked Youngmin to follow him.

“You stay here.” Youngmin said to you before following the doctor from behind.

“We must proceed with the surgery. Your twin does not have much time left.” The doctor said to Youngmin.

“But doctor, he will refuse it if we ask him to undergo a surgery.” Youngmin said.

“That’s why you have to convince him.” The doctor stressed out his words.

“I’ll give it a try doctor.” Youngmin answered before getting up and walked to get to Kwangmin’s room.

“What’s the doctor said?” you asked as you saw Youngmin entered the room. You were sitting beside Kwangmin’s bed.

“There’s something that Kwangmin never tell people around him about him. But I guess it’s time for you to know. He’s suffering from lung cancer.” Youngmin carefully told you about the sickness that his twin was suffering from.

“Mwo?” you was shocked by the news.

“We moved back to Korea as it is Kwangmin’s wish. He said that he wants to die in his birth country. We have convinced him to undergo a surgery for a lot of times but he will always refuse it each time we asked. Now, the doctor said that he doesn’t have much time left if he didn’t undergo the surgery.” Youngmin explained to you who were suddenly burst into tears from hearing the news. Youngmin then came and hugged you.

Suddenly the doors were opened as you saw Mr. Jo and Mrs. Park entered the room.

“Kwangmin.” Mrs. Park called as soon as he reached the bed.

“What’s the doctor said?” Mr. Jo asked his son Youngmin.

“Doctor said that he doesn’t have much time left if he didn’t undergo the surgery. We have to convince him once more so that he agrees to do the surgery.” Youngmin answered his father.

“O Kwangmin, don’t leave eomma just like that. Kwangmin-ah, wake up.” Mrs. Park said as she struck her son’s hair and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Suddenly Kwangmin’s eyes were opened slowly.

“Kwangmin my son, you’re awake?” Mrs. Park said soon after she saw her son waked up.

“I’ll call the doctor.” Youngmin said.

“You stay here with eomma; appa will go check on the doctor.” Mr. Jo suddenly said and went out to get the doctor.

“Let’s wait outside.” Youngmin came to you and asked you to come with him. You got up and leave the room with Youngmin. Soon after the doctor got into the room, you saw Mrs. Park came out with Mr. Jo.

“Auntie, don’t be sad. Kwangmin oppa wouldn’t want to see you in this state.” You suddenly went to Mrs. Park to calm her down.

“_____-ah, thank you for being by my son’s side when he needs you. To be honest Kwangmin had told me that he had feelings for you but he was always afraid that he couldn’t make you happy. He knew that this thing would happen.” Mrs. Park said to you.

“Kwangmin always shares his feelings with mom although he has me.” Youngmin suddenly said. The doctor then came out from the room.

“Doctor, how was he?” Mr. Jo asked the doctor.

“He’s stable for now, but as I said before, he got to undergo the surgery fast.” The doctor answered and then taped Mr. Jo’s shoulder before making his way.

“Kwangmin.” Mrs. Park said as she entered the room back.

“Eomma.” Kwangmin answered her weakly. He then smiled when he looked at you as you entered the room with Youngmin.

“The doctor said that you need to undergo the surgery fast. You don’t have much time left.” Mrs. Park who sat beside Kwangmin tried to pursue him to agree with the surgery.

“Eomma, we’ve been talking about this for years and you know what I would answer right.” Kwangmin said to his mom.

“I don’t want to risks Youngmin’s life just to save mine.” He continued.

“But...” his mom wanted to say something but was cut by Kwangmin.

“Eomma, I mean it.” Kwangmin said.

“Oppa.” You suddenly came to his side.

“_____-ah, I’m sorry for not telling you the truth.” Kwangmin said when suddenly his eyes were teary.

“It’s okay oppa. I’ll stay by your side no matter what happens.” You said in tears.

“We all will.” Youngmin then said making his father suddenly pulled them together into a big hug.

All of you left the room after Kwangmin fell asleep. Mr. Jo and Mrs. Park excused themselves to go back home and bring Kwangmin’s things that they think he might need when he’s in the hospitals. You and Youngmin waited outside Kwangmin’s room. Youngmin was like thinking something that he could not stand still. You were curious of his action but do not have the guts to ask.

That night, you and Youngmin were on your way to the hospital after you got back home to change. Mrs. Park and Mr. Jo were waiting in Kwangmin’s room. There was a silence situation in a car before Youngmin suddenly speaks.

“____-ah, may I ask you something?” Youngmin began.

“What?” you replied him.

“You love Kwangmin don’t you? Can you bear watching him like that?” Youngmin asked.

“I’ll do anything to save him even if it cost my life. Same goes to you.” You shook your head before answering. Then, there’s a silence again until you reached the hospitals.

Kwangmin smiled soon after he saw you entered the room with Youngmin. You walked towards him and stand by his side.

“O, you’re here.” He said to you and Youngmin.

“Eomma, Appa, may I have a word with Kwangmin?” Youngmin suddenly said in a serious tone.

“Of course, we’ll wait outside. Come _____.” Mr. Jo then said before bringing you and Mrs. Park outside with him.

It had been a while since you waited outside with the twins’ parents when suddenly the room door opened and Youngmin came out from it.

“He agreed. He’ll undergo the surgery.” Youngmin said to his parents.

“He will?” Mrs. Park shocked. Youngmin nodded.

“I’ll get the doctor.” Mr. Jo said before running to get the doctor.

“Are you willing to risks your life?” Mrs. Park asked Youngmin.

“There’s no other donor except me. Don’t worry eomma, I’ll be fine.” Youngmin assured his mom.

Soon after the preparation was ready, the twins were brought to the surgery room. After a while of struggling, the surgery was successfully done. The twins were brought to the ICU for inspections.

The day after, the twins woke up. Kwangmin was looking a little bit healthier then the day before but Youngmin was still very weak. Time passed by and Youngmin’s condition were getting worse as he suffered from inner bleeding as the effect from the surgery.

A week after, Kwangmin were half recovered. The doctor said that he was shocked to see a quick recovery from Kwangmin. But Youngmin’s condition did not get any better.

“I told you I don’t want to do this.” Kwangmin was talking to Youngmin who was lying on the bed beside him.

“It’s for your own good.” Youngmin said.

“If it is going to take your life I swear I’m not going to forgive myself.” Kwangmin then said.

“You once said this to me, now I want you to promise me the same thing. If I'm ever destined to die, take care of her.” Youngmin said weakly to his twin. What Youngmin meant was to have Kwangmin to look after you.

“Don’t say that, you’ll get better soon.” Kwangmin said. Soon after that, you arrived with a bouquet of flowers.

“Hey guys.” you came in and sat in between Kwangmin’s and Youngmin’s bed.

“You’re here.” Kwangmin said.

“Youngmin-ah, you’ve got to be strong. Get well soon. I can’t wait to hang out with you guys again later.” You said to Youngmin giving him strength to recover soon. As you were chatting with the twins, suddenly Youngmin was having breathing difficulties which frighten you out. You ran outside to get the doctor. Soon after the doctor arrived you went outside to give a call to the twins’ parents. The parents came right away after they got the call.

The doctor rushed in and checked Youngmin’s condition. Kwangmin who was in the same room, tried to get off of his bed to go to his twin. He held Youngmin’s hand while Youngmin was trying to say something to him.

“ her...well...” Youngmin muttered in difficulties before letting out a long breath and closed his eyes.

“Youngmin-ah, I will take a good care of her. Wake up!! Wake up!!” Kwangmin said to his twin in tears but it was too late. Youngmin have gone forever.

After a while of waiting outside the room, the doctor came out bringing the bad news to the parents and you.

“He loses a lot of blood due to the inner bleeding and his lungs were weakens because of it. I’m sorry but we can’t save him.” said the doctor.

Mrs. Park cried after hearing the news that the doctor cannot save Youngmin. You also burst into tears after hearing the news.

The day after, you went to Youngmin’s funeral and met Kwangmin.

“I’m definitely not going to forgive myself for doing this to Youngmin. I don’t want this earlier.” Kwangmin said as he saw you.

“Don’t say that. Youngmin wouldn’t want to see you in such state.” You tried to comfort Kwangmin but before you knew your eyes were getting watery.

Days passed, you and Kwangmin were living a normal life as a couple. You and Kwangmin never forget about Youngmin. Everytime you thought about him, Kwangmin would always felt sorry and you would always try to convince him that it was okay. After a year of dating, you and Kwangmin were married and live happily without a single day forgetting about Youngmin’s sacrifices.

“I’ll take care of her...” that was the line that Kwangmin would say every time he remembered about Youngmin.


“Eomma, Appa, may I have a word with Kwangmin?” Youngmin suddenly said in a serious tone.

“Of course, we’ll wait outside. Come _____.” Mr. Jo then said before bringing you and Mrs. Park outside with him. After they all went outside, Youngmin take a seat beside Kwangmin.

“Why are you so serious?” Kwangmin asked.

“Do the surgery.” Youngmin stressed out his words.

“You know I won’t.” Kwangmin was still refusing.

“You’ve got to get better for _____. Don’t you love her anymore?” Youngmin said with serious looks.

“Youngmin-ah, I want you to promise me one thing. If I were destined to die, please take care of her.” Kwangmin suddenly said.

“Stop talking nonsense. If I were you, I’ll undergo the surgery to get healthy and to be with her. Is this the way you treat your loved ones? By leaving her alone? For your information I also love her and if I were you I won’t leave her to someone else. Don’t you wanna be with her? Undergo the surgery or I’ll make you.” Youngmin let out what he’d been keeping inside.

“You what?” Kwangmin was shocked to hear that his twins also had feelings for his loved ones. Some sort of feelings suddenly came inside him after hearing Youngmin.

“Just undergo the surgery. It’s for your own good. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.” Youngmin continued.

“I’ll do it...but only if you promise me that you’ll take care of her if the surgery does not end well.” Kwangmin then said.

“I promise.” Youngmin said before he turned to walk outside to tell his parents that Kwangmin was ready to undergo the surgery.

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asinjud #1
Chapter 1: so nice, been reading and i've found this!